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New pub system (TW-Pub1)

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  • #46
    TK's: take away money from the player after x amount of tk's in a session(5? 3?)

    Though I suppose each ship could be a different amount (Javs probably more than sharks... levi's.. dunno)

    Will it stop the tk's? probably not, but at least they get an immediate penalty (I do not feel like people actually report it as much as they should)

    Though I suppose that may deter players from playing in shark, which is why their penalty shouldn't be too large.
    duel pasta <ER>> i can lick my asshole

    Mattey> put me in corch

    zidane> go kf urself pork


    • #47

      Could this bot feature be tweaked in anyway to make kills more honorable? The way it is now is just fomenting a brainless spawn kill fest which in most occasions puts a strain on the basing action. I'm not saying I dont like the feature, I actually enjoy it. But if the bot is going to reward so many points for this, the least it could do is make sure that the winner of the prize money truly deserves it. Either the prize money should be lower or some type of honorable kill system should be implemented.

      The bot would just have to not count dishonorable kills to the total. The easiest way to do this would be to prize everyone a 2-3 second shield on spawn, although, it might give the spawned player an unfair advantage. If the shield is not an option, just having the bot not count these type of kills would be good as well but it would probably be harder to pull off.

      Does anyone else agree or have any other idea?


      • #48
        Originally posted by Veloce View Post
        javelin duel box yess
        I already created this almost a month ago. I'm just waiting for it to be implemented...slooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww pokes...upload it already?

        Help Promote TrenchWars - -


        • #49
          Alright Arobas+ I just want to say that after you did what we talked about with the thors, I went into base on a private freq with mythril in terr, me in wb, freq 0 and freq 1 fighting in flag room, and bought a thor. Shot it, killed a ton of people, then more of them started comign at me, bought another, killed a ton of people, and again more came at me, so i bought a third thor, shot it again, and almost had the entire flagroom clear before i ran out of money and died. I had like a 20 kill streak or so and want to thank you for the improvement because that was the funnest shit ever. I now have another reaso nto play pub and get money so I can try that again because even at 5am that was amazing. Good job with the upgrades youre doing great
          5:Melanoma> so I kinda cheated on my gf yesterday
          5:Melanoma> but I was drunk so it doesnt count right
          5:Oops> doesnt count if ur sober just so long as u dont get caught
          5:Melanoma> aight cool
          5:Melanoma> + it was with a dude
          5:Oops> what?
          5:Melanoma> ye
          5:Oops> you serious?
          5:Melanoma> innocent kissing
          5:Melanoma> fu
          5:Melanoma> I WAS DRUNK
          5:squallFF8> this is akward


          • #50
            streak now ends when you go in safe, dollar amounts divided by 10, everything regarding money is the same besides the fact 2,000 is now the new 200. if you check !buy you will notice the prices have been lowered. it's the exact same balance as before.

            there is now xradar available in the buy for every ship. thor upped to max 10 every life.
            and another item was added called 'pack'. this is a pack of items, its a pretty good value. i would use it in jav for best results.

            can't think of anything else that changed right now besides alot of the bugs have been fixed, and the big weapons have been disabled temporarily. bombblast, nukebase, and more will be back soon.

            other editions coming: jav box, levi
            Last edited by Diakka; 10-22-2010, 07:42 AM.
            Trench Wars Broadcast Revolution (TWBR) - Visit:


            • #51
              this is still terrible

              i've no idea why so much focus is being put on silly money systems designed for the ppl that like grinding lvling games ... that was never part of tw and if someone can buy 3 thors in a row (on the fly not even having to go to a safe) and blow up base simply cuase they have played longer it's total bs

              at this rate i'll just be retiring after TWL as there is nothing for me to do and i say that as someone who has pubbed all the years i've played, with the demise of TWBD i'd log in and pub base like i've always done but not in some silly money system that rewards the hardcore players and screws over the casual ones, in a map that is too big and clunky for the off peak times which is now the majority of the time.
              In my world,
              I am King



