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Forum Mafia - Shawshank Redemption - Salvation lies within

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  • Kassius
    Originally posted by Exalt View Post
    Oh and Kassius, if you are town and plan on voting me tomorrow, use your ability on me tonight. See what happens. If it's an NK, I'll survive bcuz of the BP Vest. If jailed, you'll know I didnt kill anyone when someone dies. If cop, then you'll see I'm town. Etc.
    I'm depleted..

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  • Kassius
    Originally posted by Exalt View Post
    Either I'm the most OP scum role in mafia history, or its obvious I'm town.

    Oh, and my 3rd ability is to take away someone's vote, which I'll be using on Voth tomorrow. FYI. So when that too is mod confirmed, you can have fun explaining how I'd be scum with all these abilities plus busdriver or strongman or something on top of it.
    But everything you have is 1 shot, and in a game with a third party and 2 cultists starting the game, perhaps the scum team is only 3-man. To balance that out a bit, you have all these powers around controlling the prison population. A warden-godfather, if you will.

    I did say earlier that I couldn't see how these actions align with town at all. Willby made a case for you calling and end to the lynch by 'calming' the prison, but to to then have that same person have these other powers doesn't make sense.

    I think it's a toss-up between you and Beast tomorrow.

    How can you dispute Field's alignment statement for Voth being 'Prison'. When you say you don't know what 'that even means', is that because you were speaking truthfully and just slipped because you didn't check the first page, where everyone that has flipped town has got Prison at the start of their role?

    I've been uncomfortable with your backing of me since I revealed, it was too easy almost. I'm very unsure about you now with who we have left. I have to side with Voth on this and I'm struggling to see how any action you have is for the good of the town. You're removing votes, you're stopping lynches etc. These are all anti-town, maybe it really is this obvious.

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  • Exalt
    But imo, more than likely you're dead tonight if town Kassius. Voth is too dumb to ever read the game and use his brain to make better reads, so scum will leave him until he leads town to a loss. Zeebu's role was weak and he wont be targeted, and Beast is Beast, so he will never die regardless of alignment.

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  • Exalt
    Oh and Kassius, if you are town and plan on voting me tomorrow, use your ability on me tonight. See what happens. If it's an NK, I'll survive bcuz of the BP Vest. If jailed, you'll know I didnt kill anyone when someone dies. If cop, then you'll see I'm town. Etc.

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  • Exalt
    Originally posted by Kassius View Post
    I guess Jessup could have lied about successfully protecting Field. I mean.. nothing Jessup has done all game has made any sense whatsoever. She supposedly protected Exalt last night for crying out loud.
    Idk but she said her action succeeded so I believe it. I dont see any way it happened except for Beast, who is the last unclaimed player remaining.

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  • Exalt
    Either I'm the most OP scum role in mafia history, or its obvious I'm town.

    Oh, and my 3rd ability is to take away someone's vote, which I'll be using on Voth tomorrow. FYI. So when that too is mod confirmed, you can have fun explaining how I'd be scum with all these abilities plus busdriver or strongman or something on top of it.

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  • Kassius
    I guess Jessup could have lied about successfully protecting Field. I mean.. nothing Jessup has done all game has made any sense whatsoever. She supposedly protected Exalt last night for crying out loud.

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  • Exalt
    Voth, I'll ask you again.

    How can you explain Field dying if Jessup succeeded in protecting him?

    You must know something, because you protected Jessup all day yesterday. You also must know I'm not a busdriver, considering I used my No Lynch ability and it was mod confirmed, yet you still call me scum.

    So, tell me, what happened?

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  • Kassius
    Originally posted by Voth View Post

    Are you scum with Kthx or just moronic beyond words?

    This is simple stuff.
    ? No I don't get it. I've looked at Mafia Universe roles and the only things that would seem to work are Bus Driver or a second strong man. Which would seem just a tad overpowered? Please feel free to explain it so a moron would understand then.

    FWIW I'm inclined to vote with you against Exalt now, but are we missing Beast out entirely first?

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  • Voth
    With Exalt*

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  • Voth
    Originally posted by Kassius View Post

    Could Beast really be a busdriver? I'm struggling to see how else, if Jessup got a 'success'. Even if Beast was the remaining scum who was a roleblocker, and was allowed both actions, Jessup would have had a Fail.

    Could it be a made-up Kthx role, like the Vehicle role?
    Are you scum with Kthx or just moronic beyond words?

    This is simple stuff.

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  • Voth
    If anyone with a pulse playing this game doesn't vote Exalt tomorrow, I don't know what to say.

    It all makes sense, even down to killing Willby last night. Exalt and I have been going at it for 80 pages at this point. He knew Willby was town and a huge threat to finally outing him as the scum I know he has been. That's why he killed him. Why wouldn't he kill me or zeebu? He YOLO'd and took one road over the other - paint Voth as a complete idiot nonstop and question his credibility as a player nonstop - if I do that and capitalize on newbie Kassius, inactive zeebu, dumb fuck Jessup, and complete moron/inactive Beast, I win. Couldn't have planned it better myself.

    I will admit, you actually had me second guessing myself Exalt. But the hysterics and pissy fits were a little much.

    Now that everyone bought Exalts bullshit (including you Jessup, I was the only one who even had a shred of thought you might be town, so fuck off), are we all ready to buy mine?

    You can already see him flailing. Get a clue newbies.

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  • Kassius
    Originally posted by Exalt View Post

    Real interesting. Care to explain to me how that is possible? How did Field die if Jessup protected him? Please explain. I'll wait.
    Could Beast really be a busdriver? I'm struggling to see how else, if Jessup got a 'success'. Even if Beast was the remaining scum who was a roleblocker, and was allowed both actions, Jessup would have had a Fail.

    Could it be a made-up Kthx role, like the Vehicle role?

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  • Kassius
    All green town flips have said 'Prison' in them.

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  • Kassius
    Exalt, FWIW my role PM says 'Prison Wildcard', so that's the alignment there.

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