Not biting any more, figure stuff out for yourselves. I've been as helpful as I can this phase. I'm allowed to have my own scum reads and keep my reasonings to myself. I'm not accountable to scum interrogation.
Jessup I've literally already said this. I've had to repeat myself and correct others about 6 times already this phase, cause people read what they want to rather than what I've written. I'm done.
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Forum Mafia - Shawshank Redemption - Salvation lies within
Originally posted by scarlet View PostWillBy
Outside of like, acting as a really shitty vig to let us vote on mylo and not lose instantly half the time, I'm not seeing a use for your role. I'm in the 'any use is objectively bad for town' camp.
imo the play would have been to not mention the role unless we're on a mylo where it's actually realistic that people would lynch (e.g. there's a clear leftover from a dead cop).
Actually, thinking about this now, we should really be double-lynching at mylo if we get there (to mylo) organically and don't have kills/protects/etc.
Anyway, that I don't agree exactly with some players here about the best way to play things is hardly shocking news.
I kinda see what you were going for. Objectively, it was a fuckup, but it is what it is.
Phase change is in about 31 hours, so I hope the remaining people who havent been on yet today log on. In particular zeebu. I wanna hear from him.
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Originally posted by Kassius View PostAnd that's me done this phase, I'll check in before change if I need to change my vote to Scarlet or not.
You've been fixated on WillBy all game -- I see no good reason for that.
What do you think about m_leo and Vehicle?
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Originally posted by Kassius View PostAnd that's me done this phase, I'll check in before change if I need to change my vote to Scarlet or not.
As far as the reason I look scummy, it's probably because I called him out for posting strange sentences that didnt/dont add up with his claims. A couple more hack and forths (mostly with exalt, who might also be done for the phase) and now I must be scum. Because anyone who questions a townie. is scum. If you're not sure on that logic, talk to jessup.
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Wasted too much time on Kassius, wasted too much time on WillBy.
That only makes it more likely than not that they're both town and we have before us just another case of town-infighting. While scum like m_leo skate by.
Kassius and WillBy should NOT be on the line this phase.
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My understanding was you said you were a cop.. you clearly stated you were a cop.... now you saying u have no clue what u were?
Also the more I look into this role the worse it appears lol Can you kill people be accident usig ur night action if you take a mafia role? is it only town roles u get a wildcard on or? ,, cause wtf between u and willbys role claims this is some bs lolseems super dangerous.. is it only town roles u get wildcards on or is this an across the board scum AND town type role..
Are you even fucking town lol?:O
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Originally posted by Kassius View Post
I'm sorry, what? Willby this is the second time this phase that you've left me open-mouthed with your posts. How have a 'soft-claimed'? I've full-claimed, seeded my role, and given my result.
Are you trying to go so far down being scum-read line that you come out the other side, as no-one that's scum could be that openly scummy? I mean last game, you fought tooth and nail D2, but it didn't work. Maybe you're trying something new this time.
field , the latter.
I agree you have full claimed now.
Stop treating everything I say as hostile, you are going to look stupid and/or scummy if I'm lynched.
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And that's me done this phase, I'll check in before change if I need to change my vote to Scarlet or not.
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Why the fuck do you care what it looks like?
Care to point me to some examples of where his posts are very scummy, and more importantly, explain why they're scummy?
Outside of like, acting as a really shitty vig to let us vote on mylo and not lose instantly half the time, I'm not seeing a use for your role. I'm in the 'any use is objectively bad for town' camp.
imo the play would have been to not mention the role unless we're on a mylo where it's actually realistic that people would lynch (e.g. there's a clear leftover from a dead cop).
Actually, thinking about this now, we should really be double-lynching at mylo if we get there (to mylo) organically and don't have kills/protects/etc.
Anyway, that I don't agree exactly with some players here about the best way to play things is hardly shocking news.
I kinda see what you were going for. Objectively, it was a fuckup, but it is what it is.
Why the fuck can't you use a little less ambiguity when you fullclaim kassius.
Do you actually know that you copied a cop? My understanding from the MU page is that it doesn't tell you, you just get the results text.
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Originally posted by Jessup View Post
Just to refresh.. lol.. locked up is solitary seems so .. weak as info.. this is weird as fk kthx would say that rather than you drew cop, your investigation was blocked.. I don't get it lol.. I wanna believe u kass but damnit why solitary and this weird inconclusive mod info sent ur way.. leaves it all very iffy and weak which is......
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Originally posted by Kassius View Post
I'll correct again, I'm not the town voyeur. The town voyeur would potentially know more than me last night on the actions against Jessup if they watched Jessup.
I've let this cook a while, to see what kind of reactions would come out of my claims.
Truthfully, I now don't mind getting lynched at this point. There's several people now looking very shady and I think my ability to further provide info for town is now quite limited. So if you need to lynch me to prove my information true, go ahead. But I am Town, and I can vote against scum on lynches, so you decide.
I'm the Town Wildcard. I targeted Jessup last night, in the hope of a protective or investigative role. I got a cop role, I investigated Jessup last night. I received 'no clues' because she was locked up in solitary. From this, I know:
a) She was jailed
b) There is a cop for me to have copied the role off
Oh, and I was secretly hoping to get the cult recruit power N1 because that would have been awesome lol.
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Originally posted by WillBy View Post
D1 I was fine with people talking about lynching me. This happens every game (except the one I actually was scum) .The people voting for me were either doing gambits or falling for them. We got 2 good leads, neither of which ended up happening.
