I woke up this morning and thought man today is gonna be a good day, then I went to take a shower and I had no shampoo or soap
i put my deodorant on when my armpits were still wet. then way, wayyyyy later in the day i scratched one of my pits and a huge glob of white shit was stuck to my finger.
i put my deodorant on when my armpits were still wet. then way, wayyyyy later in the day i scratched one of my pits and a huge glob of white shit was stuck to my finger.
yeah I used to have the same problem then I started using speedstick gel... granted it doesnt last as long as stick deodorant but you don't get that white shit in your pits =]
Jimmy John's is decent, but it gets really old really quickly. Especially when your friend runs all the midwest ones. I've eaten my fill of Jimmy Johns. (You hear me, RogMex? No more fucking #6's. I will not have them.) (PS - Big Mikes was and always will be better anyways.)
#6 no mayo, #12 no mayo, and occasionally the italian. Are you vegetarian?
I had Big Mikes once or twice at Madison. Don't really remember it impressing me that much other than the catchy radio jingle.
Ok I'm done with sandwiches. Please return to your drunken stories.
South Korea's got Seoul says:
whats aydi meant to be?
Ilya says:
South Korea's got Seoul says:
why was i talking about audio?
Ilya says:
i have no fucking idea!
Ilya says:
i was surprised you wouldn't go on webcam and post your boobs though
Ilya says:
this is the 2nd time i've tried to get you to do it while you're drunk
Ilya says:
you're persistant was fuck
Ilya says:
South Korea's got Seoul says:
i dont want a screen shot of me slumped over my desk on the internet
Ilya says:
Originally posted by Facetious
edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)
Do you not think if we had one we would have used it?
Ilya says:
Favorite Quote
ooh toooony!! (bless him)
jog on (stolen)
'doop de doo'
Geek Geek!
Ilya says:
see if she ever said any of these in real life, i would have to smack her face
Ilya says:
with my dick
This thread is going up the ladder like there's no tomorrow!
Please please please don't hide your laptop on your b-day zeus, and please please pelase ilyaz, be online when mike gets home.
5: Da1andonly> !ban epinephrine
5: RoboHelp> Are you nuts? You can't ban a staff member!
5: Da1andonly> =((
5: Epinephrine> !ban da1andonly
5: RoboHelp> Staffer "da1andonly" has been banned for abuse.
5: Epinephrine> oh shit