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Forum Mafia - Shawshank Redemption - Salvation lies within

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  • Voth
    Originally posted by Jessup View Post

    i'm voting for you lol Vote Field
    Just when you think anyone who is pro-town couldn't do something so fucking stupid (regardless of brain damage), you take the cake. I literally just told you I investigated field and he is innocent.

    To actually address a fair point, I investigated field because he was lurking to a point that made me uncomfortable (his activity is much better now). He is a dangerous player when scum and I have played games with field where he sits in the shadows until the game is whittled down to a point where he can't anymore, then swoops in and rides to victory.

    That being said, I chose to use the investigation immediately since I am always concerned about getting NKed early on when I'm town. My role is not a significant power in that I only have one investigation and my other power is, as I alluded to, not significant and I'm not sure I want to use it. Now I am all but vanilla and at least I confirmed one townie in the process. I would have preferred to find scum, but I'll settle for confirming field as town.

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  • Jessup
    D1 voting before Jessup forced to reveal
    1] willby - Beast,

    [4] Jessup - Sherlock Holmes, Zeebu, Voth, scarlet
    [4] Beast - Kassius, WillBy, the_paul, halp
    [2] Sherlock Holmes - Exalt, PartyFalcon
    [3] scarlet - m_leonhard, Vehicle, field
    [1] Voth - jessup

    D1 after jessup reveal jessup goes to sherlock as survival vote, voth follows and seals the deal

    1] willby - Beast,

    [4] Jessup - Sherlock Holmes, Zeebu, scarlet
    [4] Beast - Kassius, WillBy, the_paul, halp
    [2] Sherlock Holmes - Exalt, PartyFalcon, jessup, voth
    [3] scarlet - m_leonhard, Vehicle, field

    These patterns hold probably best clues to date about what is going on

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  • Jessup
    Originally posted by field View Post
    vote for them*
    i'm voting for you lol Vote Field

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  • field
    vote for them*

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  • field
    Originally posted by Jessup View Post
    Voth used one of only 2 shot actions he can use last night and chose field of all people to investigate lol and reveals this only after a power role govenor train is started on field..

    Kass was blocked as wild card and basically doesn't know what is going on except that I was put in solitary and is unable to now say a cop is in the game while originally saying there is a cop.

    Willby reveals gambler and that he lost yet still reveals(does not show up on vote count) Appears to change original claim in how the role works. Said predict lynch on night and now says 50/50 coin flip to strip votes from one and gain another. says 2 shot

    Exalt has claimed 1 shot governor with a complete no lynch modification if town refuses to do his votes and chose field or willby.

    Vehicle is still fine with a no lynch after this exalt push.

    PF is still lurker to max scum

    Scarlet voth fighting is toned down. Scarlet not pushing trains anymore and dancing around between what others say.

    Beast is brash and defensive when called out by people

    M_leo is more active, somewhat goofy and made a few pushes on willby and field

    Jessup is confirmed doctor and 100% town

    Zeebu has been lurking to the point of possible scum

    Halp went after field and believes Jessup now.. least likely scum of lurkers

    Musings from your town doctor :gorgeous:

    So you think PF, zeebu, and halp are scum because they barely posted?

    I disagree with that logic, but pick one and vote for then. How committed are you?

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  • Jessup
    Voth used one of only 2 shot actions he can use last night and chose field of all people to investigate lol and reveals this only after a power role govenor train is started on field..

    Kass was blocked as wild card and basically doesn't know what is going on except that I was put in solitary and is unable to now say a cop is in the game while originally saying there is a cop.

    Willby reveals gambler and that he lost yet still reveals(does not show up on vote count) Appears to change original claim in how the role works. Said predict lynch on night and now says 50/50 coin flip to strip votes from one and gain another. says 2 shot

    Exalt has claimed 1 shot governor with a complete no lynch modification if town refuses to do his votes and chose field or willby.

    Vehicle is still fine with a no lynch after this exalt push.

    PF is still lurker to max scum

    Scarlet voth fighting is toned down. Scarlet not pushing trains anymore and dancing around between what others say.

    Beast is brash and defensive when called out by people

    M_leo is more active, somewhat goofy and made a few pushes on willby and field

    Jessup is confirmed doctor and 100% town

    Zeebu has been lurking to the point of possible scum

    Halp went after field and believes Jessup now.. least likely scum of lurkers

    Musings from your town doctor :gorgeous:

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  • field
    Originally posted by Kassius View Post
    Not biting any more, figure stuff out for yourselves. I've been as helpful as I can this phase. I'm allowed to have my own scum reads and keep my reasonings to myself. I'm not accountable to scum interrogation.
    Are you telling me you have scum reads that you are not even pursuing by acting on them the only way you can, by voting?

    Originally posted by Exalt
    I have 3 different abilities I can use once. One of those abilities is the ability to stop a lynch and end the day immediately. I'm leveraging this ability today. Either the two I choose are the wagons, or I'm ending the day as a No Lynch.
    I believe Exalt's role claim, and I will consider it town for now. Can you clarify the following: do you send the mod two names and tell him if they're not the two lead trains or one of them is at the end of the day, end the day in no lynch?

