Originally posted by Stultus
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Cloakers Ruining TW. Not "Balance"
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Originally posted by Tonethere is no counteraction because there is no game or playing!!!!!! theres no one to see or play!!!!!!!!!!!
Theres nothign to whine about because you dont play anything and you dont see anything, your ship just explodes while you try to play, and thats it!!!
its more like being able to hack into the game, put your cursor ticked on someones name, and pressing a key on your computer to blow them up so you can laugh and get reactions and get pleasure out of inturrupting their play !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can i program all your pc games to make you suddenly lose or die instantly from something unrelated to playing? then ill call you a whinner!!!!!!!!
When you get into a Warbird, Spider, Lanc and Levi, all ships that have no possibility of x radar, before or after they made the newer changes to the Weasel, it was common sense and logical that you were going to be at risk to being killed by a cloaked Weasel.
It's not the Weasel player's fault you have no x radar and you all of a sudden blow up. But y'know what, when a Warbird fires from the safety of the flagroom, roof or midbase, it's not really "fair" when you are flying up the tube and you all of a sudden explode, seeing nothing but the blue bullet before dying. It's not really "fair" when you get spawned either, because all of a sudden you see a flash of a weapon and then you explode. It isn't "fair" either when you dodge a bullet then get repped into it, because all you see is the flash of a rep and then you explode.
See the point?
all there is to it. That's the balance. Warbird can kill anything, anywhere, one shot, one kill. Weasel counteracts that as an assassin to take your life when you least expect it.
Again, the Weasel is there to counter the rest of the ships. The Weasel has the LOWEST energy of all the ships, did you know that? One Lanc shot can kill a fully charged cloaked/stealthed Weasel, one Spider/Terr/Jav bullet can cripple it so that it can't fire unless it uncloaks/unstealths and recharges for at least a couple of seconds. It "ruins" the game play and fun of Weasel players when they are just barely in range of the blast radius of a Jav bomb and die, get crippled by a randomly fired Spider bullet or get full out killed by a stray bullet from a Warbird or Lanc. But I guess you don't wish to look at the other side of the coin, as long as your fun is being imposed upon no one else seems to matter.
And kid, and I use that term because you seriously are acting like one with your whining and repeating the same sentence three or more times in a single post, I hope you never play Halo 2, or any other FPS. You will get your ass handed to you by snipers, campers and camoflauged enemies all the time. And with how you are acting, they will make you destroy your controller/keyboard in a temper tantrum.Last edited by SpiderMage; 01-12-2005, 07:27 PM.
"There are those who said this day would never come. What have they to say now?"
Y'know... if you were any stupider, I swear death by laughter would be a real medical occurance.
Originally posted by ToneGod doesnt exist!!!! if god did, then god would have games where there are no flukes, like you get killed several times by something you cant see while you try to play and enjoy a game!!!!!!!!!!!
Forgive the double post.
"There are those who said this day would never come. What have they to say now?"
Y'know... if you were any stupider, I swear death by laughter would be a real medical occurance.
Originally posted by SpiderMageThis post right here is just so asinine it's unfathomable.
Forgive the double post.
Go a ship that has X Radar and stop whining.
Alternatively don't play pub.
And stop whining.2:puker> gilder is any band bigger than metallica in your country
2:gilder> if artist count, madonna, cause he was in finland once
2:puker> he
2:puker> maledonna
2:Sika> whats metallica
Originally posted by Toneasinine cloaker weasels have no other reason to be that ship other than to aggravate for pleasure !!!!! do not respond to them with 'noob' or anything else, thats what they want, they want to ruin your experience and then get a reaction from you, its pleasurable to them!!!!!! they dont care about playing too much, they are more into aggravating and getting pleasure out of reactions!!!!!!
Stop bitching.
"There are those who said this day would never come. What have they to say now?"
Y'know... if you were any stupider, I swear death by laughter would be a real medical occurance.