              • #52
                A few things I noticed. Being a terr is not rewarding at all unless you simply like terring and dont care about how much money you get. Theres even a best terr reward at the end of rounds but I terred in a round for 30 minutes, got best terr, and it only gave 50$. So some suggestions for this could be to make bursts cheaper for terrs only, so that they can actually get some kills and make money that way, or have getting kills in a terr reward with more money than it currently does, maybe reward money for random intervals of time that a terr is in the flag room and has not died and make the reward depend on how many people are playing, or lastly make the reward for best terr much more than 50$ after a 30 minute win.
                5:Melanoma> so I kinda cheated on my gf yesterday
                5:Melanoma> but I was drunk so it doesnt count right
                5:Oops> doesnt count if ur sober just so long as u dont get caught
                5:Melanoma> aight cool
                5:Melanoma> + it was with a dude
                5:Oops> what?
                5:Melanoma> ye
                5:Oops> you serious?
                5:Melanoma> innocent kissing
                5:Melanoma> fu
                5:Melanoma> I WAS DRUNK
                5:squallFF8> this is akward


                • #53

                  where mah pub money u fuks
                  1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

                  1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

                  Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

                  Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

                  Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Oops View Post
                    I now have another reaso nto play pub and get money so I can try that again because even at 5am that was amazing.
                    now youre getting it
                    The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

                    SSCJ Distension Owner
                    SSCU Trench Wars Developer

                    Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


                    • #55
                      I'm pretty sure me and my "clique" are the reason you doubled the price of the thors, but if not I'll fill you in on a hole/glitch in the bot.

                      As long as you start with a decent amount of money (20k or so/200k by the old system), you can continuously thor base and actually make a profit as long as you don't die. Yesterday I got a streak of around 80 using nothing but thors from roof until it said that only 10 were allowed per life. I found that an easy away to avoid this is to just switch ships then get back in wb which resets your bounty but also your thor count back to 0. Then if I just kept buying thors my streak continued. By the time I died I had a streak of 232 and 188k (Over $1 million by the old system) more than what I started with, even though I bought like 278368173 thors. So I made 100k in 10 minutes, but it took me 2 weeks to get the 70k I already had. I don't think you should eliminate the bonus money from streaks, but perhaps set a cap (like 100) where you are maxed out on how much cash you get per kill. Near the end of my streak, each individual kill gave me enough cash to buy 2 more thors, and I was killing 5-15 people per shot. My chat is going to kill me for revealing this, but what I discovered is a modern day LT, with bombs that go through walls, and the majority already hate LTs, so I propose that we fix this.


                      • #56
                        hah, that's fantastic

                        kudos for coming forward 'cause if i were you i would've sat on that bit of info a little longer while i raked in the cash. ;]
                        jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                        • #57
                          okay real talk for a sec

                          can 1 of 2 things happen:

                          1.) make boki the default tileset


                          2.) make it so that the tileset you set with the bot is persistent

                          i'm getting really tired of having to !settile boki every time i enter pub, and i can't stand that bluetech garbage
                          jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                          • #58
                            new map

                            yes i also dont like the new tileset or the new map, revert it to the one leonardo made imo
                            TWDT Power Squadron Triple Crown Win 2018 Season. Base, Javelin and Warbird Medals.
                            TWDTB Season 15 Trench Wars Draft Basing: TWDTB Champion & Medal
                            TSLB All-Star Season 2: Medal 1 Win-Baser in 2 or 4 to 10 Zones('Grab the Flag')&Paladen Best Old Squad 50 Members-former whiterabbits squad, fan and member: Invincible
                            ~Babylon 5 spider insider.sigpic former No Surrender and No Surrender II,loyal to Anti-Scrub~ Kongregate Champion!


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Soldier13 View Post
                              yes i also dont like the new tileset or the new map, revert it to the one leonardo made imo
                              if you didn't know yet, you have the option to change your tileset, you can choose either boki or monolith tileset. just type
                              :TW-Pub1:!settile monolith
                              :TW-Pub1:!settile boki
                              Gun remembers.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Jason View Post
                                okay real talk for a sec

                                2.) make it so that the tileset you set with the bot is persistent

                                i'm getting really tired of having to !settile boki every time i enter pub, and i can't stand that bluetech garbage

                                I think this is working already, try it out.

