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My Official Appeal

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    Originally posted by Mythril
    I didn't see myself as a real captain of Grapevine
    Actually, you stated on Pallies chat, and I quote, that you "do all the work" and were "more of the captain than Rand[edl] was."

    Weaver is more of a captain than you? Give me a break. When quals started he was joined to Spastic.
    Originally posted by Ward
    OK.. ur retarded case closed


    • Well I was terring against myth the match he got banned in, and he was still easy as hell, so I really don't care
      6:megaman89> im 3 league veteran back off

      Originally posted by Dreamwin
      3 league vet


      • who is Miku ?


        • phR3n1715
          megaman89> tsunami taught me that 1 shouldnt have used it
          L K> taught u what?
          megaman89> how to suck

          9:WiL> im gonna with my league \o/
          9:Graner <ZH>> you mean win?
          9:WiL> being on plade i forgot how to spell it


          • See if you've played this game long enough, you'd already of known that Mythril/Mega Newbie/Metalkid, all cheat. I find it funny that I've played vs them for years now, and they've all had this similar jump to them in wb, this kinda quick lag SNAP thing (yet to actually ban them for cheating, you cant use common sense.. no you've got to wait till he uses 10 ports and 15 bursts in a bd). You people think these guys are good? There are few good wbs left that dont cheat. If you think they dont cheat, I really think you should watch them wb, and you'll notice how well their "lag" seems to compliment their playing perfectly.. and anyone who has real lag knows that lag doesnt work that well in your favour. Start banning some more people, this is the tip of the iceberg here.
            7:Knockers> how'd you do it Paul?
            7:Knockers> sex? money? power?
            7:PaulOakenfold> *puts on sunglasses* *flies away*

            1:vys> I EVEN TOLD MY MUM I WON A PIZZA

            7:Knockers> the suns not yellow, its chicken
            7:Salu> that's drug addict talk if i ever saw it

            1:chuckle> im tired of seeing people get killed and other people just watching simply saying "MURDER. RACISM. BAD"
            1:chuckle> ive watched the video twice now


            • Originally posted by Zerzera
              But do we want to play versus cheaters?
              shut up zz, it was one cheater who was banned and got his squad fucked up. its not a squad full of cheaters.
              go post in mystic kingdom's forums now seeing as ur banned here in tw.

              lets get this straight. mega newbie is from brazil. brazilians have the worst connection possible. u think hes cheating, if he is then u might as well ban the other brazilians because they are just the same. thats right epic im calling you out ho!
              All good things must come to an end.


              • Originally posted by Capital Knockers
                See if you've played this game long enough, you'd already of known that Mythril/Mega Newbie/Metalkid, all cheat. I find it funny that I've played vs them for years now, and they've all had this similar jump to them in wb, this kinda quick lag SNAP thing (yet to actually ban them for cheating, you cant use common sense.. no you've got to wait till he uses 10 ports and 15 bursts in a bd). You people think these guys are good? There are few good wbs left that dont cheat. If you think they dont cheat, I really think you should watch them wb, and you'll notice how well their "lag" seems to compliment their playing perfectly.. and anyone who has real lag knows that lag doesnt work that well in your favour. Start banning some more people, this is the tip of the iceberg here.
                metalkid surely does not cheat because he cries about cheaters 24/7
                4:DEEZ NUTS> geio hopefully u smoke ur last cig right now
                4:Geio> yo wont ever happen again
                4:Geio> DEEZ?
                4:Geio> LOLOL
                4:DEEZ NUTS> LOL
                4:scoop> cant tell if deez was trying to be a good influence or telling him to die LOL
                4:spirit> LOL
                4:Geio> LOLOL THINK HE TOLD ME TO DIE
                4:Geio> FUCKING DICKHEAD


                • You idiots who are crying bc GV being removed from LB bc of the "competition" are fukin stupid. U are talkin like GV had a real shot at the LB title, in my mind they werent even playoff material. They arent good in LB nor is shinobi, but i'd rather have a non-cheating squad to play vs them someone who had a cheating squadcaptain to get into the leagues.

