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Trench Wars... has changed.

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  • #76
    its not on twl sundays, stfu
    The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

    SSCJ Distension Owner
    SSCU Trench Wars Developer

    Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


    • #77
      Originally posted by Zeebu View Post
      for the record, i have played distension and i find it a good time. i have some opinions on it though as well...

      you are very correct in saying that distension is not like any other event in tw. in fact, there is another zone that runs somewhat similar to this (an RPG spaceship game). from this reasoning, a game like distension has the ability to support a zone in itself. so... we are taking something that has the ability to populate an entire zone... and making it an event inside trenchwars. does this not strike most people as odd?

      and yes, i am allowed to play the 10 year card. ive been around 10 years and watched the zone change for better or worse. in my opinion, either give distension its own arena to run free in OR turn it into a good event. not to knock on you qan, its fun and i give you as much credit as possible. as of right now though, it just isnt made to be an event; not in the traditional sense for our beloved zone.

      an event is something that has a beginning and an end. i dont know of many (any?) events that carry over stats from the previous time it was hosted.

      ive watched events come and go (this is where my 10 years comes in). the worst thing you can do to an event is host it 24/7. hosting dist 24/7 will be popular. it will go over great and it will probably sustain a good deal of the zone's population at all time for a while. its so different from how the rest of tw right now.

      lasdkjflkdsa im rambling and not making sense. here is what im afraid will happen. im afraid that dist will go 24/7 and be wildly popular putting a serious hit on twd/twl activity and hype. this is a bad thing. if there is one constant in TW it is TWL. in my 10 years i have never seen an event that rivals the overall popularity of TWL. why introduce something completely new to the zone that TAKES AWAY from TWL?

      i dont know... this isnt a complete post because im at work and i looked away for a while. now im leaving and i dont feel like finishing this. i think there are a couple comments in it though.

      You make a good point, one with which I reluctantly agree. I foresee that Distension could eventually become more popular than TWL with the way things are headed.

      One good reason: It's very hard (if not impossible) to increase the population that plays TWL. You guys are completely agaisnt anything that could accomplish this in a short time. I don't knock your reasons, it's your part of TW to manage. It's relatively easy to increase the population that plays distension, to the point where a much higher % of TW is active in distension than is active in TWL. This isn't just about popularity, it's about logistics. With a set # of TWL participants, and a pretty set group of squads that are competitive, there's no room for growth. Distension on the other hand, could forseeably let everyone in TW play it.

      Competitiveness keeps TWL alive and popular, but is it enough to make it more popular than distension? I'd say only time will tell, but it seems the "elders" in the zone are determined to keep distension from becoming as popular as it could be, in fear that it will overshadow TWL. Maybe it was the timing of the release, or maybe 11 seasons was a good run. Either way, TWL population is on the decline, and Distension population is increasing despite any artifical means to restrict it.

      I admit it, it seems that we have reached a very important decision that will impact TW's future. Kill distension now, in fear that it will kill TWL; allow it to run as it is now and have both suffer; or allow it to become the most popular aspect of TW.

      If you don't think it'll become the most popular aspect, then you've got nothing to loose, and everything to gain. That is if you think you can convince the people hooked on distension to go back to mindless twd matches after you've taken away they're smack.
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      • #78
        With a set # of TWL participants, and a pretty set group of squads that are competitive, there's no room for growth. Distension on the other hand, could forseeably let everyone in TW play it.
        Wrong and twisted way of thinking

        Even with a set number of slots for TWL, what's to say that a huge number of squads can't try and get one of those slots? Everyone in TW can aim to be in TWL, everyone just won't make it- which keeps a nice competitive factor going.
        There's plenty of room for growth and promotion- the more people that try to get ranked, the more value those ranking positions will hold, hence the more people will want them.

        Not only that, but once people have invested enough time to try to get ranked, even the ones that don't make it will want to watch, so you have still more people turning out for TWL.

