You can always wait and see for a few weeks how this develops, TWL is still some time away so enough time to adjust these new TWD roster limits if needed. You can also start investigating other extra options, like a 35 people roster cap, with an additional 5 extra spots for inactive/veteran players, or a pool of somekind, where you have 5 players on a shortlist, who will be added when someone on the main 35 people roster leaves the squad. Instead of recruiting a new player the squad will be forced to add someone from the shortlist to the 35 people roster. Anyway, there are multiple ideas on how to make this easier or more interesting for squads. Creating a training squad is also a very good option and should encourage new players to start playing TWD; they can play vs. their 'mothersquad', set up training matches and learn from twding vs their mothersquad and other squads. Training squads could start playing eachother more and adapt to the TWD playing style more easily. Also, this will be a good test for captains out there to handle this situation; do they have what it takes or not to be a successful captain and succesfully manage their squad ánd roster? We will find out soon enough...