Originally posted by kthx
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Forum Mafia - Shawshank Redemption - Salvation lies within
Originally posted by Voth View Post
Ignoring the rest of your hissy fit, why is it a bad move for town? There is literally no downside to it. Sure, you might die and flip town, but if you're right like you have made so clear is unmistakably the truth, then it doesn't matter. You did, Jessup dies, town wins. That means you win too. Right?
I'm not arguing about the rest of the game or exchanging insults with you at this point. There is a simple route where town wins regardless of who is scum or not. Town Exalt would be frustrated that people haven't seen he is clearly town, but he would also do whatever it takes to have town win. You're not doing that now, just like you didn't do it when you stopped Jessup from getting lynched last phase.
There's no chance there's two scum left and it's you and Jessup, right? That would be super crazy.
Lynching you would be no different in the case you're arguing, so why not vote yourself? I'm clearly more able to solve this game than you, so why keep yourself around?
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Originally posted by Kassius View PostHope things with your dad are OK, Kthx, btw. Forgot to say earlier.Last edited by kthx; 07-01-2020, 05:27 PM.
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Hope things with your dad are OK, Kthx, btw. Forgot to say earlier.
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Fine. Cutting 2 hours off phase. One hour till lynch, jessup on the block.
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Jessup protecting Exalt last night, holy mother of god. Please put it out of its misery kthx.
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Why do you want to die so quickly? Why won't you vote Exalt to save yourself if you're town? Out of spite? Interesting. You suck really bad at this game.
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Originally posted by Voth View Post
Ignoring the rest of your hissy fit, why is it a bad move for town? There is literally no downside to it. Sure, you might die and flip town, but if you're right like you have made so clear is unmistakably the truth, then it doesn't matter. You did, Jessup dies, town wins. That means you win too. Right?
I'm not arguing about the rest of the game or exchanging insults with you at this point. There is a simple route where town wins regardless of who is scum or not. Town Exalt would be frustrated that people haven't seen he is clearly town, but he would also do whatever it takes to have town win. You're not doing that now, just like you didn't do it when you stopped Jessup from getting lynched last phase.
There's no chance there's two scum left and it's you and Jessup, right? That would be super crazy.
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Originally posted by Exalt View Post
Because im obvious town and your 'foolproof plan' is fucking garbage play? Literally nobody with any sense thinks I'm scum, because I've been townier than anyone in this game and my role has literally been proven now that I've used it. I've been calling people scum and been right about it since D2, while all you've done is beg everyone to leave Halp for Vehicle and then lie about it ever since. I proved that already, yet you've literally ignored my posts and continue to push your Jessup-level schizophrenia reads without any reasoning or proof to back it up. Matter of fact, the ONLY reason you arent lynchbait right now for being so bad is that Field said you were town. Without that, you'd be even scummier than Jessup for how you've played the past few phases. It's been ridiculously bad.
If you truly think my role is a scum role, you are an idiot. That's all I have to say. Also, if you flip scum post-game, I'm going to bitch at Field about it.
I'm not arguing about the rest of the game or exchanging insults with you at this point. There is a simple route where town wins regardless of who is scum or not. Town Exalt would be frustrated that people haven't seen he is clearly town, but he would also do whatever it takes to have town win. You're not doing that now, just like you didn't do it when you stopped Jessup from getting lynched last phase.
There's no chance there's two scum left and it's you and Jessup, right? That would be super crazy.
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Originally posted by Exalt View Post
Why would you protect me when I made it very clear I had a BP vest from Field? Literally the worst thing you couldve done
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Originally posted by Voth View Post
I don't understand. There is zero downside to lynching you with him to be sure. Town Exalt would be all over a fool proof plan. Can you at least elaborate on why it's not a good idea? You know that you win too as town even if you die, right? So why so scared? Just sac bunt it and win then. Unless you're not...
If you truly think my role is a scum role, you are an idiot. That's all I have to say. Also, if you flip scum post-game, I'm going to bitch at Field about it.
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Side note. Did Jessup just say he protected Exalt last night even when Exalt has been saying he has a bulletproof vest from field?
Pretty cool idea bro.
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Originally posted by Jessup View PostI need to hear logic to unvote kass . I know kass is scum but the real battle for who is town right now is between voth and exalt. If either of you can make a good reason to vote the other I will do so but it has to be good. No way I'd allow a double lynch on 2 town today lol..
Ya voth I baited ur ass too saying id go for exalt.. just like I tried to bait scum last night to go against exalt but willby was target sigh.. look back I was purposely trying to act anit exalt but I thought it was too lopsided a game fter seeing pf and m_Leo flip 3rd part for exalts vote block to be scum.. I sadly thought kassius and willby were final scum team.. it now appears it is kassius and voth or kassius and exalt.. of course beast is useless and lurking so it could be kassius and beast too but I doubt it.
Beast You should claim beast.. it is time if you want to help town
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