Originally posted by pv=nrt
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Why I am voting for bush
pv=nrt, I'm with you.
I too will vote Bush in the upcoming election.
Why? Because I take values strongly, and I believe that Bush would be the better man to push these values. He's the only president in years to have actually tried protecting marriage and the innocent unborn. People say abortion should be choice. I believe that abortion is as wrong as killing one of our brothers, as there is a legitimate living being within.
IN THE END, it is the family values that matter. It is the legitimate struggle to strengthen and protect these values that matters most. Whether it be destroying governments that destroy their own people (Saddam Heussein) or fighting to uphold marriage.
Bush is the only candidate that the heroes and forefathers of America would support, so I proudly will flip the switch and vote Bush.
I am not a sold out, Michael Moore blinded liberal, and never will be.
Originally posted by pv=nrtOh my dear conc, how many times have we danced this number?
The point of what i was saying was why do people need to get a degree that they will not be using at all? THere should be a general degree that says you took college classes and passed. If you aren't gonna use it why waste the time taking it?
There's a little thing called education my dear pv. Not everything you learn has to do directly with getting a job. It's nice if what you're interested in learning about applies directly to a job and this can even be useful, but education is about learning about things, and learning about yourself. You can get most jobs with any sort of degree. Sure you might never use that history degree or that philosophy degree for anything related to employment, but it doesn't mean it isn't important to know these things, and have this knowledge continue in our society.
Perhaps you support the Republican (hell North American cause they're doing it here too) ideals that education should only be about getting a job. Math and science are more important than Shakespere, philosophy and music. Hell supplying the football team with copious amounts of money is more important that having a music program right? This view is so amazingly flawed that I hope the people who support these things never make it so. But then again that's the way education is heading these days as more and more money is being cut from programs which are deemed 'non-essential'. What's the point of having a society that has a lot of knowledge but does not know how to express this or think? None at all.
I think it's highly overlooked but the most important people in history have been philosophers. Without these people who were mostly very learned men who studied a variety of subjects and talked about new ways of thinking, the world would still be in the middle ages, and all the computer/engineering knowledge in the world wouldn't matter.
-EpiEpinephrine's History of Trench Wars:
My anime blog:
How many brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts and uncles did Bush send to their deaths in Iraq? If you feel so strongly about family values you shouldn't agree with Bush trying to create a uniform set of family values. No family is the same, and this is America, if 2 guys want to get married and adopt a kid, then it's their right as Americans to do so. Just because you might not want to accept that doesn't make it any less of a family than the one you grew up in.
On a further note, how in the world do you think Bush is the only candidate that " the heros and forefathers of America " would support? Do you have a case of Miss Cleo? Do their dead spirits talk to you and tell you to vote for Bush? I don't understand how a man that has sent hundreds of soliders to their deaths, spent the U.S. surplus and bankrupted the US Treasury, and cut health care benefits for war veterans can be seen as a " true hero of America " like you claim.
It's ok if you agree with his views, but it's pretty hypocritical of you to bash liberals and then run around and make Bush into something he is not (a genius American hero that would make our forefathers proud)
EDIT: This is in response to HG, not Epi.My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.
Hairygroin, pv, everyone on the abortion is murderours barbarism and anti morals side of the situation:
If a way were made for you to take the fetus that someone else didn't want and was going to be aborted, and put it in your body, carry it to term, and then give birth to it, would you?
Would you, who have such hearts of gold step up to the plate?
Or does your moral conscience only go in so far as to tell others how to live their lives?
Most of you wanting to make abortion illegal because of the immorality can't even fucking HAVE a baby. Don't even pretend to think at all that you'd know what choice you'd make on whether to get rid of it or not, especially under all the wildly differing circumstances in which someone can get pregnant.
The way I see it is pretty simple. Take a woman, it's her body, she has a right to put in or out of it what she wants. If she wants boobs, stick em in, if she wants liposuction, suck it out, if there's a growing fetus stuck in her, if she don't want that rattling around in there, then it's up to her as well."Sexy" Steve Mijalis-Gilster, IVX
Reinstate Me.
Originally posted by EpinephrineAlthough it seems to me that pv is just a troll as it seems his views aren't entirely coherent throughout the thread I'll respond to this one line.
There's a little thing called education my dear pv. Not everything you learn has to do directly with getting a job. It's nice if what you're interested in learning about applies directly to a job and this can even be useful, but education is about learning about things, and learning about yourself. You can get most jobs with any sort of degree. Sure you might never use that history degree or that philosophy degree for anything related to employment, but it doesn't mean it isn't important to know these things, and have this knowledge continue in our society.