Originally posted by H I MGo a ship that has X Radar and stop whining.
Alternatively don't play pub.
And stop whining.
Again, forgive the double post, H I M's post was done while I was typing my previous one.
"There are those who said this day would never come. What have they to say now?"
Y'know... if you were any stupider, I swear death by laughter would be a real medical occurance.
Originally posted by SpiderMageOr just stop playing the game period. Would save the forums a lot of drama.
Again, forgive the double post, H I M's post was done while I was typing my previous one.
YOU are right!! this looks like a lot of drama here on this forum, i see you want to talk about the forum.....but let me set aside the forum for a minute and just add that....................................
cloaker weasels are someone who kill you when you cant even see them!!!! it ruins all the fun to just suddenly die from something that seems so far removed from actually playing the game!!!!!!!!! Dont flame me, think about this instead, really think about it.. you are playing, and your ship just explodes!!! a real easy way to make the game much much more fun would be to greatly weaken cloakers so you can focus more and have fun without a bunch of sudden explosions!!!!!!! it should drain their energy to cloak, just like it drains a JAV to have x radar on!!!!!! because we are used to the other settings we would be fast to say NO WAY, that would make the weasel too weak!!!!!!!! but the truth is, the very fact that a weasel could actually cloak still over rules it not being able to take much damage, and it costing energy drain to cloak!!!! it would actually be about fair if cloaking did drain energy like x radar drains jav!! that would be about right because remember what cloaking actually is!!!!!!! you dont even see the ship!!!!!! your ship just explodes while you are concentrating and focusing on something and having fun focusing on it!!!!!!! and then they laugh at you!!!!!!!!!!
k I kind of feel I need to help out a buddy here since for some unknown reason he's just totally stressed out over this concept; and the fact that nobody can relate to his issue is just making him act like he's 5 because it's annoying the hell out of him.
Tony isn't a kid, he's probably older than most of you; I've known him online about 7 years now. I've also had the privelege of having some of the deepest conversations and revelatory discussions with him on plenty of topics. Tony views things a bit differently than the majority of people, and he also has certain physiological deviations from the norm as far as mental processing, focus, concentration, etc. This causes the particular issue at hand to have a much deeper effect on him than the casual player.
I would suggest that you guys simply acknowledge that and put this silly fuss to rest.Awesome> i'm 20.. and definately bigger than you... where do you live, if i ever take a vacation there i'll come beat you up 7:Ripper> hahah
7:destroy> he'll come to smash you with his keyboard
7:death row> lol keyboard. must be thug =(((
7:LofTy> Rofl Drow
Sika> 5:Rich> i went bowling with lofty irl
death row> just throw in a disclaimer: drunk lofty, cannot be responsible for drunk lofty's opinion.
Hey fish-head, learn to play the mother fucking game. Someone needs to SERIOUSLY tell this moron how to fucking play.
The Cloaking, Stealth, and X-Radar were ALL created for a reason. That's to:
Cloaking + Stealth (Weasel)
Sneak up on people
X-Radar (Javelin, Terrier, AND Shark)
See the Cloakers and Stealthers.
Both of these functions of the game can be used in the right way IF (big if!) you know how to play the game. Have a terrier on the team? Or even a Javelin? STICK WITH HIM. He will protect you from the dreadful [danger music] CLOOAAKEERRR [/danger music]. These two ships have these functions (X-Radar) for a reason. Use them, or have someone ELSE use them. Simple as that. If there is a terrier or javelin, or even a SHARK on the team, tell him or her to warn the team when there is a Cloaker in the midst. Easy as that. No need to go on about it whining like a little fuckin bitch.
If you were really going to think about being good at this game you should learn to strategize. Strategy is a Key element of the game for survival. Use your resources, and don't be a fuckin moron and start whining when you die.
Stop whining now please?
Does anyone else reading this begin to suspect that Tone might get X'ed often, because he's so "vocal" about it upsetting him?
