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TW Mafia 2020: TIGER KING - Murder, Mayhem, Madness

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  • Originally posted by WillBy View Post
    My only gripe about vehicles lynch is that he has been lynched as town investigative role like 2 games in a row. He defaults scumread. But by all means, let's force a role claim. Kthx seems willing to die on his sword. What about veh?
    Sure, I can buy a cop!Vehicle - on page 13. He wanted to delay to get results to aim the dayvig. Except he doubles down on the position, on page 20 (his last post until just now). He just missed his chance to claim doctor without prompting so I'm not really inclined to buy that either. He's not a town PR, so he's scum.
    Originally posted by Vehicle View Post
    He said he did an investigation and it came up guilty. I voted the guilty person. To me, that was a better way to verify because we'd still have to lynch someone with little to go on.
    Originally posted by Vehicle View Post
    You can paint me out to be the one advocating the bad play, but I was more concerned with missing twice than rushing through a kill that was far from certain.
    Nevermind, I can't even buy page 13 cop!Vehicle
    WillBy Why aren't you voting Vehicle if it's your intention to pressure him anyway?
    Originally posted by Vehicle View Post
    Every dead townie is a win for the mafia, and the fact that scarlet fails to see that speaks volumes to me.
    Originally posted by Vehicle View Post
    He said he did an investigation and it came up guilty. I voted the guilty person. To me, that was a better way to verify because we'd still have to lynch someone with little to go on.
    You know what's a win for the town? A dead scum. You had a dayvig and a guilty result. A lynch on a guilty result doesn't really tell us anything about the people voting for it except that they thought it was a guilty result. Spending the kill on that is definitely the play if you're concerned about getting information from the lynch based on how someone flips.
    You've claimed that you bought the claim, so you don't get to um and ah about this shit. Did you also think that jessup was unblockable, that scum wouldn't have a thousand powers in a setup with a fucking double daycop+dayvig, that this claim was even slightly believable from a player you didn't already know was town (because you're scum)?


    • Bro his first post in the thread was a reference to a music video Joe Exotic filmed that's in the documentary. Like anyone who has seen the show saw that claim a mile away. Sorry you haven't watched it.

      ​​​​​​For a guy so determined to make logical decisions you're making this one based on a lot of leaps.

      Maybe youre pushing this strongman line so hard because you're scum and you know there's a strongman. See, I can do it too.

      I believed him claim, I believed in a doctor because there's always a doctor. We had his guilty result to go on, so I voted that way to verify Jessup.

      It makes no sense to shoot a random person on day one, statistically you're more likely to hit town. It also made no sense to shoot kthx because we had nothing to go on once he was shot.

      It would make sense for scum to try to get him to waste all of his abilities asap, which is what you and exalt were advocating.

      The more you come at me with this bullshit line, the more I'm convinced you're scum.
      Vehicle> ?help Will the division's be decided as well today?
      Message has been sent to online moderators
      2:BLeeN> veh yes
      2:Vehicle> (Overstrand)>no
      2:BLeeN> ok then no
      :Overstrand:2:Bleen> veh yes
      (Overstrand)>oh...then yes


      • Originally posted by Vehicle View Post
        Bro his first post in the thread was a reference to a music video Joe Exotic filmed that's in the documentary. Like anyone who has seen the show saw that claim a mile away.
        Originally posted by Jessup View Post
        I'm a 2 shot day cop/1 shot day vigilante.
        I get a one time multitask usage if I so choose where I can use both my investigation and kill ability.
        Hey man, any particular stocks going to go up 1000% or more tomorrow?

        Originally posted by Vehicle View Post
        Maybe youre pushing this strongman line so hard because you're scum and you know there's a strongman. See, I can do it too.
        I believed him claim, I believed in a doctor because there's always a doctor. We had his guilty result to go on, so I voted that way to verify Jessup.
        What percentage of setups include a town doctor, cop, and vig and don't include ANY kind of mafia roleblocker, strongman, etc?
        What percentage of setups include crazy dayvig+daycops, town doctors, and no mafia powerroles?

        Originally posted by Vehicle View Post
        We had his guilty result to go on, so I voted that way to verify Jessup.
        Originally posted by Vehicle View Post
        It also made no sense to shoot kthx because we had nothing to go on once he was shot.
        You had the rest of the day, also all interactions up to that point, including with the now-flipping kthx and jessup. We've found two scum already without any inspection or having shot anyone. Why would you bet a town-daykill (effectively an entire lynch) on the idea that the setup had way insanely powerful custom townroles and zero scum PRs? Nobody would, you're just scum.

        Originally posted by Vehicle View Post
        It would make sense for scum to try to get him to waste all of his abilities asap, which is what you and exalt were advocating.
        It would make sense for scum to try to get him to waste all of his abilities asap, by not using them and dying with them unused, which is what you and Voth were advocating.