        You're trying to portray TWL as a confined and battered tradition for a small number of people while putting Distension off as TW's Jesus, with unlimited opportunities.

        that's dumb
        My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


        • #79
          i like how so many people hate on TWL.

          i probably wont ever get to play in a TWL match, mostly because i dont lag alot, but also my days of playing this game in ship at a rate to keep playing competative has come and gone, im old and therefore must get my graduates degree and goto work.

          does this mean i stop trying for TWL? no! i play games to kill other people, not to kill monsters and level up my shit to be the ultimate newb.
          (RoboHelp)>This message has been sent by Left_Eye:
          (RoboHelp)>TW Staff are looking for players who play regulary and are friendly, helpful, knowledgeable and who
          (RoboHelp)>show a desire to improving the zone. If you are interested in joining TW Staff, e-mail
          (RoboHelp)>If you have any other questions regarding this issue, please use :Left_Eye:<Message>.


          • #80
            Originally posted by DoCk> View Post
            Honestly, I don't see what the big fuss is about. About EventBot, I had expressed no less than 5 times that I did not wish for EventBot to be created. I didn't know you created it, or I would have consulted with you. I apologize for this. I don't want any systems that give us statistical information on what players want to be hosted. This will mean lower staffers will know exactly what the players want, and in order to make them happy they'll host the exact same few events over and over and over again. If that's not a step back I don't know what is.

            As for anyone in upper staff holding anyone back, can you explain how this is the case? As far as I know you and others have been given tremendous latitude and permission in terms of development. Staff has always been very open and welcoming toward progress, and anyone who is willing to volunteer their time and effort to do something positive is welcome to do so. If you feel you are lacking support, don't you have your own teams, organizations, and other supportive mechanisms to get your work done? What exactly can an upper staffer give you than you cannot get for yourself? We aren't much different from regular staffers, except we have additional responsibilities. This means we have less free time on our hands with which to help you.

            As for my own personal inactiveness, this is nothing different than usual. I spend what little spare time I have working hard on TWSites. The smods run the show in TW, and this is the way it has always been. Of course, if you had stayed a few more months you would have made smod yourself.

            What about Trench Wars needs reinvention? I don't understand what exactly you mean. Trench Wars is a game that has stayed pretty much the same for many years. Our job is mostly maintenance; development of additional subgames is important but it isn't primary. Our core focus is pub gaming, TWD, and TWL.

            I have the impression that some feelings were stepped upon. I only wish you would have spent more time talking to me before you made this decision. I find the fact that you quit entirely unacceptable and wish for your return.
            Guess you are wrong dank.
            Rabble Rabble Rabble


            • #81
              Originally posted by kthx View Post
              Guess you are wrong dank.
              no, you're wrong for quoting a post from a thread that was made 4 1/2 years ago, and then highlighting the phrase

              "Trench Wars is a game that has stayed pretty much the same for many years. Our job is mostly maintenance; development of additional subgames is important but it isn't primary. Our core focus is pub gaming, TWD, and TWL."

              we see where that has taken us over the course of 4 1/2 years.

              You've quoted a line from the most prosperous time period in TW history, one that lists the future goals and actions to be taken by TW. Look what's happened following that line of thought. TW's community is cut in half. Looks like they might have been wrong.

              Instead of quoting DOck like he told you that line yesterday, why don't you get him in here to actually say all the shit you're saying about distension, instead of trying to make it sound like one of the creators has come out agains distension, which they haven't.
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              • #82
                He was against the automation of this zone, maybe if you played during that time period you would agree with me instead of making truly baseless accusations and hypotheses.

                And it doesn't matter if that quote was taken yesterday, five years ago, or from when TW came into being, it is as valid today as it was when it was said. TW's primary objective is Publics, TWD, and TWL. Not Distension.
                Rabble Rabble Rabble


                • #83
                  Originally posted by DankNuggets View Post
                  no, you're wrong for quoting a post from a thread that was made 4 1/2 years ago, and then highlighting the phrase

                  "Trench Wars is a game that has stayed pretty much the same for many years. Our job is mostly maintenance; development of additional subgames is important but it isn't primary. Our core focus is pub gaming, TWD, and TWL."

                  we see where that has taken us over the course of 4 1/2 years.

