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HeavenSent is bigoted

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  • Originally posted by HeavenSent
    Guys tend to be more promiscuous than girls. For some guys, when they get aroused, they have to bust their nut now. And for a relatively small amount of men, they don't care who busts their nut. Lenny Bruce, a famous comedian that opened the door to the likes of Richard Pryor, says it in a way i find profoundly true. I couldn't quote it exactly, but he says something like, 'Guys get so horny they don't care how they get off, guys will fuck mud if that's all they got.'
    Again, I'd like to ask where you got your degree in studying human sexuality, because "common sense" about sexuality is usually fueled by stereotypes and misinformation. Why do I think this? Because my girlfriend actually DID spend a majority of her four years as an undergrad studying sexuality, and has a degree to prove it. Is she an expert? No, but she's as close to an expert as I know of, and I'll take her opinion above most people I've encountered.

    I don't know if it's the women you're hanging around, but most of the women I know have libidos just as strong as the men I know, if not greater. And if you're referring to scientific studies, they can be considered flawed. Overall, men will typically overstate their number of sexual partners when queried.

    Originally posted by HeavenSent
    We're created in the image of God, which means we're above the animals. Which also means our thoughts and rationale should be on a higher plane than all the other creatures on earth. It's the Christian's duty to not get into the habit of satisfying the desires of the flesh. We're to tame our natural, carnal instincts. The key word here IMO is HABIT. We all sin and as long as we occupy these carnal vessels, we'll continue to give into the flesh now and then. Don't get caught up in habitual sin.
    That's fine that you're basing your opinion off the fact that you believe in the Bible without question, and that you live your life by a literal interpretation of it. That's not in question--believe whatever you want. The argument here is about that personal decision becoming a society-wide law and not allowing others the choice that you have already made for yourself. Same goes for "habitual sin"... it's a construct that YOU believe in.

    Originally posted by HeavenSent
    Sin comes in all kinds of packages. By that i mean that not all sin is against God. Sin is transgression. Whatever you transgress against, whether it be another person, yourself or God. You beat someone up, you've transgressed against them; your sin is against them & you will either directly or through Karma pay them back. If you sin against yourself with something like glutony, you're gonna get fat, maybe get something like heart disease and either pay through the nose with medical bills or die. If you sin against God, either Karma will catch up to you (a.k.a. the will of God; the Holy Spirit) or you'll answer to Him personally when you give up the ghost in this life.

    Needless to say, a Christian is taught to resist the urges that satisfy the flesh. Our victories over the flesh is the material used for our clothing in heaven. Everyone goes to heaven... but some are gonna be naked. The victory we have is the blood of Christ that covers our sins so the Father doesn't have to look at them. They're still there, but they're covered. It's that covering that becomes our garments in the next life. Right at the advent of Christ, they become as fine, pure, white linen. Judgment day isn't a judgment per se for the believer, it's rewards day
    I'm just wondering if all the "hellfire and brimstone, JUDGEMENT DAY IS ARRAAIVIN' SOON!" Christians understand things like Islamic suicide bombers. They do the things they do because they BELIEVE that "martyring" themselves reaps them huge rewards in heaven, and upon arrival they will be attended to by 72 black-eyed virgins. Sound ridiculous?

    To me, it's no more ridiculous than Christians believing that when they die (assuming they've lead a pious life and accepted Christ as their savior), they'll commune with their dead family members and spend eternity with their creator.

    Please tell me how these two ideas are any different. To me, it seems like both sides trying to make up for the fact that humans don't like the possibility of when you die, you might just cease to exist, period. People on a whole HATE that idea. It's a normal desire to want to want to be immortal and to sustain your own life, but the stories that man makes up (and yes, MAN did indeed scribe all religious texts) are just kind of ridiculous.

    All religious texts have value when you look at the moral values on a suggestive level--don't hurt your fellow man, honor your mother and father, etc etc. But again, they were written by a MAN (or men) thousands of years ago. They're fallible, just like texts written by mankind today. As long as you can seperate the good from the bad, there's lessons to be learned in almost anything put to text. The Bible is no different. Now, I know I'll have Christians saying "but the Bible IS infallible! It's the straight word of God!"--did God write the Bible with his own hands? No, he didn't, men wrote it down.

