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Forum Mafia - Shawshank Redemption - Salvation lies within

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  • scarlet
    Originally posted by Voth View Post
    You're town but it doesn't bother you for one of the most confirmed town players in the game to single you out as his biggest scum read?
    Not really. You're very likely town, and you're not jessup. What do you expect, I'll accuse you of being scum for doubting my alignment when I'm not clear and have made poor decisions like backing down on the mleo/halp lynch D2?
    The difference is that it's not D1, so my grounds for suspecting that you aren't scum are way stronger than they've been in any game I've been in before. I've got another player I think is probably town telling me that he's got your full rolename and alignment and that it says you're town, I've got 3 days of content of you being in the top two most active and engaged players making generally pro-town decisions. I can't fault the reasoning that scum!scarlet would look like I do now in a game where townies play like Sherlock or Vehicle did, there's no shortage of soft targets that weren't on the shortlist I've consistently failed to push.
    If I'm convinced you're town, I don't get anything out of grilling you over a bad line of reasoning unless that is going to result in a mislynch. I expect to shoot between mleo/PartyFalcon/beast tomorrow, since we almost certainly have a mislynch and I've got no real reason to examine the voth/field case until lylo since either of you dying will more or less solve it for me.

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  • Voth
    Originally posted by scarlet View Post
    Voth thoughts on exalt/kassius/jessup?
    Sure, I could probably give some of those thoughts too, but it's more interesting that you just ignore what I said about you and steer the conversation elsewhere. It hasn't been lost on me that I have said similar things about you 2-3 times in the past in this game and you've responded the same way - by not responding at all.

    Now, I know we are new forum mafia buddies and all but this doesn't jive with town Scarlet that I battled with endlessly just a game ago. So what's the difference? You don't care? You're town but it doesn't bother you for one of the most confirmed town players in the game to
    single you out as his biggest scum read? You don't have anything to say about it? Forgive me because as I noted, we are new acquaintances, but I haven't seen you have anything but something to say about EVERYTHING in the past. Except for now. Is the difference that your scum team is a bunch of lurking dirtbags and you know you've been caught between a rock and a hard place here?

    If you don't mind engaging for once when called out, I'd be happy to share more thoughts on others. I don't really want to indulge your need to steer away again.

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  • scarlet
    Voth thoughts on exalt/kassius/jessup?

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  • Voth
    Hi friends, just checking in before phase change as I have an odd feeling that I might be nightkilled tonight.

    If that's the case, I wanted to let you all know that barring any groundbreaking information coming out of this night phase, my vote would immediately be on Scarlet and has a solid chance of staying there if nothing crazy new comes out.

    He has been toeing the line all game and done his absolute best (and done pretty well at it) appearing neutral and making sure to throw shade at the right people (his own team), while also purposefully distracting from them at the same time. Process of elimination and my gut feeling just tells me he's scum. There's nothing more to it than that, but I want it out there. He just screams to me that he's a scum player stuck on a team of people who are making it tremendously hard to play a good scum game by lurking and only showing up to contribute nothing but defense of their own lurking. He tried, and he did pretty well, but not all players will overlook this - we aren't a game full of the least common denominators like Beast and Jessup.

    Anyway, take it for what it's worth, but I wanted it out there just in case.

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  • Zeebu
    I can’t send the thing, I request kthx to do it and he sends it

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  • scarlet
    Unless you've been told explicitly that your ability gives people your alignment exactly, my assumption would be that you have the ability to tell the target player that you are town/prison and that a wildcard would copy the 'innocent' version.
    Send a copy of the note to voth/field so that you're attached to the pair that are mechanically cleared if either of them flips imo

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  • Zeebu
    I’m just planning on not using my action again.

    by not using it I guess somehow kass could pick it up at some point and kthx would have to reveal kass’s alignment to their target maybe... maybe?

    i dunno. I don’t see a point to using my remaining shot, do any of you guys?

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  • kthx
    Originally posted by Voth View Post

    True, it was probably the last mafia game that I played with field. This time I investigated him immediately so that he and I could be friends.
    I meant it more in the literal sense, a double entendre if you will.

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  • Voth
    Originally posted by kthx View Post

    I'm assuming you meant that tongue in cheek
    True, it was probably the last mafia game that I played with field. This time I investigated him immediately so that he and I could be friends.

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  • kthx
    Originally posted by Voth View Post

    You big meanie. I can't remember the last time I verbally sodomized you.
    I'm assuming you meant that tongue in cheek

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  • kthx
    Definitely much faster on the action(s) this phase, thanks everyone. Hopefully I can change again tomorrow night.

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  • Voth
    Originally posted by field View Post
    Kass, don't take too many things personally. I've been at receiving end of voth in the past. Just play your game. Also, seems to me you're new to tw/ss? What you call "abuse" in here is nothing compared to what I've seen in the past . We are a unique online environment.

    You big meanie. I can't remember the last time I verbally sodomized you.

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  • field
    Originally posted by Beast View Post

    How do you explain the failure of your action vs Kassius?

    Need you to role claim.

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  • field
    Kass, don't take too many things personally. I've been at receiving end of voth in the past. Just play your game. Also, seems to me you're new to tw/ss? What you call "abuse" in here is nothing compared to what I've seen in the past . We are a unique online environment.


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  • Kassius
    Works for me.

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