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Weasel Nerf'd

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  • #61
    I'm far too lazy to actually read all that but seriously, banning the cloaks from ?go base? That's just plain dirty. There has got to be a way for both sides of the spectrum to be happy and it just isn't fair to either side to either put them in as is or take them out without any discussion. I think you staffers oughta sit down and discusss this one, I completely stand behind Dameon and I think he'll bring a fair representation of us cloak fans out there.
    Originally posted by turmio
    jeenyuss seemingly without reason if he didn't have clean flours in his bag.
    Originally posted by grand
    I've been afk eating an apple and watching the late night news...


    • #62
      The way the anti-weasel people seem to see it, is that no ship can see the weasel while it's cloaked. Three ships have the ability to see weasels, and one can always see it instead of tapping "end". What's the difficulty in saying "//are there any weasels?"

      It's never been impossible to spot or kill weasels. Your lack of communication between your team mates is not our resposibility. I don't think the entire server should be punished for it. You don't like being spawned by weasels? Don't sit in spawn. You don't like it when weasels come and kill you as you're camping? Don't camp. Every ship except a leviathan can move faster than a weasel. If you aren't stationary, chances are you'll avoid being shot by one.

      Weasels don't ruin basing. If you had a resposible, attentive terrier, they won't be a problem. I've seen many a terrier announce where the weasels are. Just because a few of you refuse to take heed of those warnings isn't cause for a total ship make-over.

      If it's this much trouble, just get rid of it.


      • #63
        Humble suggestion: Let twdev do it???? Isn't that kind of what they exist for?

        Originally posted by Disliked
        Imagine a world without morals... it would be like the tw community
        +++ Divide By Cucumber Error. Please Reinstall Universe And Reboot +++


        • #64
          this new weasel seems to prove that no1 watches radar in mid

          easy pickings
          Reinstate Sarien

          Hal Wilker> Need I look recall the statement? And Suh.. control ya ho

          "no, it's Monday, which of course means it's ethnic day, so ill be going with Rosalita"


          • #65
            Okay, 3 items of business here...

            1. edit: fuck it, I'm not even gonna bother with tone. he just needs to learn how to put out some proactive ideas instead of bitching about cloaking all the time.

            2. Yeah, I've noticed all the anti-cloakers play on either private freqs, or just by themselves, so they don't have anyone to call out cloakers for them.

            and 3. How about a jav-warbird ship combo? A jav, that fires a bullet, no bomb, with 1 bounce. The bullet has a slow speed to it, like a jav bomb, but it's a bullet. It'll be able to snipe out targets better with the bounces, but be affected by the jav ass bullet or a real warbird bullet. Like a basing warbird.

            Or, a ship that fires lvl 1 bombs at the speed of a warbird's bullets, but have a longer recharge time and lessen the speed a tad bit. So basically its Warbird + (splash damage + emp - speed "lanc speed" and - recharge) It'd be a dueling ship for group situations.
            Last edited by Dameon Angell; 02-27-2005, 06:15 PM.


            • #66
              well, assholes like tone and BobR can ruin every game
              WE WANT OUR CLOAKS BACK!

              tone (destroyed weasels/is a whiner), BobR (is an asshole), Vitron (tried to tk me), ZeUs!!, Tibro, pandagirl89 (is a dumb lil girl), Golden Sun (called me a "fucktard"), Exotic

              disciple: "Overburn" :wub: me!




              • #67
                Originally posted by Troll King
                Pub may be around for more than basing, but the primary focus should still be basing because that's what the zone is designed around. It's in the original settings, it's in the zone description, it's in the map design. Any changes that are made in pubs should thus keep basing in mind first, and any other play styles should come secondary. Basing is the primary aspect of this zone. Anyone denying that is ignoring the evidence.
                I agree the primary purpose of the pub arenas are basing, and changing the settings to be more inclusive to people practicing their wb skills doesn't detract from the purpose of basing. It just creates more of a balance between ships in the spawn.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Sarien
                  Warbirds flying around spawn and just taking potshots shouldn't have to worry about "bottom feeder X's" who are just trying to piss people off? But they should have to worry about LT's that exist only to piss people off, and the basers should have to worry about these same warbirds who are taking potshots at anything (including sharks heading for the base) so they can get a kill in their score, right? Warbirds flying around the spawn shouldn't get some sort of special exemption from the annoying things in life.
                  If you don't like LT's, you can always go to the pure pub arenas. It's not like people who just want to practice their wb skills have that option available to them. And your point about pubs being representative to the rest of TW only emphasizes my point about wb's should be less harrassed by x's. DDing is a big part of TW. It's good for the future of TW to reduce the discouragement of wb'ing.

                  And I still don't agree that x's are any good at LT hunting. If an LT gets killed by an x, it just means their pilot sucks major ass. There's no excuse for an LT pilot to turn off his xradar for longer than it takes to warp. After the warp, he should immediately re-engage his xradar. With a few minutes of practice, it becomes nothing more than muscle memory, like playing 3 notes on a piano.