Perhaps you support the Republican (hell North American cause they're doing it here too) ideals that education should only be about getting a job. Math and science are more important than Shakespere, philosophy and music. Hell supplying the football team with copious amounts of money is more important that having a music program right? This view is so amazingly flawed that I hope the people who support these things never make it so. But then again that's the way education is heading these days as more and more money is being cut from programs which are deemed 'non-essential'. What's the point of having a society that has a lot of knowledge but does not know how to express this or think? None at all.
I think it's highly overlooked but the most important people in history have been philosophers. Without these people who were mostly very learned men who studied a variety of subjects and talked about new ways of thinking, the world would still be in the middle ages, and all the computer/engineering knowledge in the world wouldn't matter.
There are certain things u learn on the football field and on the battlefield that u can never learn from a book or musical instrument....Sports have their intergral role in Society tooOriginally posted by ToneWomen who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better
Originally posted by HairygroinSad.
pv=nrt, I'm with you.
I too will vote Bush in the upcoming election.
Why? Because I take values strongly, and I believe that Bush would be the better man to push these values. He's the only president in years to have actually tried protecting marriage and the innocent unborn. People say abortion should be choice. I believe that abortion is as wrong as killing one of our brothers, as there is a legitimate living being within.
IN THE END, it is the family values that matter. It is the legitimate struggle to strengthen and protect these values that matters most. Whether it be destroying governments that destroy their own people (Saddam Heussein) or fighting to uphold marriage.
Bush is the only candidate that the heroes and forefathers of America would support, so I proudly will flip the switch and vote Bush.
I am not a sold out, Michael Moore blinded liberal, and never will be.
Originally posted by Liquid BlueHow many brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts and uncles did Bush send to their deaths in Iraq? If you feel so strongly about family values you shouldn't agree with Bush trying to create a uniform set of family values. No family is the same, and this is America, if 2 guys want to get married and adopt a kid, then it's their right as Americans to do so. Just because you might not want to accept that doesn't make it any less of a family than the one you grew up in.
On a further note, how in the world do you think Bush is the only candidate that " the heros and forefathers of America " would support? Do you have a case of Miss Cleo? Do their dead spirits talk to you and tell you to vote for Bush? I don't understand how a man that has sent hundreds of soliders to their deaths, spent the U.S. surplus and bankrupted the US Treasury, and cut health care benefits for war veterans can be seen as a " true hero of America " like you claim.
It's ok if you agree with his views, but it's pretty hypocritical of you to bash liberals and then run around and make Bush into something he is not (a genius American hero that would make our forefathers proud)
EDIT: This is in response to HG, not Epi.
Well, Liquid, I never said he was a "true hero of America". I said the forefathers were. Read what I typed and you will see what I said. I did say that he would be supported by our forefathers in this decision, however, considering that Kerry is far from a better option in things that matters most.
Another thing. ~900 or so soldiers have died. That is damn good compared to other wars that have been fought! This war was a good thing. I don't know how many actual soldiers you have actually talked to, but I know *indirectly* many soldiers who are either out there right now or are back already (I'm from a military family) and by far the majority of them support the operations in Iraq. They see the evil they have whiped away and the new life being brought to the people (who by the way DO appreciate the Americans in most Iraqi cities and towns, it is only those that are dominatly hostile that they may not). Anyway, yes death is sad...but these young men and women died defending honor and freedom, and have given this nation another chance.
Liberals seem to dwell only on any possible problem that can be had with a particular issue, rather than focusing on any good. I truly feel sorry for any group that believes they are "Optimistic" and "Focused on the good" when only bad and evil has come from the mix. Kerry, take your "I support the American Family" bullshit elsewhere...nice work trying to buy off the American public with words...you seem to be succeeding.
Originally posted by HairygroinWell, Liquid, I never said he was a "true hero of America". I said the forefathers were. Read what I typed and you will see what I said. I did say that he would be supported by our forefathers in this decision, however, considering that Kerry is far from a better option in things that matters most.
Another thing. ~900 or so soldiers have died. That is damn good compared to other wars that have been fought! This war was a good thing. I don't know how many actual soldiers you have actually talked to, but I know *indirectly* many soldiers who are either out there right now or are back already (I'm from a military family) and by far the majority of them support the operations in Iraq. They see the evil they have whiped away and the new life being brought to the people (who by the way DO appreciate the Americans in most Iraqi cities and towns, it is only those that are dominatly hostile that they may not). Anyway, yes death is sad...but these young men and women died defending honor and freedom, and have given this nation another chance.
Liberals seem to dwell only on any possible problem that can be had with a particular issue, rather than focusing on any good. I truly feel sorry for any group that believes they are "Optimistic" and "Focused on the good" when only bad and evil has come from the mix. Kerry, take your "I support the American Family" bullshit elsewhere...nice work trying to buy off the American public with words...you seem to be succeeding.Originally posted by Jeenyusssometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.
