Originally posted by Ardour
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anywayyyyyyyy, back on topic....
thunder's argument (lol): some rule says that you have to wait two ROUNDS of TWL. therefore, exalt is ineligible, if he wouldn't have gone 0-5, thunder probably would've won.
dynasty's argument: some rule says that if a player is given specific approval, then he can play. therefore, exalt is eligible.
so....what it really boils down to is two rules contradicting each other. the only reason thunder's argument is legit is because of the fact that the rule says ROUND instead of WEEK. considering there was like 3 weeks or something between each round, exalt should be eligibile to play. i mean come on, seriously...(such nerds to be able to find one word that makes a difference lOL). and another important thing to think about is what effect did this player have on the game? the player in question went 0-5, so...did this make it harder for thunder to win? fuck no. thunder lost fair and square, get over it.
oh and since we're making comparisons about exalt not having any effect in this game but maybe he had some nice passes, let's compare this to last years twld finals? delectable was able to play because he was given specific permission to by a twl op (also his squad captain LOLZ), even though he was ineligible to play. did this cause them to forfeit? no. did this even call for a rematch? no.
there should be no forfeit NOR no rematch.