                  You guys should be happy like epi said that ur still in LJ/LD. Sure mythril mite of only played a few BD games which mite not of affected the outcome of u making TWLB or not, but how many games did he cheat in TWDD? I am sure if he cheated in BD to help his squad then he for sure cheated in TWDD when ur squad went to round 3 vs a good opponent.

                  INstead of bitching u should be happy and thaking P_L for not removing u from the actual league ur good at.


                  • Originally posted by Efhat
                    Grapevine I have no offense or any beef towards you guys.
                    But, every damn time I would see you guys playing a match, Mythril would be terring, either by his previous post of him lieing or telling the truth, he probably cheated in TERRIER to get his squad up their, I seriously do not know when I first saw him back, how good he was in terrier, but I'm pretty damn sure more then 75% of your Base Matches MYTHRIL was in terr which meant he carried your team by prizing himself whatever the flying fuck he wanted to, so yes, you guys should be disqualified cause if you didn't have him as terr, who would you have? Mythril wouldn't survive against Spastic the way he did a couple of days ago before TWL picks were made, if he didn't have those cheats, Grapevine wouldnt be where they were now (5th place) I'm sorry Randedl, but, he terred more then half of your basing matches, and I'm concluding the fact that he cheated in either all those basing matches, or more then half of them, so, think of it, if you didn't have him as terr, who would you have as terr? You yourself Randedl would be Spiding, so who? and you wouldnt survive 5 spiders shooting at you, you ramming mines, you porting into mines and surviving, and miraculously having a portal when your about to die so yes, I'm sorry Randedl, you should be disqualified for TWLB, if Mythril didn't play more then half of your basing matches in TERR, I would agree with you, but like I said and everyone else said, and what Awesome said a few posts before, your lucky they didn't disqualify you from TWLD and TWLJ position.
                    So if he had cheated in just, say, oh, 3 games, we should still be allowed to play? How about 4 games, how about 5? If you think that Mythril doing whatever he did is the reason we got into TWLB. . .

                    P.S: You guys are having such a contraversy about the squad replacement that they have which is Shinobi, last season Teks didnt have much potential did they? They were learners and Shinobi can have the compassion teks did, Teks didnt do well in TWLB season last season did they? Let Shinobi have the chance in contributing in this TWLB season,who knows, they can improve afterwards, so yes, Shinobi, go for it.And I doubt Shinobi will drop out as the previous squaddie said, if you have a problem with your replacement, well, sorry deal with it, if you're gonna cheat, you're gonna face the consequences, based on the facts. Shinobi will learn like Teks did last season. So TWL staff has given them the oppurtunity, now DEAL WITH IT
                    Shinobi hadn't played a twbd game in 2 weeks or something stupid like that. They weren't even on the TWBD ladder last I checked.

                    P.S. (2) Mythril you said if they made a decision to keep it? Sorry bud, but if you cheated more then half of your games I would change that decision that they made too, you did something you knew you and your squad would suffer for it. Staff trusted Grapevine and let them into the TWLB season, but when they found out you were cheating? Their is absolutely no damn excuse for you to do it, I would take back the decision considering the fact you TERRED for them like every damn basing match. Deal with it, staff made the right decision if your going to cheat, your going to face consequences, Grapevine should stop complaining about this because it isn't going to be changed.
                    We earned our spot in TWLB, staff didn't "trust us and let us in". Without complaining, changes never happen. Nazi.

                    Oh, and to Cig Smoke. You have never been the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree. Come to think of it; I don't think I've ever read anything you've written where I haven't thought you were a complete moron. I am not surprised we differ in opinion here.
                    Philos> I both hate you and like you more than anyone in this game randedl
                    Philos> there is something about you
                    Philos> You're like the wife i'd love to fuck, but beat every night after work

                    PhaTz> we should all wear t-shirts that says "I WAS THERE WHEN RANDEDL LOST TWLD" and on the back, "TWICE"