Originally posted by HairygroinLiberals seem to dwell only on any possible problem that can be had with a particular issue, rather than focusing on any good. I truly feel sorry for any group that believes they are "Optimistic" and "Focused on the good" when only bad and evil has come from the mix. Kerry, take your "I support the American Family" bullshit elsewhere...nice work trying to buy off the American public with words...you seem to be succeeding.
Ok I was away for over 10 days and there are just too many posts to read.
Originally posted by Da1andonlyKerry will win anyway5: Da1andonly> !ban epinephrine
5: RoboHelp> Are you nuts? You can't ban a staff member!
5: Da1andonly> =((
5: Epinephrine> !ban da1andonly
5: RoboHelp> Staffer "da1andonly" has been banned for abuse.
5: Epinephrine> oh shit
Originally posted by HairygroinSad.
pv=nrt, I'm with you.
I too will vote Bush in the upcoming election.
Why? Because I take values strongly, and I believe that Bush would be the better man to push these values. He's the only president in years to have actually tried protecting marriage and the innocent unborn. People say abortion should be choice. I believe that abortion is as wrong as killing one of our brothers, as there is a legitimate living being within.
IN THE END, it is the family values that matter. It is the legitimate struggle to strengthen and protect these values that matters most. Whether it be destroying governments that destroy their own people (Saddam Heussein) or fighting to uphold marriage.
Bush is the only candidate that the heroes and forefathers of America would support, so I proudly will flip the switch and vote Bush.
I am not a sold out, Michael Moore blinded liberal, and never will be.
And people who talk about family values have a lot of fucking nerve, what you basically mean is "everyone should live the way I think you should" . "Uphold marriage"? PLEASE tell me what the fuck that means? Please for the love of god, I can't wait to hear an explanation of what that means.
The real kicker to me is the science thing. we're falling behind the rest of the world and it's really going to hurt us. Stem cell research is a no-brainer... we could repair stroke damage, heal neurological diseases, maybe even cure paralysis, we don't even know what we could do yet, but since Bush seems to have something against science, he's put a ban on the research. Christopher "superman" Reeves might be able to walk again. Take a look at the people who need help crying out for this, but since Bush is walking around just fine, it's not an issue for him. I can guarantee if his daughter was in a wheel chair, she'd be getting some stem cells.
I guess it's easy to tell everyone else that they should live like you when you're rich, white, straight, and healthy.http://www.trenchwars.org/forums/showthread.php?t=15100 - Gallileo's racist thread
"Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo
Originally posted by genocidalDude are you retarded? First I point out that all those commercials are total bullshit used to sway voters like you but then you come on here and say that Kerry's ads about family values are bullshit but that means that Bush's aren't?! Why, because he's from Texas and goes to a ranch sometimes? Or maybe because he plays up his religion to reap the benefits of having a large Christian voting population in this country? You have some serious issues with how you vote. When you talk about people being slanted or liberals being focused only on optimism you need to look at yourself and see what you're focusing on.
But to counter my own point.....and make this easy on u guys......World War II definetely had a much better cause to fight....than the Iraq War.....but lest we all Forget the Modern Pearl Harbor.....9/11.....and if 9/11 isnt a cause to go to war....then our generation seriously needs to rethink itselfLast edited by Squeezer; 08-04-2004, 02:27 PM.Originally posted by ToneWomen who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better
Originally posted by bloodzombieHave you ever been to a national park? They're not as protected as they used to be, so you might want to go if you haven't been. Oh, and clean air? that's not a big concern anymore either, Bush rolled that back pretty far.
As for the forefathers, I believe Jefferson was actually opposed to America ever having a military, in fact he thought that militias were the way to go. Now I know times have changed, but since Bush is such a military supporter wouldn't you think Jefferson would not have voted for him (as in a pure 'forefathers would have voted for bush' world, time would standstill for Jefferson)? As for protecting marriage, what does that even mean? Did you know that divorce rates are at an all time high in America? I remember reading an interesting article in the New York Times by David Brooks (who generally supports the Republicans and Bush) talking about how Gay families were better at keeping together and undivorced in general, and how their families were usually on the average better off, and that if conservatives really cared about families they'd let gays officially get married because hey they work out. <<in response to Hairygroin>>
And Squeezer, maybe this current generation of Americans are 'pussies' as you said, but that doesn't make Hairygroin right as neither party or branch of government would ever vote to reinstate the draft. I thought it was an interesting fact that of all the people in Congress and the Senate and the Executive branch, only like 2-3 of them have children in the military. I wonder if they would have so easily voted to allow Bush to have a carte blanche to attack Iraq if they all had children in the military who could be sent off to battle. It's so much easier to do when it's other people's kids you're sending off to death, just as it's so much easier to do when you're telling other people that they can have fucked up lives because they will have a baby they never want when they're 14 because your Christian morals think it's wrong.
-EpiEpinephrine's History of Trench Wars:
My anime blog: