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Forum Mafia - Shawshank Redemption - Salvation lies within

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  • scarlet
    I dunno why but I thought we had 24hrs more.
    Worked out fine I guess, still silence from mleo/PF
    Depending on who shows up we might get inactive kills on beast/PF/leo
    I dunno why everyone expects kassius to roll a kill. The only player that's died in a night phase was the cult recruiter N1 and I've never seen anyone anywhere who thought that the factional scumkill was something which a role which copies player abilities would copy.
    On reflection, willby was incidentally correct to start burning his ability to get it out of the wildcard pool, assuming kassius is legit.

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  • Exalt
    Originally posted by Jessup View Post
    I can't be swayed from Voth sadly. I'd seriously tried to allow Voth EVERY benefit I could this game but literally from Day 1 onwards Voth has been my biggest scum read. Slaying all our townies for awful reasons, making no sense, deflection and insults. It is a TERRIBLE town environment honestly he makes even if he is a townie but.. he isn't in ALL probability I can reason with. It is super unpleasant lol. I dunno what is going on in this game though. We got some really weird claims.

    Gambler (5-/50 vote stripper willby)
    Wildcard (random powergrabber who got jail 2 times in a row/kassius)
    Librarian (1shot cop/1shot solitary confinement maker who has a gun/voth..insults everyone besides scarlet, field exalt, willby and zeebu)
    Doctor (none of this weird crap and straight forward/jessup)
    Governor (who can STOP day Votes/Exalt..threatens to stop lynch on voth today)
    1 shot prison briber (says voth is librarian/field)
    friend neighbor 2 shot (1 note to willby/zeebu)
    Gunsmith (1 shot gun gifter/x shit gun checker (voth has a gun)
    Beast Lurker (unknown but sends out special code about guard training and polar bears in Norway who field then responds back to in return code mentioning grizzly bears..???)
    M_Leo lurker 0 help/unclaimed
    PF Lurker who believe halp initially when checking voth and guess what vote voth is said/unclaimed
    Scarlet/ unclaimed been hanging with voth who started as mortal enemy and suddenly they got on same side/unclaimed ..also hangs with exalt and field

    Jessups current thinking who is scum.

    Exalt (Warden Scum)
    Voth Goon Scum)
    Field (Goon Scum)
    Scarlet (Goon)
    Beast (Mafia Traitor after that jailor/polar bear comment and field responds with grizzly bear)???

    This game is frustrating though because Town really should be less combative to gain trust. I dislike how field and voth have been playing going after lurkers and killing town and so much dumb stuff is being spewed.. it just seems word diarrhea. Exalt has been involved and so has scarlet.

    Rambling I know but I just woke up.

    Wrong on all counts, as usual. I'm shocked. Shocked I tell you. Who couldve expected this.

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  • field
    Beast said he targeted Kassius and failed, an explained failure most likely due to Beast being scum.

    Jessup want to keep following halp's lead?

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  • field
    Originally posted by Kassius View Post

    I literally have no idea what I'm doing tonight, only who I'm doing whatever it is to. Try to think about how you'd play that, lol. Literally might kill them.
    Target the scum m_leo/PF/Beast. If you draw a kill, at least you'd be killing one of them not a townie.

    Your role is a negative utility role. If i had it and it wasn't x-shot, I probably wouldn't use on random people.

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  • Kassius
    Originally posted by Zeebu View Post

    is that a threat? that sounds like a threat

    I literally have no idea what I'm doing tonight, only who I'm doing whatever it is to. Try to think about how you'd play that, lol. Literally might kill them.

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  • Beast
    Originally posted by field View Post

    Who did you target?
    I targeted kassius.

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  • Beast
    GG HALP LOL I was busy helping my family, but nice to come back, and see he cant mod kill me this time ez.

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  • Zeebu
    Originally posted by Kassius View Post
    Not biting :-) Let's see what happens tonight.
    is that a threat? that sounds like a threat

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  • Kassius
    Of the three it's PF I'm most suspicious of atm. I need to go back and look at the posts from today to try and get a read on everyone else. I'm not fixed on anyone especially right now, I'm convinced there's at least one scum on the Halp train though, it would be the smart play.

    No rush, got probably another 4 IRL nights to come up with some theories lol.

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  • WillBy
    Originally posted by Kassius View Post
    So the question for me now, is which of the scum seeded themselves on the Halp train to get townie cred.
    How large do you think the scum team was (Including Halp)?

    I'm still giving you the benefit of the doubt that you are town, but I'm disappointed that you are so micro focused on like 4 players, two of whom are more or less confirmed. I recognize that Halp was not "saved" by his scum team (unsure on PF though). However, you once again are not acknowledging that there are 2 players who have been high on many players suspicions lists that did not vote.

    I would expect 4 mafia this game. halp is dead, 3 remaining. Why is the question for you "which scum bussed halp"? Are you at all suspicious of party Falcon, beast, or m_leo?

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  • Kassius
    Not biting :-) Let's see what happens tonight.

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  • Voth
    Originally posted by Kassius View Post
    So the question for me now, is which of the scum seeded themselves on the Halp train to get townie cred.
    You are an utter moron. Just saying. Don't act like you've been the voice of reason. I have given you plenty of slack for being relatively new, but please just spare the bullshit. Say it and own it. You were wrong and you aren't nearly as good at this game as you think you are. I'm perfectly happy to admit my failures and wrongs, but I make sure to own them. Little newbie Kassius kid gloves are off.

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  • Kassius
    So the question for me now, is which of the scum seeded themselves on the Halp train to get townie cred.

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  • WillBy
    Get fukt halp

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  • kthx
    Originally posted by Voth View Post

    lol. Doesn't it seem like it's every game that Jessup has some sort of massive rule violation? If it isn't PMing when it's not allowed or editing posts, it's revealing your flavor name when it's explicitly banned. At risk of sounding like a broken record, I can't help but miss when I imposed a complete ban on Jessup from these games.

    If given the choice, I'd throw beast in there too now. The fact that we just let him operate psychotically in the background of the games is beyond me. I mean, are we really so desperate for a +1 on the signup list that we even let him play anymore? At least Jessup tries, as much as he is a useless pain in the ass. Beast is just inactive as shit only to chime in with a sentence or two
    every couple days which may or may not be the direct result of not taking the anti-psychotic meds on schedule, but is always full of nothing worth a damn.
    Wasn't Jessups fault this time, and you know I would gladly say it was if I could. There was a game breaking forum bug that he edited and sent me screenshots of. Was the right call this time and he sent me before and after edit screenshots.

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