    I think Vehicle misread this. We have no choice in the matter and we aren't held hostage. Vote for whomever you want, if Exalt ends the day in a No Lynch he loses that ability for good. But I think he should rethink how he wants to play this.

    I think the best ways to play Exalt's role are to:
    -save self from lynch (unless stipulated by mod that he can't)
    -convince town to vote for two of the scummiest reads (which he's trying to do, yet he won't engage with everyone who is telling him the opposite of what he's saying).
    -save a townie from being lynched

    Originally posted by m_leonard
    So I don't really have the time to go check the VC at the moment, but on the chance I do get lynched today, I think all of the remaining town need to pay very careful attention to Willby, Scarlet and Field.
    "On the chance I do get lynched today" -- lots of scum say this.

    But on the off chance you do get lynched, it'll be like you weren't even here. It'll feel no different, is what I'm saying. But it'll prove me right and you scum. Let's lynch you.

    Originally posted by m_leonard
    Pay attention to how they push, hard, back on other people's theories without really providing any of their own. They attack and attack and attack, but fill in no gaps.
    Flat out lie. Are you reading the thread?

    Can't believe someone is accusing WillBy of this. I'll understand my inactivity is a factor so you're forgiven.

    Originally posted by m_leonard
    Pay attention to how when their crusade on Kassius wasn't gaining any traction, their stories suddenly both swapped to "well just because he has a scummy role doesn't mean Willby is scum" and "people in D1 felt scummy" so let's attack them instead.
    What you call a "crusade" against Kassius did its job. Neither I nor WillBy have our votes on Kassius, yet we repeatedly questioned his seemingly incoherent and at best half-assed posts. But it worked. It produced a bandwagoner in you. A very scum tell.

    Originally posted by m_leonard
    Pay attention to how they do "attack" each others claims, but in a very half-assed manner. They poke holes in each others stories but then, immediately divert attention away and right back to me.
    Start quoting some posts my friend. As far as I know, I'm the only one who has votes you or repeatedly questioned people what they think of you. Also, I don't remember attacking WillBy as I am not in the habit of attacking people I read as town.

    Originally posted by m_leonard
    Pay attention to the number of times that Scarlet and Field have said "What about m_leonhard and Vehicle?" every time people start to poke more holes their claims.
    I don't understand the accusation here. Are you accusing me of questioning people about what they think of my scum reads? Please clarify to the audience how you're accusing me of scum hunting.

    Originally posted by m_leonard
    Pay attention to how they accuse me of "parroting" when they're just repeating each others talking points (about me, and others) over and over again. Note how I agreed with Scarlet (Post #447) and that was "parroting" but then Field agreed with Scarlet, on the exact same point, and that was seen as contributing.

    Pay attention to how they accuse me of adding "nothing," despite the fact that Scarlet drowned D1 in a useless debate on game mechanics; how Willby threw out some weird-ass claim that he's spent the whole day defending and distracting with; and how Field hasn't contributed anything except to repeat Scarlet's points and to make claims based on his "gut."
    I'll give you one thing, Scarlet has been really useless this phase (except the last couple of pages). But not as much as you so this is hardly a defense in your favor.

    My gut means my analysis my friend. That's what this game is. The written and unwritten. It's always open to change as I learn more things, so by all means keep talking and please encourage Kassius to engage, too.

    Originally posted by m_leonard
    Pay attention to how Field, in post #461 -- supports Scarlet's claim that Willby's roleclaim was anti-town, but then attacks me for arguing that Willby is anti-town. In what is an absurd strawman argument, Field for some reason decides I should be lynched because I believe Willby's roleclaim but think that the role-claim is an anti-town role. This is absurd. Either you believe Willby's claim -- in which he's claimed an anti-town role, or Willby is lying...and inventing a weird anti-town role in his lie. Either way, Willby is not town. Yet, despite this, I am the one he decides to vote for.
    If you're going to point to a post of mine, at least link to it or quote my exact words so people can see you lying.

    Here's what I said, verbatim:

    "I agree with Scarlet that WillBy using his action and claiming so early is detrimental to town, but I'm not sure there's a better way to play that role. If WillBy comes out any other phase and shares that info, he'll get lynched. Who's going to believe him? It only gets worse as game progresses."

    I never said WillBy's roleclaim was antitown, I said him claiming and using his action was detrimental to town. Because I think his role is town and he shouldn't have claimed so early nor used his action n1 for that matter.

    Another scum tell - twisting what was actually said and creating bullshit basis for (not so well-crafted, I must say) arguments.

    Originally posted by m_leonard
    Pay attention to how they hound me for "disappearing" and not responding to their claims, despite it being, ya know 3 am my time. Yet they ignore the fact that half of this group has been silent this entire fucking day.
    I'm not one to hound others, as I missed rest of d1 and I gotta earn that back.

    But we're on a trail of you lying or misconstruing what was said so you will forgive me if I say that I don't remember reading anyone hounding you.

