Note: I know it's the latest craze to spew the N word, or call someone a jew but hey guess what! Keep that for pub where you will get banned and I'll laugh at you. Seriously though kids, same as my other topic- no childish stuff, save that for Volcs and her meat-lover's topics.
Yellow to keep you mellow and because Asian people are cool. Just kidding, on we go!
Race, race race. Hot topic for some, others like to keep it PC. Well here is where you can let your ignorance or questions fly (as long as you keep it clean) and hopefully, all of us can learn something after reading this topic. Like before, I have a few questions to start us out and hopefully the topic can expand and evolve, taking us along for the ride.
1) Interracial marriage. What do you think of it? Approve, disapprove? I'm not talking just white/black here, I mean asian/arab, spanish/white, etc etc.
2) Stereo types and which ones you think are true! I'm sure the black people stealing/eating chicken will come out, but do you think enough of that race really do it to justify the stereo type? For instance, the meek white guy stereotype. You know the drill- glasses, skinny, pale skin-

Anyway, I've seen a number of white kids like this but think more and more are heading towards either emo or outrageous, do you think this is because of said stereotype? And do you think that certain stereotypes are influencing said race(s) to do the exact opposite?
3) Race you least come into contact with. You might have to think about this one, I know I did. I'm talking about the race that you least interact with, on a daily basis. Now I know it might be cool for some of you to say " Hey I'm Polio Jones, I hang out with everyone! ". But really, think about it. For me I'd have to say Asian. I see them every day but I don't really interact with/ have that many asian friends since I graduated from highschool. One, really and I don't even see him on a daily basis. Do you think that the less contact you get, the more you notice certain qualities about them? Or attributes? Do you ever feel more reserved when around them? I'm trying to get you guys to be truthful here, this won't go anywhere if people bullshit and say they are PC all the time, everywhere.
4) Last but not least, I've wondered about the whole asian/spanish specific area thing. For instance, Japanese, Vietnamese, Chinese, Thai, etc. Would you think I'm racist if I call them asian, and why do alot of them make it a point to specify which country they are from specifically? The same goes with Spanish people- Mexico, Brazil, Columbia, etc. Do they just want to stand out, are they just proud of their country, what?
Yellow to keep you mellow and because Asian people are cool. Just kidding, on we go!
Race, race race. Hot topic for some, others like to keep it PC. Well here is where you can let your ignorance or questions fly (as long as you keep it clean) and hopefully, all of us can learn something after reading this topic. Like before, I have a few questions to start us out and hopefully the topic can expand and evolve, taking us along for the ride.
1) Interracial marriage. What do you think of it? Approve, disapprove? I'm not talking just white/black here, I mean asian/arab, spanish/white, etc etc.
2) Stereo types and which ones you think are true! I'm sure the black people stealing/eating chicken will come out, but do you think enough of that race really do it to justify the stereo type? For instance, the meek white guy stereotype. You know the drill- glasses, skinny, pale skin-

Anyway, I've seen a number of white kids like this but think more and more are heading towards either emo or outrageous, do you think this is because of said stereotype? And do you think that certain stereotypes are influencing said race(s) to do the exact opposite?
3) Race you least come into contact with. You might have to think about this one, I know I did. I'm talking about the race that you least interact with, on a daily basis. Now I know it might be cool for some of you to say " Hey I'm Polio Jones, I hang out with everyone! ". But really, think about it. For me I'd have to say Asian. I see them every day but I don't really interact with/ have that many asian friends since I graduated from highschool. One, really and I don't even see him on a daily basis. Do you think that the less contact you get, the more you notice certain qualities about them? Or attributes? Do you ever feel more reserved when around them? I'm trying to get you guys to be truthful here, this won't go anywhere if people bullshit and say they are PC all the time, everywhere.
4) Last but not least, I've wondered about the whole asian/spanish specific area thing. For instance, Japanese, Vietnamese, Chinese, Thai, etc. Would you think I'm racist if I call them asian, and why do alot of them make it a point to specify which country they are from specifically? The same goes with Spanish people- Mexico, Brazil, Columbia, etc. Do they just want to stand out, are they just proud of their country, what?