I'd suggest that if every time you get X'ed you go on some sort of rant, it's probably going to draw more people into X'ing you."Sexy" Steve Mijalis-Gilster, IVX
Reinstate Me.
Originally posted by Loftyk I kind of feel I need to help out a buddy here since for some unknown reason he's just totally stressed out over this concept; and the fact that nobody can relate to his issue is just making him act like he's 5 because it's annoying the hell out of him.
Tony isn't a kid, he's probably older than most of you; I've known him online about 7 years now. I've also had the privelege of having some of the deepest conversations and revelatory discussions with him on plenty of topics. Tony views things a bit differently than the majority of people, and he also has certain physiological deviations from the norm as far as mental processing, focus, concentration, etc. This causes the particular issue at hand to have a much deeper effect on him than the casual player.
I would suggest that you guys simply acknowledge that and put this silly fuss to rest.
"There are those who said this day would never come. What have they to say now?"
Y'know... if you were any stupider, I swear death by laughter would be a real medical occurance.
Originally posted by Tonesince the settings for weasel have changed again, tons more of them are going about
staff are quick to talk about 'balance' and how all the ships balance each other out. (?)
the truth is, cloakers arent a balance, they are ruining the fun of the game seriously. saying that it is a matter of 'balance' is like saying: "Getting disconnected from trenchwars every 2 minutes is Balance". Its just as bad
if you are every in a unique situation in trenchwars, it will immediately be ruined by a cloaker
an example would be being in a basing duel where you are shooting through holes, taking cover, and seeing how long it can last
another example is situating yourself in one position, picking off ship after ship like a sniper, and seeing how long you can hold your position
these types of things are the absolute most fun part of trenchwars, they can be amazingly fun for such a simple but complex 2D game. but anytime you are in these situations, you get hit by a cloaker. it happens 9 out of 10 times, especially now that cloakers have about trippled in population with the new settings.
Something like this just isnt "balance". It is literally as bad as having a modem problem and getting disconnected every 2 minutes.
almost all of the fun of trenchwars is spoiled, because of the above situation examples and how a cloaker always ruins them. I cannot understand why anyone would want to make a game less fun and call it 'balance'. it just makes no sense how this happened, something must be done so players can play the game uninterupted, else its just no fun at all.
There is a balance, Tone. It's just not the way you see it. What the staff are talking about is that each ship has it's own, very unique characteristics that allow it to be unlike others, unlike other zones that almost have the same bomb/bullet lvl and power.
I think the balance you are talking about is the ratios of, say, warbird to weasel to any other ship.
Originally posted by ToneYou should be able to have fun doing these things and playing against ships you can actually see. how are you supposed to have any fun if you just get hit everytime right away by one of like 5 cloakers in each pub. i dont just like elim and duel, i like to have fun in pubs too..
Originally posted by Tonelisten all i do(IN SUBSPACE), is i play trenchwars, many different ships, doing many different things.... and i constantly see a flash, then an explosion, then a Killed By: some weasel.
its the same thing as if the game had a bug in it and your ship just spontainously explodes for no reason. theres no difference, all they do is shoot then cloak, shoot then cloak. you dont see shit, you dont duel shit, you dont battle shit. your just trying to play the game, see how good you can be, and your ship keeps exploding
That's a tactic, the shooting then cloaking. Like the x having a tactic, you too must learn a strategy against them.
I must apologize again if this has already been said.Last edited by Twerp; 01-12-2005, 10:30 PM.
just think how much more fun playing the pubs in trenchwars would be if you wernt startled all of the time by a sudden X death, if you could really get into playing without that happening all of the time ruining it. it would be a lot more fun.
twerp - there is no strategy against them, you find an arena that has the least possible, you start playing, and all of the sudden you get Xed by one that just changed, just entered, or one of the few that were already there. ive tried thatLast edited by Tone; 01-13-2005, 12:13 AM.