                    • Originally posted by Capital Knockers
                      See if you've played this game long enough, you'd already of known that Mythril/Mega Newbie/Metalkid, all cheat. I find it funny that I've played vs them for years now, and they've all had this similar jump to them in wb, this kinda quick lag SNAP thing (yet to actually ban them for cheating, you cant use common sense.. no you've got to wait till he uses 10 ports and 15 bursts in a bd). You people think these guys are good? There are few good wbs left that dont cheat. If you think they dont cheat, I really think you should watch them wb, and you'll notice how well their "lag" seems to compliment their playing perfectly.. and anyone who has real lag knows that lag doesnt work that well in your favour. Start banning some more people, this is the tip of the iceberg here.
                      Sounds to me like your just jealous of people who are better than you in a warbird. And thats like, most of the rest of the entire elimination arena population. So it makes sense you would call us all cheaters. Just shut the fuck up and go home little boys.
                      2 time TWLD runner up.

                      If not a medal, cant I get a Ribbon??


                      • Originally posted by gran guerrero
                        shut up zz, it was one cheater who was banned and got his squad fucked up. its not a squad full of cheaters.
                        go post in mystic kingdom's forums now seeing as ur banned here in tw.
                        I don't think your squad would've been any good in TWLB if you don't even recognize their own terrier as the blatent cheater he is. Took me only 5 minutes to see that.
                        You ate some priest porridge


                        • Let them back in, he was only going to be banned from TW at the beggining. An entire squad in most cases, are unaware, and shouldnt be held accountable for one players screw up, especially with TWL (the only real thing that matters in TW). Its obvious Randedl (Captain) was unaware of this cheating, and its not like the whole squad was cheating or looking to gain an advantage from it. So its just the 1 bad apple, who was dealt with already, let these pesky Grapefruits back into TWLB.


                          • Rand ur only sayin that because im not agreeing with you. The guy cheated and admited it, he was caught and he was ur co-captain. I was on a squad b4 that wa spunnished bc a guy did his own thing and got shriek banned. Sure that was DURING TWL and it was a different case, but the fact remains YOU made him (C) and he failed you and ur/his squad. No one's fault but ur own.

                            You cant tell how many games he cheated in, nor can i, nor can staff, only one who knows is mythril. The problem we have is how many games did he cheat in to help u guys win points which then leads to TWL? DId he cheat in every single game? Did he only cheat when the game got close, did he only cheat when it went to round 3 of a DD? I Dont know, but the fact is he admited to cheating once, which means he could of unadmittingly cheated every other game as well. In my mind ur lucky to be in any league.


                            • In my mind I'm lucky that I understood half of what you just said.

                              Not getting sucked in though.

                              I've said what I have to say, if you want my opinion or response to anything anybody might have to say, I'm sure I've already posted it.
                              Philos> I both hate you and like you more than anyone in this game randedl
                              Philos> there is something about you
                              Philos> You're like the wife i'd love to fuck, but beat every night after work

                              PhaTz> we should all wear t-shirts that says "I WAS THERE WHEN RANDEDL LOST TWLD" and on the back, "TWICE"


                              • Originally posted by Randedl

                                08-01-2003, 03:03 AM #7

                                sirius, that would all make sense if the rules were not completely black and white, did he or did he not double squad (being on more than one twl and/or twd squad at the same time).

                                seems like a strong yes to me.

                                and if he was the last choice to put in, you woulda been down 4vs5, and that is a huge difference, so don't say he did nothing in your defence (which isn't even a defence).

                                big words and circular arguments don't make you right. rules against double squading don't exist for the reason you said they does, it exists because double squading is illegal in trench wars.

                                personally i screen all my recruits before they enter melee, and i hope they are being honest, but then again, i know the people i recruit pretty well. . . maybe you should rethink your recruitment methods.
                                Trench Wars' # 1 Solo WB

                                TWEL WB Season 1 '03 Champ
                                1st Annual WB Tournament '04 Champ
                                2nd Annual WB Tournament '05 Champ
                                Elim King '03-'11

                                Sirius> Raspi I want to explore this fetish of yours
                                Raspi> AAAHHH THE ZOMBIES ARE COMING!!!! sirius> finally... raspi> unhhhhhunhunh

