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Muhammad cartoon row intensifies

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  • #31
    nope only three pics per post and those little smiles count as pics too :grin:


    • #32
      The 3 image limit is in place to discourage the use of excessive smilies, as those who want to post a lot of pictures will just make another post and those who want to post a shitload of smilies (as it seems skitzo has tried) wont bother
      Originally posted by Facetious
      edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


      • #33
        Originally posted by 404 Not Found
        Any Fanatical Right Wing group of any religion from any country will come across in the same manor.

        At what point do you draw a line and say wake the F up and get with the program?

        I understand that Palestine's laws are based upon there religious beliefs. In the States when the Puritans where settling in the New England States, they would burn people for being accused of witchcraft. Maybe they where correct, as their beliefs in religion where the law of the land and if they still did that somewhere in this world today should we would just acknowledge it as part of their religion, just as the Spanish Inquisition was justified in the actions they committed?

        At some point there needs to be a line drawn between the two.

        All I want to know is why these people do not have jobs and all they do is burn flags, threaten people and countries and shoot guns off in the air? Maybe I am missing the point and this is how one gets ahead in life to better ones self? If Religion runs every aspect of the daily life in these Mid-East Countries, why do they need monetary & food aid? Why do the other rich OPEC nations seem to ignore the pleas from these poor nations? Or should that be supplied from the direction of the prophet as well as god? The fact that they need this aid and yet do little to contribute back to the process is disheartening.

        Hypothetically, what would happen if 99.9% of the world would stop purchasing OPEC countries oil exports? What would they do and how would they survive economically? Not that this will happen anytime soon, but it's interesting to think of what the contributions to the world would be from these religious run governments when the rest of the world has become a World Interdependent group of countries economically surviving of the trade/commerce of one another.

        Amazing what a stupid cartoon can do.

        hmmmm not sure if your serious or not

        There are some people in palestine that have lived all their lives in refugee camps. They are unwanted by neighbouring countries and isreal. How are they ment to get a job under these circumstances? What company is going to open a factory in that uncertain environment? Its not surprising they turn to faith and to religion and become more radical. I'm sure if they had cushy jobs their own house and car they wouldn't care as much and a lot less flag burning would be going on, but for most of these people religion is all they have and that is why they get so upset.

        I'm no fan of religion, i hate it in education or government, if you want to be religious - fair enough - but if you want to enforce it into law or education i don't like it. I also like equality and human rights. For those reasons i have a problem with a lot of the arabian nations, amongst others. As you say, i don't like the fact becuase the middle east has oil the USA and EU let those things slide. I think Bush's relations with the Saudi's is an example of how our capatalist system lets morals go when it comes to money. I wonder what sort of trade sanctions would be imposed on them if they had nothing the west wanted?

        But to simply say why don't they get jobs or why doesn't the government stop them doesn't get to the root of the problem. For me that is the inequal distrubution of wealth in the world, religion and a scaremongering biased media.

        it really seems to me after the world trade center all the media has been hyping up West Vs Muslim Middle East, they are spreading and pandering a racist sentiment and some of the things i've seen on the arabic news cuttings are rediculous. But when ppl read those things they believe it furthering the fear widening the rift on both sides.
        In my world,
        I am King



        • #34
          I say FU to people who whine about it,

          is it racist if i say

          fu whiney ar*b people?!


          • #35
            Originally posted by Pressure Drop
            hmmmm not sure if your serious or not
            Serious to a degree...and you picked up on the sarcasm as well

            Watched the news on a BBC feed and it was in regards to the fact that there are many western influenced as well as financially well off ppl living in Palestine. Yes there are refugee camps, but there are also some affluent people too. Mostly it was in regards to the womens point of view, with Hammas winning the election, these women had a growing fear that they would soon not be allowed to dress as they do, drive cars, attend universities and so on.

            My sarcasm was in regards to how the media portrays these outbursts in the streets. You would think that every Palestinian walks around with there faces covered carrying guns and burning things.
            May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Mantra-Slider
              actually he is not entirly wrong.. its built on a missunderstanding. Some guys thought it was a norwegian author (but in a danish paper) who was behind the article and his picture was spread all over the muslim world (well almost) and was in the news etc. they were burning his photo and stuff like that!

              edit: some people are so full of hate that they dont really care who they hate as long as they can hate!
              the pictures were printed in both a danish and a norwegian newpaper, so then now want to boycott both danish and norwegian products.
              they also burn both danish and norwegian flags and threaten denmark, france and norway.

              all i can say is fuck off islam. you're all cavemen! what the hell do you bloody muslims think would happen to you if we stopped giving you aid?
              in sudan you just threw rocks at the people that feed you! imagine what would happen to you if we took our food an water and kept it for ourselves..
              im sure there are none from sudan here, but im sure there are some muslims. now, why do you think you (muslims) are 20-30-40 years behind the rest of the world?
              Throughout time, there’s been
              crimes, throughout our history
              But not as great, as the one of late, affecting you and me
              Once a nation proud and free, and now we’re weeping sorrow’s tears
              Tragedy’s approaching, it’s worse than all your fears

              Come on my countrymen
              Come on and take a stand
              Don’t let ‘em take away your land

              the Wenger bus is coming
              and all the kids are running
              from London to Manchester
              cos he's a child molester

              fuck islam


              • #37
                Did you read this part?
                Originally posted by RATTY...
                I wonder how we got drawed into this shit.
                I didn't say that it was Norway that started it all

                Originally posted by ZeUs!!
                RATTY, I take everything back apart from the fact that you've got a massive inferiority complex over the significance of your country
                Good, I was going to post from different sources, with people burning the norwegian flag and talking about boycotting products.