        • Insane that the most active day 1 in forever is on a holiday weekend where it's impossible for me to keep up. I don't understand why people are voting on Vehicle, but I'm sure I missed something. Kthx seems to be getting votes just because of the words he uses. I don't agree, but that's par for the course for a day 1 lynch, so I don't know how beneficial it'll be to read too much into that. The Kthx train feels like a convenient one for scum to hide on though.
          JAMAL> didn't think there was a worse shark than midoent but the_paul takes it

          turban> claus is the type of person that would eat shit just so you would have to smell his breath

          Originally posted by Ilya;n1135707
          the_paul: the worst guy, needs to go back to school, bad at his job, guido


          • Insane that the most active day 1 in forever is on a holiday weekend where it's impossible for me to keep up. I don't understand why people are voting on Vehicle, but I'm sure I missed something. Kthx seems to be getting votes just because of the words he uses. I don't agree, but that's par for the course for a day 1 lynch, so I don't know how beneficial it'll be to read too much into that. The Kthx train feels like a convenient one for scum to hide on though.
            JAMAL> didn't think there was a worse shark than midoent but the_paul takes it

            turban> claus is the type of person that would eat shit just so you would have to smell his breath

            Originally posted by Ilya;n1135707
            the_paul: the worst guy, needs to go back to school, bad at his job, guido


            • Originally posted by Vehicle View Post
              which is what you and exalt were advocating.
              I was unconscious for all of this until after the Innocent Child reveal.
              Also, all this was before Exalt's and your posts:
              Originally posted by WillBy View Post
              What is this game lol. Day cop + day vig? Jessup were that true, why wouldnt you shoot kthx right here right now? Do you not trust the results?
              Originally posted by WillBy View Post
              Either way, shooting kthx here can confirm jessup as townie for me. But shes only got 1 day investigation left, so I don't see why you wouldn't use it. It would take one scum influencing votes away, strengthening town.
              Originally posted by WillBy View Post
              What if Jessup were to shoot someone else?
              That would confirm him and damn kthx. Unless you advocating for him to save his shot, which may be the wise thing to do. But I was under the impression he had to shoot after investigating.
              How come it's okay for WillBy to post all that but not okay for Exalt to say:
              Originally posted by Exalt View Post
              Why are you freaking out lol. Just shoot Kthx if you're a dayvig or whatever your weird made up role is. I wont believe it otherwise.
              Originally posted by Exalt View Post
              You literally said you would use it today, so... use it today. You already claimed. You're dead tonight for certain if you're telling the truth, so you dont have a choice anyway. Shoot someone like you said you would.
              It's because what you're pushing has no connection to anything that's ever actually happened, because your case has no actual basis to it. It's because you're scum.
              I guess I misread Voth's posts earlier (from the same time period i.e. during the fakeclaim) because he's way scummier than I thought.
              Originally posted by Voth View Post
              What does make me curious is those of you (including Kthx himself) who are suggesting he should just shoot Kthx now. Well, that means he uses his kill shot too, when we could just lynch Kthx right now to confirm Jessup and if he's confirmed, he still has his kill shot to use.

              This is pretty basic stuff fellas, and any seasoned player (looking at you Willby) who suggests that Jessup use his shot instead of lynching Kthx to confirm Jessup as town or scum is probably on Kthx's scum team if he flips scum.

              It doesn't get any fucking easier than this on Day 1, morons:

              1. Lynch Kthx
              2. If he flips scum, Jessup 99% confirmed.
              3. If he flips town, Jessup is scum and lynched tomorrow.
              This is such weak, bullshit overreach, what the fuck. Not only is he hardlining the same position as Vehicle was, he's claiming that paranoiddaycop!jessup is impossible AND scum!kthx + scum!jessup is 99% impossible, and also claiming that anyone who asks that jessup shoot kthx (who he's trying to lynch) is scum.
              I still prefer the Vehicle lynch just because it seems to bother Voth a lot so maybe Vehicle has a oneshot power or something that he doesn't want to lynch. Whatever. It'd take an act of god to get me to lynch outside of Vothicle until they're both dead at this point.


              • It is convenient. A fake cop creates a fake guilty verdict on me but still thinks I'm guilty for no reason but wants me to roleclaim day one. The PC police are voting me because I'm using naughty language and perpetual mafia backwards is voting on me to because his wife apparently talks about me saying faggot on the forums in real life 24/7. All great reasons and definitely not an easy scum train hiding behind ridiculous college campus level retardation.
                Rabble Rabble Rabble


                • Originally posted by Halp View Post
                  "Enough is enough!" he said, as he approached the throne. "It's time to show them all who Joe Exotic REALLY is. I AM THE TIGER KING"

                  Jessup aka Joe Exotic is confirmed as the Town Innocent Child

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	Joe.jpg
Views:	276
Size:	125.1 KB
ID:	1339814
                  I log off for one afternoon...

                  The fuck is this shit?! Did Jessup just have us waste our entire day bickering over this crap?


                  • scarlet why do you feel the need to bring up the same arguments over and over despite the fact that I've given you my counter argument?