                  The fact that the recent loudest anti weasel voice (Tone) happens to LT?
                  I like to LT sometimes too, but that is completely irrelevant of why I thought the former x-settings were shitty. Again, if a player doesn't like LT's, there are two arenas for them to enjoy. And I'm glad Tone was vocal about his feelings, and he obviously had a valid point, or the ship settings wouldn't have changed.
                  Last edited by Subjugation; 02-27-2005, 09:09 PM.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by jesus=terrorist
                    It's not like people who just want to practice their wb skills have that option available to them.
                    ?go wbduel (several of these available)
                    ?go elim
                    Two perfectly valid options.

                    Originally posted by jesus=terrorist
                    DDing is a big part of TW. It's good for the future of TW to reduce the discouragement of wb'ing.
                    I don't disagree with your first point. DD is probably the most popular division in TW. But I don't feel like that's an excuse to make it easier for WB's to take over pubs when they already have the previously mentioned (and higher-quality) arenas to play in.

                    Originally posted by jesus=terrorist
                    And I still don't agree that x's are any good at LT hunting.
                    You never saw me or Sarien in action with the old Weasel then. I'm sorry we were smarter than the average ship six user.

                    Originally posted by jesus=terrorist
                    ... if a player doesn't like LT's, there are two arenas for them to enjoy. And I'm glad Tone was vocal about his feelings, and he obviously had a valid point, or the ship settings wouldn't have changed.
                    True enough, when I pub the two pure pubs are the only ones I will play in. But just because Tone repeated his points 50 times does not make them any more valid. It just proves that the loudest whiner gets his way around here.
                    Originally posted by Tone
                    It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
                    Originally posted by the_paul
                    Gargle battery acid fuckface
                    Originally posted by Material Girl
                    I tried downloading a soundcard


                    • #70
                      Humble Suggestion: IF the Weasel is determined to be too weak now, keep the energy drain and give it something else to fix that. speed, rotation, i dont know, whatever, but something else other than reverting back to unlimited invisibility
                      You know, possibly one of the best suggestions from tone so far...
                      Many weasels wish to get back the rocket/rep combo.
                      Dameon, I like your idea of giving the weasel bouncing bullets... but you know there is no way it can be made to bounce only once. Possibly bounce would make weasel useful in basing, I'd like to see it experimented with at least.

                      EDIT: ironically enough, i find that as a weasel I'm more often being spawned/sniped by wbs than I'm killing them, mainly cos I use either stealth or cloak but hardly ever both. Mayhap cloak was a better protection than a weapon.
                      Last edited by Theif of Time; 02-27-2005, 10:41 PM.

                      Originally posted by Disliked
                      Imagine a world without morals... it would be like the tw community
                      +++ Divide By Cucumber Error. Please Reinstall Universe And Reboot +++


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Pure Hatred
                        ?go wbduel (several of these available)
                        ?go elim
                        Two perfectly valid options.
                        Which provide a fantastic meritocratic system for wb's who are already good. But if you are a mediocre or worse wb (like myself), which btw is why one would need the practise in the first place, you have to wait 5-15 minutes before or after each elim or wb duel session before you can actually get your practise in, and wait a couple minutes to pick which ship and how many deaths are voted on.

                        There's just no comparison for wb practise than pub spawn, where you can die, and immediately respawn. You can basically practise wb nonstop. Also, you don't have to worry worry nearly as much about competition against others, and spend most of your focus on learning your shots, angles, and other techniques.

                        True enough, when I pub the two pure pubs are the only ones I will play in. But just because Tone repeated his points 50 times does not make them any more valid. It just proves that the loudest whiner gets his way around here.

                        If it is a "squeaky-wheel-gets-the-grease" issue, and it has zero to do with actual merit-of-point, then with a few weeks of nagging, there should be no problem getting it changed back. But I gotta keep it real...I think it detracts from your point when you complain about tone and others whining before the settings change, and telling them to "just deal with it", and now that the settings have changed, you are one of the players being more vocal about not liking the settings. I don't mean that as a personal insult, btw. I know people are pretty passionate about this subject, so I hope we stay cool.

                        I'll tell you what tho, if you give wb's the same x-radar with a drain that the javs get, I could care less what the x settings are.
                        Last edited by Subjugation; 02-27-2005, 11:06 PM.


                        • #72
                          Perhaps I wasn't quite clear last time I said this. So for your benefit, here it is again...
                          Originally posted by Rudy
                          Hearing about weasels bores the fuck outta me.


                          • #73
                            sorry, but i didn't catch that.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by jesus=terrorist
                              If you don't like LT's, you can always go to the pure pub arenas.
                              If you didn't like the old weasels, you could've hopped in a terrier, jav or shark and killed them. It's only a problem when it's an inconvenience to you, right? =/

                              Most of you weasel nay sayers need to get over yourselves.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Riesen
                                If you didn't like the old weasels, you could've hopped in a terrier, jav or shark and killed them. It's only a problem when it's an inconvenience to you, right? =/
                                which i did often. actually, terr is my primary basing ship, which is why i suck at wb, which is why i think wbing in spawn makes for good practise.

                                and it was a problem because the x's had an unfair advantage, not because it was inconvenient. if a mediocre player can have a 3:1 kill ratio in a specific ship, that's a pretty good sign that the ship was overpowered.