                Do some research before you open your fucking mouth next time.
                Last edited by RATTY...; 02-02-2006, 06:11 PM.
                DuelBot> You have defeated 'nessy' score: (20-11)
                Nessy> i left for 3 years clean
                Nessy> came back got on rampage, won twl, #1 in elim for 3 weeks, not even tryin, gg

                1:King Baba> i know my name is King Baba, but you can call me Poseidon

                I Luv Cook> I'll double penetrate your ass:/

                Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean.

                Broaden your horizons, read my blog:


                • #38
                  Quote the post and ignore it
                  Originally posted by Facetious
                  edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


                  • #39
                    It shouldn't have been printed in the first place, but, in their country, they have the freedom to do it. The Muslim world also has the freedom to boycott their racist, and unnecessarily offensive, asses.


                    • #40
                      Not going to bother trying to round up all the quotes, lol.


                      We consider burning our Flag to be Blasphemous, as I'm sure any Patriotic Citizen of ANY Country does. Yet we don't Fucking flip out everytime some Wahabbi moron with a Green Bandana torches a couple of them.

                      They overreact to everything, as someone in this thread said earlier, they feel like everyone is down on them and hates them and has something against them, and like they are singled out.
                      Yeah, all these wealthy, modernized Muslim nations like Kuwait, U.A.E., Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Bahrain, etc. are treated like shit simply for being Muslim! ...Right.

                      As if we don't poke fun at everyone else, including ourselves? Suddenly Islam, the religion of 'Peace' is too good to be subject to all the same critique as every other religion. That's a blank pass to act like a savage, don'tchaknow.

                      Well, sever the head of a bound, innocent captive who was snatched up while trying to build you a Water Treatment Plant! That will CERTAINLY bolster everyones opinion towards you!

                      Islam needs to stop acting like it's Shit doesn't stink.

                      Like they are the only ones free to voice their(hate filled) opinion of others, lest they blow up something and/or behead someone.

                      They are like the little crybaby kid who throw's a Goddamn bloody tantrum when their younger Brother gets an extra scoop of Ice Cream and they feel it's some huge, hate filled bias against them.

                      Grow the Fuck up.
                      AND IT BACKFIYAHS. EVERY. FUCKIN. TIME.

                      o// REVERE ILYAZ, JASON & GRAN \\o


                      • #41
                        different cultures has different ways of expressing how they feel, and what they respect.. i wonder how americans would react if some euro country start burning american flags
                        1 + 1 = 1


                        • #42
                          See what I said above.

                          The debate is not about the fact certain things will offend people, as I said, burning my flag offends me. Shit, a multitude of things offend me.

                          The difference is, I don't blow up a Newspaper office or behead a Journalist in response. Nor do I threaten to, as is Islamic custom, or so it would seem.

                          People are free to express themselves in this world(most of it, anyhow) and voice their opinions of others.
                          Tough shit, it's not radical, fundamentalist Sharia law and they can live with it or Fuckoff.
                          AND IT BACKFIYAHS. EVERY. FUCKIN. TIME.

                          o// REVERE ILYAZ, JASON & GRAN \\o


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Centurion
                            See what I said above.

                            The debate is not about the fact certain things will offend people, as I said, burning my flag offends me. Shit, a multitude of things offend me.

                            The difference is, I don't blow up a Newspaper office or behead a Journalist in response. Nor do I threaten to, as is Islamic custom, or so it would seem.

                            People are free to express themselves in this world(most of it, anyhow) and voice their opinions of others.
                            Tough shit, it's not radical, fundamentalist Sharia law and they can live with it or Fuckoff.
                            The religion alone does not teach this but I think it would be fair to say all religions are easily corrupted. It is easy because religions use faith as a tool and faith is the death of reason and understanding. In this day and age I believe the the economic and political atmosphere is tense because of the cultural influences but it's too subjective to compare to others and find a moral high ground there.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Kolar
                              It is easy because religions uses faith as a tool, and faith is the death of reason and understanding.

                              Yes, in it's Negative form.

                              Religions as a whole tend not to teach it directly, that's just how the Fanatics always interpret it, and they happen to be very vocal and radical in their actions.

                              It works both ways, just far more often with Islam.
                              AND IT BACKFIYAHS. EVERY. FUCKIN. TIME.

                              o// REVERE ILYAZ, JASON & GRAN \\o


                              • #45
                                That's an unfair bias. Just 40 years ago our country forced black people to use completely different (and shitty) facilities and be subject to pervasive racism everyday. Fundamentalist Christians legitimated the persecution and murder of blacks, Catholics, gays, and probably more on extreme Protestantism (Ku Klux Klan).

                                The point is, don't stereotype or make sweeping judgments about a religion you probably know nothing about (and I'll admit, I'm no Islam expert). A lot of people can interpret things in numerous ways; Islam, Judeaism, and Christianity are all fundamentally the same (i.e. worship the same God and much of the Old Testament correlates with Quran). I don't want people judging my culture on the basis of anti-abortion murderers, K.K.K. members, or any other extremist organization in America, so we shouldn't either.