    It's no different than if I claimed to talk to God in my dreams, wrote some stuff down, buried it for a couple thousand years, and people two thousand years from now dug it up and took everything I said wholesale, just because I claimed to talk to God. They won't know who I was, or what drugs I might've been on, or what the society I lived in was like--they'll simply have a text that I wrote down.

    I'm not saying that religion is wrong, because again, I think that there are great lessons intertwined in the stories (all religious texts). But I am saying that literal interpretation is a bit misplaced if not just plain silly.
    Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


    • ..."and I'm Andy Rooney"
      Originally posted by 404 Not Found
      OMG...what would happen if you had a child born as a hermaphrodite?

      Would it be gay? How would it or you know? Parents of children in these cases have had doctors do surgery on them only to reveal later in life they gave them the wrong sex! So now they are f'd for life on top of the birth defect.
      Jamie Lee Curtis is an hermaphrodite.. Not a true one though. She was born with a tiny, deformed penis that looked like a woman's crotch.

      Originally posted by 404 Not Found
      On a different subject...why are there Jesus pictures that show him with long blonde hair and blue eyes? I dunno....but the area of where he was born & raised as well as the peoples of this region that have lived there for centuries are not blonde and blue eyed. Did some Scandanvian lose his or her way and have a bit of fun with a red sea pedestrian woman or man?

      Why is mother earth a woman...couldnt it be father earth?

      Why is it father time?

      I personally think God is a hermaphrodite!
      ...going from the bottom up...
      God, like all of us in the after-life, is genderless. It's only in this physical realm that gender is required.

      The Father God owns time yet is not bound by time.

      Earth is a femine realm, whereas heaven is a masculine realm. They compliment each other like husband and wife.

      Most of the people we call jews today are not the same jews from the progeny of Jacob's son Judah. The term has multiple meanings... even in the bible.. it could mean a descendant of Judah, a resident of Jerusalem or it could refer to the religion of the jews.
      Most of the tribes of Jacob eventually spread out and covered Western Europe after the captivity of the Babylonians in 586 BC. That's another reason why some white people are called Caucasian; the people that crossed over the Caucasus mountains. Once the persecution started against the Christians from the Romans, many of the remnants of Israel escaped to Britain. Practically all the disciples of Jesus and Mary His mother and His uncle Joseph of Arimathaea, is also buried in Glastonbury England. For the first 1000 years after Christ, it was called the one of the holiest places on earth. It's also where Jesus was during those years unaccounted for in the Bible.

      Traditions of Glastonbury


      • Originally posted by Subjugation
        Wow, his hostility towards homosexuals makes a lot more sense now.
        Huh? I don't see any hostility.. Just because it's my personal opinion that gays wouldn't fit my definition of a married couple? And if they were to get the title, so what. I can still have my opinion. It's like should so and so be in the hall of fame for home runs even though he used steroids? Some will accept his indoctrination and some won't. But after it's all said and done, who cares?

        I haven't told anyone, "Hey, stop that or you're going to hell." I'll admit i did say to conc that in the after-life everyone will have to conform to the Godly program or cease to exist. But I haven't pointed out anything specifically that he's doing... I really don't care what he does. It has no effect on me whether he's gay or not or anyone else and how they choose to live their life. It it was my neighbor, i'd move if it bothered me.
        Last edited by HeavenSent; 06-15-2006, 11:54 AM.


        • Originally posted by ConcreteSchlyrd
          To me, it seems like both sides trying to make up for the fact that humans don't like the possibility of when you die, you might just cease to exist, period. People on a whole HATE that idea. It's a normal desire to want to want to be immortal and to sustain your own life, but the stories that man makes up (and yes, MAN did indeed scribe all religious texts) are just kind of ridiculous.
          Buddhism ftw.