                  You've quoted a line from the most prosperous time period in TW history, one that lists the future goals and actions to be taken by TW. Look what's happened following that line of thought. TW's community is cut in half. Looks like they might have been wrong.

                  Instead of quoting DOck like he told you that line yesterday, why don't you get him in here to actually say all the shit you're saying about distension, instead of trying to make it sound like one of the creators has come out agains distension, which they haven't.
                  Wait you're mad at him for trying to skew Dock's words when you yourself in an earlier post tried to make TWL seem old and elitist, with no chance for growth while Distension has unlimited opportunities and everyone in TW can play it?

                  I admit it, it seems that we have reached a very important decision that will impact TW's future. Kill distension now, in fear that it will kill TWL; allow it to run as it is now and have both suffer; or allow it to become the most popular aspect of TW.
                  I can't believe I missed this line the last time I went over your post. That right there is yet another blatant example of you trying to skew things and make it seem like Distension is the new great hope and that people are only worried about it because they're afraid it's going to overtake TWL. That one of the few options available to us is to let it become the most popular aspect of TW.

                  People aren't afraid of Distension running before TWL because it's "great'. They don't want it running before TWL because it's unstable. There are plenty of options available and one of those is not "let Distension full spread it's wings and potential and let it become the most popular aspect of TW". That shit is ridiculous. Instead of saying shit like that and then pounding on wark, how about you just focus on the fact that TWL is important to alot of people who both play and don't play Distension, and all of them agree that it shouldn't be hosted on the same day as TWL.
                  My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


                  • #84

                    the 3 u's of distension at the moment

                    2:Lance> OMG
                    2:Lance> BCG is afking in my arena
                    2:Master of Dragons> you got steve'd

                    Creator/Co-Creator of:

                    ?go Prisonbreak, Twcountry, Hathunt, Treehunt, Birthday, Divbase, Defense, Devest, Trifecta, CSDOM, Brickbase, Sharkball, HateBase, Hatetf, Assassin, JavTerror, JavHunt, XmasZombies.

                    New Maps are in production...


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Liquid Blue View Post
                      Wait you're mad at him for trying to skew Dock's words when you yourself in an earlier post tried to make TWL seem old and elitist, with no chance for growth while Distension has unlimited opportunities and everyone in TW can play it?
                      Really, I feel that it is old and elitist. Or just unappealing. And yes, I do believe it has no chance for growth. Prove me wrong next year when there's more squads invited in each division, or if you don't have people complaining about how "this year's squads aren't as good as last years...".

                      Originally posted by Liquid Blue View Post
                      I can't believe I missed this line the last time I went over your post. That right there is yet another blatant example of you trying to skew things and make it seem like Distension is the new great hope and that people are only worried about it because they're afraid it's going to overtake TWL. That one of the few options available to us is to let it become the most popular aspect of TW.
                      what? I can't believe you didn't read THE NEXT LINE. You know, the one where I said if you don't think distension is so great and will be so popular, then you've got nothing to worry about (assuming you're worrying about it anyway). You'll get what you want: people playing 'your' events instead of distension. What I can't believe is that you're taking the time to say I'm skewing anything when you only read 10% of anything I've posted. Not asking you to read every post, just finish the one's you're gonna quote me on. I gave more than one opinion on it, and the how one might react to it in the future.

                      Honestly, I think all of you are making a huge fucking deal about it, and I wish that you'd LEAVE US ALL ALONE and let us play our distension in peace. Obviously since that's too much to ask, maybe you can let us at least play it sometimes.

