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where did lunar crescens <smod> go??

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  • #91
    Well at least you're not leaving us entirely Guano . I never meant to offend her or you, I still think she did a lot for the zone but she better served the zone as lower staff, her personality and experience didn't fit with her S-mod position or any position on upper staff. I think it was very easy to see that she wasn't fit for being part of upper staff Kites, you don't need staff powers or access to know what she did or know what kind of person she was and how that would fit into a staffer job.


    • #92
      Kites, as you should probably consider editing, I didn't quote you.

      You think that my dislike for that bitch is not justified? As a "Fellow girl" I know where "she" is coming from, and in that it makes me dislike her that much more. Being a "fellow girl" I know how little it takes to get staff, case in point: goddess (among others).
      I have no respect for power tripping newbs. And as I JUST said, I disliked lunar before I knew that it was claiming to be female.

      Like I said, consider an edit.
      Last edited by Volcs; 03-11-2005, 12:35 AM.
      Kthx> Does JB Inc pay his child support with pub bux?

      Undisputed Pre-Menstral Super-Bitch Internet Kickboxing Champion 2005


      • #93
        Idle threats on a spaceship game forum. Gotta love it.
        Originally posted by Tone
        It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
        Originally posted by the_paul
        Gargle battery acid fuckface
        Originally posted by Material Girl
        I tried downloading a soundcard


        • #94
          LOL Volcs you are the bitch here.


          • #95
            Originally posted by Volcs
            Kites, as you should probably consider editing, I didn't quote you.

            You think that my dislike for that bitch is not justified? As a "Fellow girl" I know where "she" is coming from, and in that it makes me dislike her that much more. Being a "fellow girl" I know how little it takes to get staff, case in point: goddess (among others).
            I have no respect for power tripping newbs. And as I JUST said, I disliked lunar before I knew that it was claiming to be female.

            Like I said, consider an edit.
            you forgot to put quotations around -->her<--

            consider an edit.
            Philos> I both hate you and like you more than anyone in this game randedl
            Philos> there is something about you
            Philos> You're like the wife i'd love to fuck, but beat every night after work

            PhaTz> we should all wear t-shirts that says "I WAS THERE WHEN RANDEDL LOST TWLD" and on the back, "TWICE"


            • #96
              Originally posted by Volcs
              Jacklyn seems like she'd be a good mod, I'm not a big fan but I know she hosed a lot and actually put in some effort unlike most of the lazy fucks.

              Haven't gotten rid of me yet..
              Lunar taught me alot of the stuff i know how to host..

              Its sad to see someone go.. cuz now you think.. was there something you could of done to make her stay.. :, i like talking to her because she listens..i still get to talk to her <_< like once a full moon

              ..:: squeak::..


              • #97
                Originally posted by Volcs
                Kites, as you should probably consider editing, I didn't quote you.

                You think that my dislike for that bitch is not justified? As a "Fellow girl" I know where "she" is coming from, and in that it makes me dislike her that much more. Being a "fellow girl" I know how little it takes to get staff, case in point: goddess (among others).
                I have no respect for power tripping newbs. And as I JUST said, I disliked lunar before I knew that it was claiming to be female.

                Like I said, consider an edit.
                Well, I guess nice GIRLS finish last too. If you knew her personally like I did BEFORE she got staff you'd realize that she never wanted staff to begin with. She simply wanted staff to have more authority and control over the little uncontrolable swearing little kids in the pubs, and ofcourse, to show people the light. Her being a female had pretty much nothing to do with becoming staff. Everyone thinks it's always the girls that get staff because their girls, but in realization girls are the only one's that don't swear uncontrollably, so in turn they are perfect for handling public relations. Well, the ones that are the complete opposite of you ofcourse.
                Thrashing> "That'll be 25.99, thank you for buying, please come again"
                Thrashing> "LET'S FUCK!"
                Thrashing> Like that, Ott?
                Catgirl> rofl
                Missy> o.O im so leaving this chat

                Kim> hal, say fit of rage sucks ballz
                fit of r> here, i'll do it for you
                fit of r> I SUCK BALLS
                Kim> loool
                fit of r> I LOVE BIG HAIRY MAN BALLS


                • #98
                  Originally posted by kites
                  being a fellow girl
                  that's ridiculous. that's like saying if a white person is being trashed on the forums i should jump in and feel his or her pain, and try to explain on behalf of the white person. news flash kiddo: just because you're the same sex as someone doesn't mean you have some hidden super-connection with him. Seriously... think for a second before you "pre-judge" volcs for being a girl.

                  hi volcs
                  3:PEGASiS> double u tee ef?
                  3:Spirit> ar oh ef el

                  MODERATOR WARNING: pegasis if I catch you hiding again I will ban you -Da Farmer!
                  MODERATOR WARNING: pegasis, If you do not stop killing your own team <yellow ships on radar> You will be banned from this zone!! Thank you. -YoMama!!!

                  Hal Wilker> hal likes pegasis to cumshot in his eye.


                  • #99
                    I agree with what you're saying about the whole "fellow girl" thing pegasis. I think kite's view of the situation is the ratio of Girls:Guys in TW... I think he expects that because we're all the same sex and their are so FEW of us, then we all stick together.

                    Just so you understand Kite's i prefer most of the guys in this game to the girls. I find them less argumentative and they don't bitch at me (personally) as much.

                    Not that i have anything against the girls but there's no special bond. Lunar's probably the only other girl i speak/spoke to (properly) apart from suzie. So i am sad to see her go.