          Life is suffering
          Suffering comes from desire
          The end of suffering is enlightenment
          The path to enlightenment is to rebound, make your freethrows, take good shots, and play defense with intensity


          • Originally posted by HeavenSent
            Jamie Lee Curtis is an hermaphrodite.. Not a true one though. She was born with a tiny, deformed penis that looked like a woman's crotch.

            Dude...have you actually seen this? OMFG This is one of the oldest fake stories in the media....ROFL This is like the tale of Mikey from Life cereal who died from mixing pop rocks and a coke....not! or as bad as Richard Geer going to a hospital to have a hampster removed from his ass during the filming of "Pretty Woman".

            I am so happy to know you have the exact knowledge of what Jamie Lee's genitalia look like...perhaps you can direct us all to these pics and we can then contact "Extra" so it can be shown on TV.

            Stop believing everthing you read. I take it you have not read Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard yet....I can only imagine what Scientology could do to you.

            I do not mean to sound like a prick....but OFG...that Jamie Lee Curtis story is so f'n old. She has in interviews.....years ago, had to refute these rumours, but I am glad you believe in it. Btw...I hear that Jesus's shadow has been seen on a box of cornflakes.
            May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.


            • Originally posted by ConcreteSchlyrd
              Again, I'd like to ask where you got your degree in studying human sexuality, because "common sense" about sexuality is usually fueled by stereotypes and misinformation. Why do I think this? Because my girlfriend actually DID spend a majority of her four years as an undergrad studying sexuality, and has a degree to prove it. Is she an expert? No, but she's as close to an expert as I know of, and I'll take her opinion above most people I've encountered.
              So she's a well educated ivy league east coast ungodly liberal.. and you're listening to her? blasphemy Conc.
              Last edited by Kolar; 06-15-2006, 12:16 PM.


              • Originally posted by 404 Not Found
                Dude...have you actually seen this? OMFG This is one of the oldest fake stories in the media....ROFL This is like the tale of Mikey from Life cereal who died from mixing pop rocks and a coke....not! or as bad as Richard Geer going to a hospital to have a hampster removed from his ass during the filming of "Pretty Woman".

                I am so happy to know you have the exact knowledge of what Jamie Lee's genitalia look like...perhaps you can direct us all to these pics and we can then contact "Extra" so it can be shown on TV.

                Stop believing everthing you read. I take it you have not read Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard yet....I can only imagine what Scientology could do to you.

                I do not mean to sound like a prick....but OFG...that Jamie Lee Curtis story is so f'n old. She has in interviews.....years ago, had to refute these rumours, but I am glad you believe in it. Btw...I hear that Jesus's shadow has been seen on a box of cornflakes.
                Gimme a break, will ya?
                Maybe I just heard the rumor long ago and never cared enough to listen to the myth to unfold. Although I could have sworn i saw a special on something like the Discovery channel on hermaphrodites and Jamie Lee Curtis was mentioned. That's where now you got me confused on just what I saw. I thought that the rumor was that she was a genuine hermaphrodite and that the program explained that she wasn't a true hermaphrodite but that she just had deformed genitalia.
                ....anyways... prick would be my choice of words too :P


                • Originally posted by HeavenSent
                  Huh? I don't see any hostility.. Just because it's my personal opinion that gays wouldn't fit my definition of a married couple? And if they were to get the title, so what. I can still have my opinion.
                  I think you underestimate the effects of inequality. Restricting the freedoms of specific groups of people is an act of hostility, whether you intend it to be hostile or not.

                  And of course you're entitled to your opinion, but an opinion can still be ethically wrong when it infringes upon the rights of others. Having your anti-gay beliefs is one thing, but when you actually vote to define marriage between a man and a woman, you're taking an active role in the restriction of equality.


                  • Originally posted by Subjugation
                    I think you underestimate the effects of inequality. Restricting the freedoms of specific groups of people is an act of hostility, whether you intend it to be hostile or not.

                    And of course you're entitled to your opinion, but an opinion can still be ethically wrong when it infringes upon the rights of others. Having your anti-gay beliefs is one thing, but when you actually vote to define marriage between a man and a woman, you're taking an active role in the restriction of equality.
                    Where have i stated anywhere that I would be active in stopping gays from getting married and having the title of being 'Married'? I haven't infringed on anyone's right to do anything. It's just my opinion.. nothing more. People are going to do what they want. Who am i to try and stop them?