                      Originally posted by Liquid Blue View Post
                      People aren't afraid of Distension running before TWL because it's "great'. They don't want it running before TWL because it's unstable. There are plenty of options available and one of those is not "let Distension full spread it's wings and potential and let it become the most popular aspect of TW". That shit is ridiculous. Instead of saying shit like that and then pounding on wark, how about you just focus on the fact that TWL is important to alot of people who both play and don't play Distension, and all of them agree that it shouldn't be hosted on the same day as TWL.
                      ok, fucking show me where I said they were. EVERYTHING I've said in regards to hosting distension during TWL has been along these lines: DON'T. Why do you insist on being dense? If you'd fucking read what I've been writing, you'd see that I agree it's not a good idea to run it before TWL, but since it's a MOOT POINT ANYWAY, maybe you can get over it?

                      So since you can agree that distension is important to people who play TWL as well, maybe you can not knock it so fucking hard? FFS, I DON'T THINK IT SHOULD BE HOSTED BEFORE TWL, I DON'T THINK IT SHOULD BE HOSTED BEFORE TWL, I DON'T THINK IT SHOULD BE HOSTED BEFORE TWL.

                      While I don't particularly enjoy TWL, I DO NOT WANT TO DO ANYTHING TO HARM IT. I just want to be able to play distension . Everyone is getting so worked up because it's a bit harder to find dd matches now that they're making it IMPOSSIBLE for me to play WHAT SO EVER. So maybe you can see where I'm a bit more outspoken on this.

                      You guys will still get to play TWL NO MATTER WHAT: whether I get what I want, or you get what you want. The difference is I don't get to play distension when you guys have your way, so I'm pushing my POV a bit harder these days. Really, I guess I was expecting way too much for a little compassion. Thanks to those who've offered it.
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                      • #86
                        Originally posted by DankNuggets View Post
                        Really, I feel that it is old and elitist. Or just unappealing. And yes, I do believe it has no chance for growth. Prove me wrong next year when there's more squads invited in each division, or if you don't have people complaining about how "this year's squads aren't as good as last years...".
                        I don't have to prove you wrong, it still being the prime event of the zone (that still gets hundreds in for matches) after 4 years of a rapidly declining population speaks for itself. You're still in the line of thinking that TWL has something to prove, it doesn't. Players of Distension are not doing anyone a favor by "allowing" TWL to play on sundays or get their schedule slashed for TWL. TWL deserves priority, because it's been a constant blockbuster event for the zone for years, Distension has not.

                        If you want to work on growth of the zone (and not just the Distension playerbase), then you and roxxkat should put your heads together and focus on fixing pub, while staff works on making Distension stable.

                        what? I can't believe you didn't read THE NEXT LINE. You know, the one where I said if you don't think distension is so great and will be so popular, then you've got nothing to worry about (assuming you're worrying about it anyway). You'll get what you want: people playing 'your' events instead of distension. What I can't believe is that you're taking the time to say I'm skewing anything when you only read 10% of anything I've posted. Not asking you to read every post, just finish the one's you're gonna quote me on. I gave more than one opinion on it, and the how one might react to it in the future.

                        I'm reading all of your posts which is why it's a shame that the more you post about Distension, the angrier and more hard-bitten you get about the game, ranking it up higher and higher in your mind like it's some Jesus revelation. The next lines reinforce my point more where you try to act like Distension is a new drug for the zone and it will be a hard, dug in effort to pull people into "boring" twd matches after we've taken away Distension.

                        That's not more than one opinion, that's just you rewording your earlier opinion.

                        Honestly, I think all of you are making a huge fucking deal about it, and I wish that you'd LEAVE US ALL ALONE and let us play our distension in peace. Obviously since that's too much to ask, maybe you can let us at least play it sometimes.
                        "Leave us alone"? "Distensionites"? You guys are having some identity issues, and you're being overly dramatic as well- just like your other posts. Instead of using extreme analogies and overblown dialogue, just chill the fuck out and play Distension when you can. Yes your schedule is being jumpy and it's going to continue being jumpy seeing as how it still has kinks that need to be worked out. It also needs to be clear of TWL and just run on other days.

