Originally posted by Kolar
You fucking newbie moron. You are the reaosn tw is run terribly. Because people like you, run the staff and zone. Morons. Now read what I have to say and if you respond with a similar comment like mine, you need to OPEN YOUR MIND TO THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX.
You tell me right now, Kolar or anyone for that matter (sorry for picking on you Kolar)....why the following couldn't happen:
-f- schedules a match to play......Thursday Night instead of Sunday afternoon......or Tuesday night.
Not tryin to come down hard on you, but the rules are way too strict. Listen to what disq is saying. I wouldn't mind watching a few twl games DURING THE WEEK. Just like in hz, Both teams agree to the best time to play each match, Monday, Sunday, whenever.
The only problem I see with this is that TWLM will be ruined. BUT OH WAIT. GENES LIGHT BULB GOES OFF! - We (twl and its players) set up a boundry condition to when you can play your league match.....say from Thursday Noon (est time) to Monday 10 PM (est.). You don't need 6 days to pick a whole new team, 3 or 4 days tops if you really want analyse things, which in my opinion is stupid, get good in the game first.
Problem solved. genes is the hero.
But oh wait
(p.s.) Don't know where to put this, but this idea just got better. Now, more players will be watched performing in twl. On a given twl sunday, there are like 5 matches going on at once with 30 spectators in each. MY IDEA will allow for 80+ people to watch games like HEAVY vs Passion, and get their players more recognized as opposed to 5 people speccing on sunday when SYNDICATE vs DICE is playing and they are the only match that has more then 20 people speccing it.