                    • Originally posted by Subjugation
                      Buddhism ftw.

                      Life is suffering
                      Suffering comes from desire
                      The end of suffering is enlightenment
                      The path to enlightenment is to rebound, make your freethrows, take good shots, and play defense with intensity

                      yeah, i like soccer too...
                      buddhism! i mean.

                      seriously though, i think that buddhism in our western culture is completely misrepresented. it's a very different thing in asia.

                      what i mean is, buddhism is about the middle path, and all we hear is how it's about ignoring desire and stopping suffering. but a big part of the human desires that buddhists are trying to stop are things like love and hapiness. you know, things that we in our culture think of as good.

                      just thought i'd share my 2 cents about buddhism. my learning comes from a 7 month tour of asia, where i later realised i had coincidentally chosen all of the buddhist places. it was just backpacking, though, so i'm no expert.


                      • Originally posted by HeavenSent
                        Where have i stated anywhere that I would be active in stopping gays from getting married and having the title of being 'Married'? I haven't infringed on anyone's right to do anything. It's just my opinion.. nothing more. People are going to do what they want. Who am i to try and stop them?
                        Lets just say it's unlikely you and other Jebus lovers are gonna be voting based on the 100$ gas rebate or the net neutrality issue.


                        • I was just amazed at the detail you gave in re. to Jamie Lee Curtis. Seems like the description given was something that was paid attention to as well as documented and displayed from the explanation given and used as a reply. My being a prick is fine, call me that all you want...I tell people I work with all the time that it's my middle name.

                          My noting the problem of someone being born as a hermaphrodite was simply a stick in the mud so to say, on how one would address someone born with a birth defect as such. A case study that was on PBS TV's NOVA address's many of the problems with many defects that effect so many people.

                          What's interesting, is that these people did not just say one day when they woke up that they where the wrong sex or even gay. There is alot more to it than a personal choice as well as what others cast upon them as being of a deviant lifestyle.
                          May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.


                          • Originally posted by HeavenSent
                            Where have i stated anywhere that I would be active in stopping gays from getting married and having the title of being 'Married'? I haven't infringed on anyone's right to do anything. It's just my opinion.. nothing more. People are going to do what they want. Who am i to try and stop them?
                            Originally posted by HeavenSent
                            Yes, but it shoud not be called marriage. Marriage is for a man and a woman. Call it something like a contractual partnership, and aside from having kids from a previous hetro relationship, they definately should not be allowed to adopt children.
                            You have a pretty short memory.


                            • Originally posted by tugs
                              yeah, i like soccer too...
                              buddhism! i mean.

                              seriously though, i think that buddhism in our western culture is completely misrepresented. it's a very different thing in asia.

                              what i mean is, buddhism is about the middle path, and all we hear is how it's about ignoring desire and stopping suffering. but a big part of the human desires that buddhists are trying to stop are things like love and hapiness. you know, things that we in our culture think of as good.

                              just thought i'd share my 2 cents about buddhism. my learning comes from a 7 month tour of asia, where i later realised i had coincidentally chosen all of the buddhist places. it was just backpacking, though, so i'm no expert.
                              That sounds pretty awesome, man. I admit, I know very little about Buddhism, but it sounds like it has some helpful tools that would be suited to my personality type.


                              • Originally posted by HeavenSent
                                we'd like to just pound the fuck out that asshole
                                I was skimming and just saw this. Am I the only one that saw that and had to do a double take?

                                (ph)>12 is just right

                                In the most dangerous game...warping will only prolong your defeat. ?go warpwars -Chao <ER>
                                1:Chao <ER>> what the FUCK?
                                1:Chao <ER>> I just adverted and no one came
                                1:Chao <ER>> at all
                                1:Mantra-Slider> chao
                                1:Mantra-Slider> you are in the wrong arena
                                Panda <ZH>> ?find chao <ER>
                                Chao <ER> - hero