                    Oh well nuff said thing's will move on, and there'll be a new Luny again one day.
                    A White Mage

                    Buy edu backlinks


                    • Originally posted by Broly
                      Jacklyn got promoted to mod, so now theres 3 female mods if im correct that demonic is female (correct me if im wrong)
                      Demonic is male, but claims to be female.

                      Yeah in conclusion Lunar Cresents (or whatever her name is) was too new to be a staff member, all her bubbly shit was a cover up. Volcs is right, noone is that pissy over someone swearing on a spaceship game. The last thing we want is a fuckin female Ned Flanders on staff.

                      In conclusion if you say youre a girl 100 nerds from staff will flock around you and give you special treatment. If GODDESS could do it, imagine what might happen if a girl who wasnt fat & ugly tried to join staff.

                      I'm glad Lunar is gone, hopefully she will not return. Despite what all the staff members say, I personally think they're just sticking up for her because she flirted with them perhaps and seemed like a 'nice girl' with a stupid username.

                      As for Cpt.Guano!.. thanks for helping the zone but your username sucks and you'll never be considered elite because of your gay name and basing shit. Good bots though.

                      'Public Relations'. How hard can that shit be. Anyone can post news on the website, and to be honest, who even reads the frontpage anyway.
                      It seems the only news that's ever posted is crap about WW3 or the upcoming gay games like Waldo.

                      Her hosting was terrible, she was a worthless player.

                      Last edited by madtek; 03-11-2005, 10:49 AM.


                      • Originally posted by madtek
                        Yeah in conclusion Lunar Cresents (or whatever her name is) was too new to be a staff member, all her bubbly shit was a cover up. Volcs is right, noone is that pissy over someone swearing on a spaceship game. The last thing we want is a fuckin female Ned Flanders on staff.
                        Did it ever occur to you (or anyone else who's using Lunar's personality against her because they have nothing else that'll even come close to holding water) that some people can get their point across without saying "fuck" every other word? Or is that a concept that's beyond your grasp?
                        Originally posted by madtek
                        some more angsty rambling
                        And people say I have attitude problems? You're attacking someone's username by calling it "gay". Just.. nevermind. Hope 6th grade is treating you well, man.
                        Originally posted by madtek
                        Her hosting was terrible, she was a worthless player.
                        Everyone's entitled to their own opinion. Unfortunately, yours is wrong.

                        I sense some bitterness and jealousy on your part towards both Lunar and Guano, and I'm not quite sure why. Are they stealing the attention that you secretly crave? Boo hoo. Maybe if you did something constructive for the community like they have, instead of flooding this forum with negativity, people might take notice. Did she ruin your swearing fun? Wah wah. Learn to make your point without swearing. Did she host events that you didn't like? Cry me a river. Go back to pub 39 and don't participate in them. You dislike Guano because he based? Pack your bags and join Due's anti-baser crusade. Maybe someone there will appreciate your pointless ranting.
                        Originally posted by Tone
                        It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
                        Originally posted by the_paul
                        Gargle battery acid fuckface
                        Originally posted by Material Girl
                        I tried downloading a soundcard


                        • Lunar was a breath of fresh air

                          Volcs is on the blob
                          Originally posted by Facetious
                          edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


                          • Originally posted by madtek
                            Demonic is male, but claims to be female.

                            Yeah in conclusion Lunar Cresents (or whatever her name is) was too new to be a staff member, all her bubbly shit was a cover up. Volcs is right, noone is that pissy over someone swearing on a spaceship game. The last thing we want is a fuckin female Ned Flanders on staff.

                            In conclusion if you say youre a girl 100 nerds from staff will flock around you and give you special treatment. If GODDESS could do it, imagine what might happen if a girl who wasnt fat & ugly tried to join staff.

                            I'm glad Lunar is gone, hopefully she will not return. Despite what all the staff members say, I personally think they're just sticking up for her because she flirted with them perhaps and seemed like a 'nice girl' with a stupid username.

                            As for Cpt.Guano!.. thanks for helping the zone but your username sucks and you'll never be considered elite because of your gay name and basing shit. Good bots though.

                            'Public Relations'. How hard can that shit be. Anyone can post news on the website, and to be honest, who even reads the frontpage anyway.
                            It seems the only news that's ever posted is crap about WW3 or the upcoming gay games like Waldo.

                            Her hosting was terrible, she was a worthless player.


                            Who're you again? Oh wait a second you're nobody. LOL.
                            Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

                            My anime blog:


                            • Originally posted by Jacklyn
                              Haven't gotten rid of me yet..
                              I think you're better for mod than ER, you seem to have the "I don't care what anyone thinks" thing goin for ya..
                              Hopefully you won't take the typical mod route and pretend to be afk constantly 'cause you're lazy (*cough-warthog-cough*)
                              and now you won't fuck up pictionary, lol

                              Originally posted by ZeUs!!
                              Lunar was a breath of fresh air

                              Volcs is on the blob
                              I'm sorry, I don't speak fag.
                              You only liked lunar because she understood your jibberish euro-talk. :P
                              Last edited by Volcs; 03-11-2005, 02:07 PM.
                              Kthx> Does JB Inc pay his child support with pub bux?

                              Undisputed Pre-Menstral Super-Bitch Internet Kickboxing Champion 2005


                              • for those of you saying that all girls on staff weren't favored, look at the statistics. How many people play TW actively? probly about 1500, how many are female/claiming to be? 50ish, I'd guess. so that would mean that 1/100 of staff should be female. I think TW is a bit over the quota.
                                And look at the track record OF female staff, there's no argument here.
                                Kthx> Does JB Inc pay his child support with pub bux?

                                Undisputed Pre-Menstral Super-Bitch Internet Kickboxing Champion 2005