                        BUT OBVIOUSLY since it's too much to ASK OF A NEW AND UNSTABLE EVENT, we should just let you all play Distension in peace 24/7 and the good times will roll

                        new people will log in by the hundreds, keyboards will grow lollipops out of the ends, Distension will cure cancer and all those old crotchety twl farts will finally realize it's best to let the new unstable event run whenever it wants!

                        wacky kids.

                        Why do you insist on being dense? If you'd fucking read what I've been writing, you'd see that I agree it's not a good idea to run it before TWL, but since it's a MOOT POINT ANYWAY, maybe you can get over it?
                        How about you take 5 seconds, breathe in because you saw something about people who play Distension agreeing with me, and read the quote you flipped out on again.

                        Originally posted by lb
                        People aren't afraid of Distension running before TWL because it's "great'. They don't want it running before TWL because it's unstable. There are plenty of options available and one of those is not "let Distension full spread it's wings and potential and let it become the most popular aspect of TW". That shit is ridiculous. Instead of saying shit like that and then pounding on wark, how about you just focus on the fact that TWL is important to alot of people who both play and don't play Distension, and all of them agree that it shouldn't be hosted on the same day as TWL.

                        Do you see anywhere in there, me saying " Dank you're dumb for saying distension should run before twl on sunday"


                        It's me explaining why people don't want Distension to run before sunday, not that I'm pointing my finger at you saying why you're wrong and you are a terrible person for wanting it to run on sunday. I was explaining why people don't want Distension to run before sunday. Not that you kill babies, or that I think you want it to run on sunday, or that wonder woman is in love with batman and not superman.

                        You've latched on to the idea that I'm not reading your posts so hard that your monitor is breaking from the strain and you can't actually read what I'm telling you.

                        While I don't particularly enjoy TWL, I DO NOT WANT TO DO ANYTHING TO HARM IT. I just want to be able to play distension . Everyone is getting so worked up because it's a bit harder to find dd matches now that they're making it IMPOSSIBLE for me to play WHAT SO EVER. So maybe you can see where I'm a bit more outspoken on this.
                        That's a shame and half the time I think that you, Vehicle and Zeebu are the best-spoken distension players that put out the most balanced and thought-out posts in the distension discussion. It just seems that you sometimes let wark get you riled up and you start saying shit I disagree with.

                        I understand that there's a fun part of the game that you want to play but aren't able to right now, and I don't have any other advice for you than to be patient. Staff knows that alot of people like Distension right now, and I'm sure they're trying to work out a good schedule for the European and American Distension fans, you just have to wait longer. It sucks but I don't know, find another game or hobby to have some fun with.

                        You guys will still get to play TWL NO MATTER WHAT: whether I get what I want, or you get what you want. The difference is I don't get to play distension when you guys have your way, so I'm pushing my POV a bit harder these days. Really, I guess I was expecting way too much for a little compassion. Thanks to those who've offered it.
                        Well you have to understand that TWL has been aruond for a long, long, long time. It's also really fucking popular, so it's going to get precedence over a "new" (read, played for under 2 years) event like Distension. It's a logical and albeit unfair, part of life for you.
                        My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


                        • #87
                          Trench Wars needs to keep TWL and TWD as it's main priority, sooner or later this zone will have such a small playerbase (regardless of what you do) that praccing with friends/squads will be the only option, all in preparation for TWL.

                          As for subarenas, you will need Pub as the main attraction for new players who log in. I have posted in another thread about this. Secondary arenas would be the following:

                          Duel/Elim(merged with baseelim)

                          With that said; Hosted events can be left intact. Although I suggest a decrease of number of events hosted each week. Hosted events should focus on Deathmatches (all variations, no super) warzone, Tournaments etc. You see the pattern of focusing on events that are useful for twd/twl. There are several other events that can prove to be enjoyable, like hockey zombies, these are fine but stuff like warpwars is stupid.

