You'd have to define "purpose". Your perception of "purpose" is different from the zone's perception of "purpose". That's what I've been trying to explain to you. You might feel that cloakers are a problem that affects your purpose, but I'm saying that they fit into the game's purpose and that's what will or will not determine if settings need changing.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOO OK, you are right, Invisible ships hitting you out of no where would be MORE fun, not LESS fun than only visible ships and being able to play against everyone and do what you want and be chalanged, not Xed
I'm right by saying that cloakers killing you are more fun? When the hell did I ever say that? When did I ever say anything about it being fun or not? If you really must know my opinion to that, being killed by cloakers neither detracts nor adds to any fun I get from playing. When I get killed by a cloaker, it does not bother me any more than any death bothers me. If getting killed by cloakers is the difference between having fun and not having fun for you then you are really either playing the wrong game or you're playing the game for the wrong reasons.
You still aren't even addressing my point. I mean, I'm glad you came back from the purgatory beyond "THE END" to post here but at least address my point instead of just repeating your old points again and again. Your last two posts responding to me seemed to be replying to arguments I didn't even make. Are you even reading what I'm saying or are you just replying to what you think I'm saying?
I'm right by saying that cloakers killing you are more fun? When the hell did I ever say that? When did I ever say anything about it being fun or not? If you really must know my opinion to that, being killed by cloakers neither detracts nor adds to any fun I get from playing. When I get killed by a cloaker, it does not bother me any more than any death bothers me. If getting killed by cloakers is the difference between having fun and not having fun for you then you are really either playing the wrong game or you're playing the game for the wrong reasons.
You still aren't even addressing my point. I mean, I'm glad you came back from the purgatory beyond "THE END" to post here but at least address my point instead of just repeating your old points again and again. Your last two posts responding to me seemed to be replying to arguments I didn't even make. Are you even reading what I'm saying or are you just replying to what you think I'm saying?
O COME ONNNN NOW, the ship is invisible! even with an incomming levi bomb, theres still a chance, if you have the energy you can warp or something. OR you can stay away from walls, theres at least SOME DEFENCE! you can even SEE a levi bomb incomming. with an invisible ship, theres just nothing. if we didnt have invisible ships, that would mean that people could focus on the game and have a chance with what ever one wants to do, weather it be basing, camping, mid basing, in the field, setting up mines, roofing, you name it, whatever. there would only be ships that could be seen, playing against each other and the result: someone could really get into the game a lot more than if they keep suddenly exploding and see nothing but a killed by messege. i used to really feel that cloakers were ruining things, but then that setting change happened and their numbers went way up. now its insane
I will now try to let this thread die again, but if someone bumps it in a few weeks again, you will hear from me. i hope they do
Tone, give it up. If the fact that a ship can cloak in Trench Wars bothers you so much, go play another zone or just don't play at all.
5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
5:royst> i wish it was calculus
1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something
1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead
If it's BS then show me how that is. Just calling it BS and ignoring it doesn't prove anything except that you don't actually have anything to say against it. At the very least, I'm trying to be civil about what I'm trying to say and the least you can do is to actually respond to it. What I've been saying doesn't distract from the point but rather shows that you're missing the point completely. Continuing to dodge it only supports that.
ah yes..t0ne the whiner..
Here t0ne...this one's for you!
he wanted to duel and I WON. then i sat on a rock and he killed me
he was all like 'your a pussy, get out of base pussy and duel me. then i found him in the field and killed him. hes a good dodger and it took a lot of time, BUT ANYONE IS IN A CLOAKER. its so easy to make a terrier take a long time to kill you
cloakers are severely imbalanced, but as a matter of fact theres no defence at all for 6 out of the 8 ships. shark might have X radar once in a while
but as a matter of fact theres no defence at all for 6 out of the 8 ships. shark might have X radar once in a while
Jesus, just fuck it. fuck you. just.. christ.. are you stupid? Is it somehow not your fault? What the FUCK?
From Lowest to Highest:
Javelin - Ship 2
Terrier - Ship 5
Weasel - Ship 6
Shark - Ship 8
I'm not even going again into how 3 of the other 4 have some meager manner of defense. Just.. FUCK.
Goddamnit.. I mean what the fuck.. How can any person on earth BE like you? I hate going off like this, but.. just.. fuck.. FUCK. There has to be a reason you're like this. It's incomprehensible. How are you able to BE .. you and not beat yourself to death just to stop.. being YOU?
cloakers are severely imbalanced, but as a matter of fact theres no defence at all for 6 out of the 8 ships. shark might have X radar once in a while
Pubbing is a team based game which requires cooperation to defend the flag. You're asking for changes that would not help or hinder that kind of game play.
Tone is an idiot, the problem he has is when a X kills a camping wb is probably the only decent reason to have X's in the game. Wb's shouldn't really be camping in holes spamming shots through the holes as it does little to help the team, requires very little skill
However these new souped up X's are to powerfull and now those that used to be camping wbs are becomming camping x's which is worse as they have multi fire l3 bullets which spread out alot in mid base so are harder to avoid when mid is full of ppl fighting.
As an experiment i went into one of the lower pubs and X'ed and i easily took out there terr in flag room single handedly. Then killed everyone else in flag room (2wb's and a lanc) becuase they couldn't see me. If that isn't overpowered, i don't know what is. When i fought terr in base it normaly resulted in a suicide by both or indeed me winning.
In lower pubs most of the team are spawning wb's or trying to green levs etc and few go for the flag , this makes the overpowerful x even worse and would put off new ppl trying to play the game with the flag which is a bad thing.
Saying 4 out of 8 ships have x-radar is also silly. Its more like 3 as sharks rarely spawn with it and to be effective at killing x's its only 2 as the drain on jav's and sharks is to high to be really that usefull.
I'd have no problem with the x's if they got there multi taken away but with it and the extra bullet speed and there quick recharge rate they are overpowered.
I totally agree with pressure and T0NE if thats possible, cloakers sure as hell can piss people off, especially when there are about 7 in each arena and now with the added bullet speed its become hectic. No matter what youre doing at the time...whether youre camping or dueling it out in base...a cloaker can ruine your day. but youre less likely to get Xd when youre moving about.
The only reasonable solution I can think of is creating an arena whether it be PB or a seperate arena where weasels arent allowed.
If the ships balance eachother out...then why are Levis not allowed in selected pubs? and why are the settings changed every so often?
(I know PureBasing arenas create more competitive basing but it just goes to show that if a ship is creating a persistent problem there can be a reasonable solution to come about.)
Tone is an idiot, the problem he has is when a X kills a camping wb is probably the only decent reason to have X's in the game. Wb's shouldn't really be camping in holes spamming shots through the holes as it does little to help the team, requires very little skill
people keep talking about camping, one rare thing that hardly anyone does often, so sorry to keep repeating this, but i only camp and be a sniper once in a great while, they get you doing anything.
anyone should be able to do anything they want without suddenely getting killed by an invisible ship. that would make the game more fun and it makes sense.