    And don't get me wrong, you do have a point about the people who haven't even posted this phase yet.

    Originally posted by m_leonard
    So if I do get lynched: pay attention to these three moving forward.

    Hell, if I don't get lynched pay attention to them anyway.

    I'm gonna keep my vote as is for now.
    Well, you can't vote yourself so who blames ya?

    Needless to say, I think m_leonard is scummy mcscumcum.

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  • Halp
    Strong scum read on scarlet at this point

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  • Halp
    Originally posted by scarlet View Post
    Yeah pointless.
    Riddle me this Vehicle:
    Based on the information Kassius has claimed and that alone, can you tell me if we have a cop in the game?
    I can't, and kassius has taken up a not insignificant part of the D2 discussion with his claim.
    Why are you playing dumb? Kassius can use the role of any role actively in the game. Exalt is confirming Kassius claim. Either you think this is a collaborative scum claim, or you want to force people to fullclaim who should not fullclaim. I read both scenarios as anti-town.

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  • Halp
    Originally posted by scarlet View Post
    He should not be anywhere near the top of the list in a game where we have players like halp
    Not sure what your hard-on for me is about, but you’re way off, and it’s a bit of a disillusion because I had built you up to be some amazing player from the mafia nerd forum. I don’t need to post 27 times per phase to express my thoughts. I’m not going to respond to every @, I have a job and a gf who requires my constant attention or she makes me miserable. I stand by all my posts thus far, few as they may be. This is the amount of participation you can expect from Townie me. If it’s not enough, lynch me. To be clear, my scum reads this phase are:

    Beast for some questionable posts like teasing he has a power role but unwilling to fullclaim because somehow that makes him more of a target than just admitting he’s a target himself.

    WillBy for not making any sense even though I know him to be a sense-maker.

    Scarlet for obvious shitlogic and spin.

    Voth for playing his typical scum game throwing shade at literally everyone.

    Town reads: Exalt and Kassius

    Unsure: everyone else

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  • Voth
    And with that, I need to catch up on the last page and a half.

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  • Voth
    I would rather not do this, but Exalt is backing everyone into a corner (unnecessarily) here. I'm all for making power plays, and I actually believe you might be town because of it, but you are way off in my opinion on the options you have laid out.

    It really doesn't matter because I used my one and only truly useful ability already, and I got some information that can help our debacle here:

    I am the Librarian. I have two abilities, one of which I already used last night. The other ability I will keep to myself for now, but it isn't terribly useful (it is a day action and I have just as much chance of screwing town over as I do helping town, so I'm not sure I am even going to use it) and that is why I'm fine just coming out and claiming now. I used a 1-shot investigation on field N1. Field is innocent.

    So, none of you should be voting field under any circumstances now.

    The problem is, though, that I think Willby is town too. I don't think that someone who was coming under fire from so many directions for so long has a scum team aligned with him. Kassius was aggravatingly dense on their back and forth exchange, and I think Exalt misread Willby during this too.

    So, Exalt, assuming you are town, I would respectfully ask that you modify these demands, as 2/3 options (field and no lynch) are terrible for town, and the last
    option (Willby) is probably not the best lynch right now. I really don't have a scum read on him at all.

    I would be remiss if I didn't point out that it is entirely possible that Exalt is scum and is backing town into a corner with two of our best players or a NL as our only options. Willby is an easy target with all the controversy around him and field has been inactive enough and had his name said by enough people to be a possible lynch too. I have a very slight town lean on Exalt at the moment, but it's more close to neutral at the moment.

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  • kthx
    I'll post a fresh vote count tomorrow morning around 7am central (or close to that time) which will be the 12 hour till phase closing bell.

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  • Vehicle
    You're right about some of your arguments scarlet but not all, and you've done a lot to muddy the water. I don't particularly want to vote for you, it's not about that. It's about the fact that if we let exalt do this today, he can literally do it everyday.

    And while most of you would probably agree it's better to have exalt picking the top two lunches than me, I'm not comfortable playing the rest of the game that way.

    But you're right, when I think about your posts they're not worse than Willby's, who is who I would really like to vote for, but I have to vote for someone.

    Basically I don't like being held for ranson endgame or exalt dies.

    But since you're right about your own posts
    Unvote scarlet
    Vote Beast

    What ever happened to this train?

    And, honestly, I don't know how you guys keep up. Like I have a job so reading thread actively is a struggle enough. I was just thinking today if my work keeps up Im gonna have to stop signing up, big loss I know.

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  • scarlet
    I was wrong, there isn't enough coffee in the world for me to want to engage with m_leonhard's wall of shade written like it was going to be his last post, dropped 27hrs out from the end of day when he's only in the top three of today's list on a tie.

    Exalt what makes you so certain in willby/field that you'd bring up faking a report as if it was something you'd actually consider?
    Why are you so willing to nolynch anyway? If the train was on e.g. PartyFalcon, who's, more or less, got one useful post from D1 and nothing else, would you stop it? How is nolynching better for town than lynching someone you're not sure about the alignment of?

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