Originally posted by Send
Originally posted by Jerome
1:"This country was founded by Christians." One Name of one of my heroes, among the founding fathers: Thomas Paine. A fucking genius.
Feel free to go here: http://www.ushistory.org/paine/ and read about him, especially Age of Reason. You will learn things, I hope.
2: "By allowing gay marriage, YOU'RE actually imposing YOUR beliefs on something that had been the same for 200 years." That's a big negative, chief. Find me a single place that says and means it (not satire or humor) that gay marriage has to be performed in any church. Find me that and I'll concede that is what those people are doing. No, all gay people are asking for is equal observance under the LAW. Not from God, or ministers, or the like. They are people, and it does not matter what kind of adult that they should choose to partner with, if they want to legally bind themselves in a marriage, they should have the option. Equal Rights. Under your scheme, if we should discover hot aliens tomorrow, I couldn't legally marry one? That's fucked and wrong. Time to wake up to a new not so narrowminded consciousness.