                    I did not think Jessup was going to die N1 for so many reasons:
                    1) doctor
                    2) watcher
                    3) its Jessup (I know you're knew around here but this is a valid No. 3, Jess has a tendency to sow a lot of confusion so leaving him alive isn't a net loss.)
                    4) there are plenty of games that have a doctor but no strongman.

                    Like to have a train on me because I didn't want to shoot someone on D1 is one of the most ludacrious arguments I've ever heard.

                    And you can keep using quote blocks to act like you're making a different argument but your same strawman is blowing in the wind with every post you make.
                    Vehicle> ?help Will the division's be decided as well today?
                    Message has been sent to online moderators
                    2:BLeeN> veh yes
                    2:Vehicle> (Overstrand)>no
                    2:BLeeN> ok then no
                    :Overstrand:2:Bleen> veh yes
                    (Overstrand)>oh...then yes


                    • Originally posted by OverthinkingIt View Post
                      Sorry I'm not posting a ton. I feel like I should read everything before posting, but I am overwhelmed by the amount of shit posted already and the layers of meta that are already happening. I am tempted to vote scarlet already because I don't like how you are playing. I tend to think townies should not intentionally be deceptive, but I also see what others are saying about how you are likely town that just plays too many layers deep.

                      I think most of you play together often enough that you know one another's playing styles. So if you wanna tell me why exalt is acting suspicious I'm down to vote for them.
                      Yeah, as another first timer in this particular group, I agree there's definitely some meta gaming going on.

                      I'm in the camp though that townies shouldn't be intentionally deceptive: doing so just leads to fear. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to scum victories.

                      Vote Scarlet


                      • Originally posted by m_leonhard View Post
                        The fuck is this shit?! Did Jessup just have us waste our entire day bickering over this crap?
                        Nah, I think it's been a very productive Day 1.
                        Thoughts on the Vehicle lynch? Thoughts on Voth? You planning on voting sometime between now and the end of the day?
                        Originally posted by Vehicle View Post
                        scarlet why do you feel the need to bring up the same arguments over and over despite the fact that I've given you my counter argument?
                        I've also brought up new arguments, which you've continued to not address, mostly in response to you changing your story every fucking post. You'll notice that I'm quoting different posts of yours because you've continued to act like scum across multiple posts, consistently, almost like you're scum. It's true that I've repeated sections on request when people came in from the cold, but that doesn't need any more reply than the original arguments.
                        Originally posted by Vehicle View Post
                        you can keep using quote blocks to act like you're making a different argument
                        So why isn't WillBy scummy for saying the same things you're accusing Exalt of saying before Exalt ever said them? When did I go back in time to post during the fakeclaim?

                        Every time someone posts in the thread that isn't voting for you (Vehicle) or Voth, I'm going to ask them why, until such a time as I'm convinced that Vehicle/Voth aren't scum (very unlikely). My intention is to have those players resolve this situation by voting for you or Voth.
                        Originally posted by m_leonhard View Post
                        Vote Scarlet
                        You planning on catching up with the rest of the thread and updating your vote, or you just gonna sit on this shit without reading the basis for any of the wagons in play?


                        • Originally posted by m_leonhard View Post

                          Yeah, as another first timer in this particular group, I agree there's definitely some meta gaming going on.

                          Vote Scarlet
                          Yeah I couldn't imagine jumping in one of these games, it's weird thinking about it but some of us have known each other from the game for close to twenty years on the higher end of things. It's hard to not to get unintentionally meta sometimes with that much history.

                          Rabble Rabble Rabble


                          • Also

                            Vote: vehicle

                            Forgot to bold the last time, mb.
                            Rabble Rabble Rabble


                            • Willby is scummy for proposing to shoot a random person too. Exalt just pushed the line harder. My vote also isn't even on him so I don't see how it has any bearing on the conversation.

                              When has my reasoning changed? Not once.

                              You're entire reason for voting me is predicated on the argument that "if Jessups role were true there would have to be a strongman and the mafia would undoubtedly use their strongman on N1 to kill Jessup." I disagree. I've enumerated the reasons why I disagree. I'm not going to keep having the same argument with you.

                              The vote train on me makes literally zero sense, so it'll at least give us something to go on tomorrow.
                              Vehicle> ?help Will the division's be decided as well today?
                              Message has been sent to online moderators
                              2:BLeeN> veh yes
                              2:Vehicle> (Overstrand)>no
                              2:BLeeN> ok then no
                              :Overstrand:2:Bleen> veh yes
                              (Overstrand)>oh...then yes


                              • I do not personally feel threatened by vehicle or voth atm. They played town the way he shud have during my fake claim. If kthx flips town I may start to question them some. The overinflated arguing tho between scarlet, voth and vehicle is concerning.. also this train on vehicle is a concern too.. I don't really get it personally. I'm trying to but I dunno. Open to be convinced but what I read in scarlets arguements so far don't sway me. willby and exalt said same stuff but aren't being focused on so I'm confused. Willby much more a concern to me atm honestly. for me its willby or kthx or backwards right now
                                TWDT-J CHAMPION POWER 2018
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