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  • Originally posted by Ara
    1 week ban from TW, who cares about TWD bans anyways.
    Give it a rest demonfaze and dwopple lol, making yourself look just as dumb
    as stabwound.
    Give it a rest? I haven't even posted on this thread until now Ara. I must say, your blatant ignorance is mildly amusing though.

    Telcat, I still stand by what I said, we just can't prove it. I have the right to an opinion just like everyone else here. Maybe you should reread through the rest of my posts on the other thread before you make your comments. I was stating over and over how I believe staff should look into this to see what they can come up with, also that there is a high possibility of staff abuse that occured. I wasn't pointing the finger at PL in every post I made, I was just asking staff to do their job and look into the issue. What I did say about PL is what you mentioned above about how I believe PL is a part of this which I gave my reasons for and that there is no actual proof of PL doing this just a lot of references that point to PL being very likely to. By taking part in this, that means either he did it, he played a role in it with the help of someone else, or he willingly gave consent to someone he knows did it, and I still stand by that.

    I find it hilarious that people like Nethila come onto this thread calling fbz and the people that supported his argument idiots for "supposedly" being wrong, when he doesn't say the same about the people who blamed and pointed the finger at fbz (kinda like yourself Nethila) saying he was the one who did this. Little biased are we?

    Furthermore I noticed all these people all of a sudden coming out of the woodwork who weren't even involved in the previous thread just to now support PL in this issue and badger the people who they felt were wrong. Nice idea people, wait until you think the issue has already been solved and quickly run to support the guy you felt turned out clean to make it look like you were backing him the whole time. Lot of dignity you people have.

    Im sorry that a Co-Captain of PL's coming onto the forum admitting to doing everything by himself without anyone including PL knowing about it doesn't have me convinced that PL has nothing to do with it.

    On a side not: Without the constant pressure put on PL on the previous thread, probably no one would have ever found out who did it and no one would have came to "admit" it on the forums. So we would still have a unworthy staff member running around doing things he shouldn't be doing. So atleast something good came out of this.

    Also, I personally wouldn't mind dropping this whole issue altogether. Quite frankly, just getting tired of all this carrying on.


    • I like how this thread's title and winky icon don't portray the actual shit storm that is one click away.


      • Originally posted by PaulOakenfold
        I like how this thread's title and winky icon don't portray the actual shit storm that is one click away.
        lol, so true.


        • long live mischief, stabwound for sysop.
          Pallies Support Group "We all feel lonely sometimes"

          Pallies Basing Store (not just subspace merchandise)

          okie dokey baby?


          • 2D SPACESHIP GAME


            • Originally posted by PaulOakenfold
              I like how this thread's title and winky icon don't portray the actual shit storm that is one click away.
              LOL that made me laugh so hard

              but anyways PH, i'll post this for you :wub:

              A few others said it wasn't harsh for stabwound. I am not saying he should have a longer ban on TWD or anything else.. but why is it I cheat my first time in a private arena for less then a minute and i own up to it and i get 1 year netban no matter what? Then stabwound comes along, does the same thing a second time and is only removed from staff and banned two weeks? what the fuck

              jee at least remove the netban so i can play some zones while i wait out the 1 year
              1:Hydride> who we play next week
              1:ReNdErED> Pandora
              1:ReNdErED> gulp
              1:ReNdErED> if i see Ease im shiftin across map

              1:Hydride> best feeling EVER
              1:Hydride> its like if you get sacked and when the pain goes away feeling x 999999999999999999999999
              1:cranium> uve obviously never fucked a plastic bag filled with jelly inbetween the couch cushions
              1:cranium> talk about a feeling


              • 1:cripple> guys i am sorry for all the inconvenience of my virginity that i have let out on this squadron, i love u all

                1:Chief Utsav> please leave me alone


                • Hydride I like you and all but:

                  Originally posted by Hydride
                  i get 1 year netban
                  Originally posted by Hydride
                  Then 1 year to TW, then 1 year netban.
                  Originally posted by hydride
                  it was a 1 year ban
                  Originally posted by hydride
                  Like that massive name reset.. Massive Ban reset! ^-^
                  Originally posted by hydride
                  They should release everyone from ban as a celebration
                  Originally posted by hydride
                  thats right shut the fuck up, im serving my ban
                  Originally posted by hydride
                  1 year may seem a long time but since i've been banned i've done quite a bit more stuff
                  Originally posted by hydride
                  but if its a first time and its in private arena, shouldnt first ban be just 1 year from tw, then if caught again 1 year netban?
                  Originally posted by hydride
                  Yeah well mine got raised to 1 year to TW, then yesterday 1 year netban
                  please give it a reast =/


                  • Originally posted by glacier
                    Hydride I like you and all but:

                    please give it a reast =/

                    1:abbot> i think i played well
                    1:brookus> abbot last time i checked YOU lost
                    1:brookus> so im going to say that YOU sucked as well

                    7:Sleuth> HOW DO YOU FUCKS SAY CRACKER
                    7:Vue> WE SAY CRACKER
                    7:Vue> U DIPSHIT

                    7:Rampage Jackson> wtf are you guys drunk or 15?
                    7:Vue> lol jackson when sleuth is online everyone becomes 15

                    oar> i got rejected from Stray
                    oar> and both of their caps are on my personal chat
                    oar> but its ok


                    • Stab... -_-...
                      AcidBomber <ER> ^-^


                      • Originally posted by Jamal
                        Jesus fuk, just shut the fuk up already. As much as some of you wanted it to be pl, it wasn't. When I was told it was Stab, I knew it was gonna be worse then if he (pl) had really done it. It was a lose-lose for pl. LIke Stab said, if you wanna bitch to him about anything, it should be about some of the stuff on our TWD profile. I thought it was funny at first now it's just sad.

                        n mega if u wanna meet me irl ill let u meet muh glock 36 u hill billy
                        [Mar 07 18:25] JAMAL: yo n**** put yo ugly name in muh post on forums

                        Guess I have no choice. All I can say is...very nice post Pat. You probably won't get to see me if we decide to meet up cuz ill hit chu from a block away
                        DICE TWLJ/TWLB SEASON 8 CHAMP
                        DICE TWLB SEASON 10 CHAMP
                        DICE TWLB SEASON 11 CHAMP
                        DICE TWLB SEASON 13 CHAMP
                        DICE TWLJ/TWLB SEASON 15 CHAMP
                        DICE TWLJ/TWLB SEASON 16 CHAMP

                        1:waven> i promised myself that the only way id ever roid
                        1:waven> is if im going to prison
                        1:waven> no one gonna try to rape me


                        • Telcat is a hoe and stabwound is a pussy



                          • Originally posted by Evasive
                            2D SPACESHIP GAME
                            Twodizzle spashnizzle gizzle
                            some are wise, some are otherwise

                            1: PolluX> People say I talk too much
                            1: Louis XV> Dude you seriously need to stfu!
                            1: Louis XV> I still love you, k?


                            • |

                              i bit stabwounds belly button ring off and spit it on his moms dinner plate


                              • i wonder what this game would be like if it went 3d..
                                All good things must come to an end.