D2, I was worried something stupid would dominate the conversation for the day, and what do you know. Probably a misplay in retrospect, but I get caught up in it sometimes and dont always have what you might consider the most town reaction of casually dismissing any accusations that come my way. If fight back too much. I shouldnt play as soon as I wake up.
I didnt want the people who weren't reading along to get a few pages deep and say "you know what, I do always find willby suspicious". Thought I could prevent misreads. I wouldnt say I've failed, as 3/4 of the people on me this phase are the same as last phase, meaning that i havent exactly gained suspicion from top players.
Finally, I'll address it again. I dont think we have true vanillas this game. If my roleclaiming takes me off mafias target list and makes it easier for them to hit more useful roles, then so be it. But leaving me alive will still prove dangerous for scum. And they already had their more dangerous targets claimed like jessup or soft-claimed like kassius.
I dont think my action was objectively bad for town last night unless you think that any use is objectively bad for town, in which case I wont convince you otherwise. But at least you can follow my reasoning as far as a way to use it and get the most bang for my buck?
Are you trying to go so far down being scum-read line that you come out the other side, as no-one that's scum could be that openly scummy? I mean last game, you fought tooth and nail D2, but it didn't work. Maybe you're trying something new this time.
field , the latter.
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Originally posted by scarlet View PostNot what I asked.
Why are you voting for willby?
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D2, I was worried something stupid would dominate the conversation for the day, and what do you know. Probably a misplay in retrospect, but I get caught up in it sometimes and dont always have what you might consider the most town reaction of casually dismissing any accusations that come my way. If fight back too much. I shouldnt play as soon as I wake up.
I didnt want the people who weren't reading along to get a few pages deep and say "you know what, I do always find willby suspicious". Thought I could prevent misreads. I wouldnt say I've failed, as 3/4 of the people on me this phase are the same as last phase, meaning that i havent exactly gained suspicion from top players.
Finally, I'll address it again. I dont think we have true vanillas this game. If my roleclaiming takes me off mafias target list and makes it easier for them to hit more useful roles, then so be it. But leaving me alive will still prove dangerous for scum. And they already had their more dangerous targets claimed like jessup or soft-claimed like kassius.
I dont think my action was objectively bad for town last night unless you think that any use is objectively bad for town, in which case I wont convince you otherwise. But at least you can follow my reasoning as far as a way to use it and get the most bang for my buck?
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Kassius Is the underlined portion of the following statement "I received 'no clues' because she was locked up in solitary" an analysis by you, or the mod-given result of your action? In my experience as a player and host, the mod never expands on why you get the result you did. So, if you did got "no clues" then that should've been the end of it.
For now at least, I'm willing to entertain your role claim and unvote: Kassius. Though I will note that a jailkeeper doesn't prevent all actions from failing -- only kills. Something's missing here.
Voth wow why don't you write a book while you're at it? Don't you know that the more you talk the more scummy in Jessup's eyes you are? Unfortunately that post wasn't enough for me to form a read on Voth.
Why does Exalt think a role that provides random results "could potentially" solve the game?
"It may be possible for some roles to put themselves in solitary" -- That's a bold claim and it's too OP for town to have such possibility. I think it's bullshit. I don't think taking votes away from some (town) players balances making town players unkillable at night. Jailkeeper is more believable but need to explain why Kassius got "no clues" when a jailkeeper only blocks kills. Also, this is the second time I catch Exalt "making shit up" about what others have said or done.
I think Vehicle is scum -- gut feeling I got after reading his post #438. WillBy is too easy a target to go after and the reasoning is a reach at best. WillBy has no control over what role he got so if he got an "anti-town role" as town it's not enough to lynch him, at the very least not for this role. He can abstain the rest of the game, rendering him a vanilla townie. Why do you want to lynch him for this and what evidence are you looking for, anyways? This is not to mention that we already have mod confirmation that WillBy was not lying about his role and action (could still be about alignment, but to me it's unlikely at this point).
I agree with Scarlet that WillBy using his action and claiming so early is detrimental to town, but I'm not sure there's a better way to play that role. If WillBy comes out any other phase and shares that info, he'll get lynched. Who's going to believe him? It only gets worse as game progresses.
I read m_leonard as scum on D1 because of a couple of posts he made, and I am now reading him as scum again on D2 because of this post:
Originally posted by m_leonhard View PostI agree with scarlet, Willby's claim is useless and doesn't benefit town in any way. Assuming that Willby is fully telling the truth about his role...his actions make no sense if he were town.
First, if he only gets to use his vote blocking power twice, why blow it N1 why not wait until later in the game when we have more theories on who might be scum. Sure it's not the most useful role, but at least you have the potential to block a scum vote.
Second, why on earth would you use it on some random person N1? Your odds of hitting town at this stage are just as good, if not higher than hitting scum. Idk what PF's role is, but if PF is town and you successfully blocked....then we'd be out a town vote this turn.
Finally, even if this is all true, why the hell would it be claimed now? If you do have the power to block a future scum vote, why not just keep that quiet and attempt to use it against scum on a later round?
I don't know if this is a cult role, or a scum role, but it's not town.
Besides, all the questions he's asking make it seem like he believes WillBy's role, yet he thinks it's not town. What is it, scum role that potentially takes away votes from town? A bit OP don't you think? Scum losing a vote isn't as bad as town losing a vote. I'm going to vote: m_leonard
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