                          As for distension, no harm meant to the creator, I am just wondering what the fuzz is about, i'm a level 12 spider or so and I have concluded that camping is the only option available for me. Even if I was level 30 I still would camp the shit out of everything because the amount of weak ships - and people who cant aim/control energy - is outstanding. With that said, the skill required is as small as possible, it will never be as fun as ?go base and beyond. The reason why I even log into this game is because it doesnt have a level up system, if I wanted that I would play Final Fantasy series instead.

                          If you want to play with different ship settings where your ship doesnt explode after one hit I suggest logging into Chaos Zone.
                          TWDTJ & TWDTB FINALIST 2019


                          • #88
                            FTR, I don't want it on sundays and never have. you say you're just explaining why people don't want it on sundays, but HMS is pretty much the only person who wants it on sundays, and that's out of the principle of sticking to a schedule more than "getting 2 more hours of rpg points for my spaceship".

                            If you think I'm getting paranoid over you not reading my posts, it's because you keep restating the reasons why it shouldn't be on sunday, when I've posted just as many times that I don't want it on sunday (and no one's disagreeing with me). There's also an entire thread about it being on sundays, so for my sake and everyone else's, I won't mention the word "sunday" again.

                            Don't worry, I'll be patient. But it's no secret that pretty much the only thing keeping me playing this game is distension, so I won't be logging in to spectate any TWL matches. I'll still get bored with distension from time to time and play some pub, or maybe a dd if i'm not axed by then (might have to settle for a wbduel). Really that's not all that different from a lot of TWL players, who only log in to do that.

                            And believe me LB, I don't think it's anything more than a fun way to play continuum. Evidenced by the fact that I haven't played since Friday. Not just because of the shitty schedule, but because there are other things to do. Please don't belittle my attempts to defend this game by making me out to be some sort of hopelessly addicted distenion(whateveryouwanttocallpeoplewhoplayit), because that's really a low blow more up wark's alley. I'd assume you'd defend anything you felt was getting a bad rep too.
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                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Jones View Post
                              As for distension, no harm meant to the creator, I am just wondering what the fuzz is about, i'm a level 12 spider or so and I have concluded that camping is the only option available for me. Even if I was level 30 I still would camp the shit out of everything because the amount of weak ships - and people who cant aim/control energy - is outstanding. With that said, the skill required is as small as possible, it will never be as fun as ?go base and beyond. The reason why I even log into this game is because it doesnt have a level up system, if I wanted that I would play Final Fantasy series instead.

                              If you want to play with different ship settings where your ship doesnt explode after one hit I suggest logging into Chaos Zone.
                              You feel you need to camp, because you're still under the impression that W:L matters, or that you have to play it like a ?go base game. I'm not going to argue basing theory or any crap like that, but I have a similar level spider, and I do not camp. Quite frankly, I feel that you're being selfish by doing that, and don't care about helping your team do things like kill enemy terrs or capture the flag. Not that killing enemies isn't helping, but to say that's the only thing you can do is just stupid.

                              Basically you're just playing not to enjoy the game, but to have the highest ranked ship. What can I say, maybe you are doing it wrong. But hey, if the reason why you log into this game isn't to do things like level up, then why play distension? It's not the only part of TW, why not help some of these other people find dds or play some ?go base. Somebody's got to wait there until there's enough people.

                              If all you want is elimination style play, or level teams with ship restricions, then you're not going to enjoy distension, I'm sorry. I'm glad you've given it enough time to make an educated decision though, something that not a lot of detracters are willing to do.

                              ship doesn't explode after one hit? i'd suggest playing something other than wb... it's nothing like chaos zone, but if you want people to leave TW, keep showing them the door.
                              Afterall, we know as a fact that research shows it's easier to just get new people to come to the zone than to keep the people you have. Proven axiom of business. [/sarcasm]
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                              • #90
                                dank, the more you talk, the more thankful i am that you do not make any decisions on running the zone

                                1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion

