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    • Originally posted by glacier
      Hydride I like you and all but:

      please give it a reast =/
      Just attempting to get back into this game quicker, but I guess since you asked so nicely I will have to keep it on the down-low :wub: lol

      anyways anyone who i know pm me with your emails so we can keep in touch
      1:Hydride> who we play next week
      1:ReNdErED> Pandora
      1:ReNdErED> gulp
      1:ReNdErED> if i see Ease im shiftin across map

      1:Hydride> best feeling EVER
      1:Hydride> its like if you get sacked and when the pain goes away feeling x 999999999999999999999999
      1:cranium> uve obviously never fucked a plastic bag filled with jelly inbetween the couch cushions
      1:cranium> talk about a feeling


      • he said reast
        Kthx> Does JB Inc pay his child support with pub bux?

        Undisputed Pre-Menstral Super-Bitch Internet Kickboxing Champion 2005


        • Originally posted by Mootland Farmer
          Why can't you reveal who gave you the password?



          • Stabwound, you must be one of the saddest people playing this game. I guess you are just lucky you suck the cock of one of the most retarded and incompetent dean in TW's history.
            I understand that this was the only thing left for you, since you and your Spastic buddies put more time in being eleet than anyone else, and you still suck.
            You ate some priest porridge


            • Not to attack Stabwound or anything, but I'm just wondering how everybody but the guys in syndicate blindly believe him. He might've just decided he'd take one for the team (For whom? I don't know! Juicyyyy).

              And regarding his punishment: In my opinion, it's a bit too mild to have him banned for a few weeks, after seeing bike get banned for such a long time. The fact that he was staff should make it even more serious. He did after all screw a squad by removing all captains!
              6:megaman89> im 3 league veteran back off

              Originally posted by Dreamwin
              3 league vet


              • Yeah that was what I was thinking; why didn't stabwound get the same punishment for the same offence.
                Who made that call? Pure_luck?
                You ate some priest porridge


                • Lol, angry fuckin' Euros. Stab didn't "screw" them - as soon as a TWD Op got on they had their captains back. It was a matter of 24 hours or less, and they could still play games during that time. If he had dissolved the squad that would be a different issue.

                  To Zerz: you're a pretty angry motherfucker - and this is coming from an angry motherfucker. I still don't know why everyone is attacking PL - he really didn't have anything to do with it but you guys just can't get that I guess and want to believe he did. As for being a dean, I don't think he's worse than any past dean and given the recent situation in TW (the huge proliferation of cheating) I'd say he's doing a good job keeping it under wraps.


                  • Originally posted by genocidal
                    Lol, angry fuckin' Euros
                    stfu punk-ass American, don't they teach you at school that the USA is discovered by Europeans

                    Christopher Columbus (October 30, 1451? โ€“ 20 May 1506) was an explorer and trader who crossed the Atlantic Ocean and reached the Americas on October 12, 1492 under the flag of Castile

                    Castile:A former kingdom of modern day Spain, Castile comprises the two regions of Old Castile in north-western Spain, and New Castile in the centre of the country.
                    I think Spain is in Europe,


                    • Originally posted by genocidal
                      Lol, angry fuckin' Euros. Stab didn't "screw" them - as soon as a TWD Op got on they had their captains back. It was a matter of 24 hours or less, and they could still play games during that time. If he had dissolved the squad that would be a different issue.

                      To Zerz: you're a pretty angry motherfucker - and this is coming from an angry motherfucker. I still don't know why everyone is attacking PL - he really didn't have anything to do with it but you guys just can't get that I guess and want to believe he did. As for being a dean, I don't think he's worse than any past dean and given the recent situation in TW (the huge proliferation of cheating) I'd say he's doing a good job keeping it under wraps.
                      Whatever, 24 hours, a week, it doesn't really matter. The point is the fact that he logged on with another guy's username. Either don't punish him at all, since logging on to somebody's username isn't really that awful, or punish everybody the same way.
                      6:megaman89> im 3 league veteran back off

                      Originally posted by Dreamwin
                      3 league vet


                      • Originally posted by genocidal
                        To Zerz: you're a pretty angry motherfucker - and this is coming from an angry motherfucker.
                        I didnt see any anger in that post, I was just asking a question.

                        Originally posted by genocidal
                        I still don't know why everyone is attacking PL - he really didn't have anything to do with it but you guys just can't get that I guess and want to believe he did.
                        I didn't accuse pure_luck of having anything to do with the hacking, I just implied that he is being lenient to his buddy (but I guess it could be expected from pure_incompetence).

                        Originally posted by genocidal
                        As for being a dean, I don't think he's worse than any past dean and given the recent situation in TW (the huge proliferation of cheating) I'd say he's doing a good job keeping it under wraps.
                        That's a very bold statement and offending to most of the past deans.
                        You ate some priest porridge


                        • i find it funny how even tho stab admitted that he did the whole thing, there are still people trying to find a way to attack pure_luck, who has nothing to do with this incident at all.
                          1 + 1 = 1


                          • Is it me or does everyone else also want to see a verbal fight between Brookus and demonfaze?

                            Someone do some quick muddling and get a war going between them, preferably something along the line of demonfaze sent some expensive gift to Erathia's online girlfriend and Brookus hacked fireballz PC in retaliation.

                            Letz get camp fire going, then we are going to sacrifice some nerds.

                            Originally posted by Fourth
                            Telcat is a hoe
                            Yeah right, if I was really a hoe I would be a smod and in the best squad at the moment. :cat:
                            โ˜• ๐Ÿ” ๐Ÿ… ๐ŸŠ๐Ÿ


                            • Isn't it about time to close this thread?


                              • jaap you need better things to do then coming here and "care" so much about this, and this goes for the rest that are doing the same thing, things are cleared now, this internet rage is just unbealivable, I can understand it, but I rather not try anymore, one of the reasons Im playing less and less.

                                I hope you like yellow tables.

                                hahaha stab I missed this part of you

