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Forum Mafia - Shawshank Redemption - Salvation lies within

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  • kthx
    scarlet m_leonhard

    Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room.

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  • WillBy
    Originally posted by Vehicle View Post
    OK I read through the thread and I don't have much to add.

    I officially think WIllby is full of shit. Sure he lost his vote power but as scarlet rightly points out this is basically an anti-town role regardless. If we knew someone was scum, we would vote for them. There'd be no need for you to play tiddly-winks with them overnight.

    While it is clear that Willby lost his vote, that in no way clears him as town. I also thing his back-and-forth with Kassius has him coming out looking worse than Kassius.

    With a lack of better evidence (ie: voting field for the way he speaks to people, or PF because of his lack of activity), I'm:
    Voting WIllby
    Do you think I'm scum, or that my role has negative effects for town? Because roleblocker has negative effects for town. Or is it something to do with my interactions with kassius? Cause that guy hasnt given town anything less flavor-blasted than what youd expect from Elzars spice weasel.

    you listed 2 half reasons and are treating it like a whole.

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  • scarlet
    WillBy but, to reuse the similie, that's like claiming vanilla unprovoked on D2. Congrats, you've successfully eliminated yourself from the pool of people scum are shooting into when aiming for powerroles. How does this benefit town? Why not just not act?

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  • m_leonhard
    Originally posted by scarlet View Post
    What a cool and game-impactful post m_leonhard
    Vote m_leonhard
    Who do you think is scum? You briefly talked about willby's role in your last post, but never about how he's been playing or his alignment.
    Hey, chill a second. It's not even 8 am and I'm just waking up. Decided to have fun with a joke about fluoride from one of my favorite movies. Give me a second to read everything before you attack me. God.

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  • WillBy
    Originally posted by scarlet View Post
    What an odd role. Outside of edge cases for mylo, it seems like all it really does is add something inconvenient for kassius/wildcards to roll.
    Anyway, if it's a 2shot role and it can only delete votes, what are you doing using it on anything that's not confirmed scum (i.e. ever)?
    As far as I'm concerned, you've more or less claimed vanilla town. It's been partially confirmed by the mod now, but the point is that you're claiming and demonstrating that you're not e.g. the cop (or doctor, or jailkeeper).
    What was your thinking in doing this? I wouldn't have said you were in any danger of lynch coming into this phase.
    Yeah, it is useless until dangerous my/lylo situations. It's not even that useful on confirmed scum, because I would have to confirm they are scum the day before. And at that point, unless its controversial to lynch a confirmed scum, the power isnt useful anyways. And even in my/lylo situations, the fact that its 50% could flip things the other way, instant losing things for town.

    That's why I decided the best thing I could do with my role is make it apparent as soon as possible. I took the best shot I could think of as I was typing my PM. Anyone active/better player would be a detriment to town. Anyone worse would be marginal advantage gained. Inactive players were, in my mind, good targets because if they dont vote in the first place, nothing was lost. If scum wants to waste a night kill on me over one of the more powerful roles, go for it. But my best odds for survival (not knowing anything else about setup, my survival = town survival) are to be closer to confirmed town as opposed to unknown, unconfirmed.

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  • scarlet
    What a cool and game-impactful post m_leonhard
    Vote m_leonhard
    Who do you think is scum? You briefly talked about willby's role in your last post, but never about how he's been playing or his alignment.

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  • m_leonhard
    Originally posted by WillBy View Post
    I was googling around trying to figure out what fluoride and bad meat have to do with shawshank, and I think I found an answer for fluoride. Several games ago, kthx spent a good portion of D1 arguing about the benefits of fluoride in the water with paul. So I think this is purely *ahem* flavor here. Cant be sure on the bad meat part.
    Willby, do you realize that in addition to fluoridating water, why, there are studies underway to fluoridate salt, flour, fruit juices, soup, sugar, milk... ice cream. Ice cream, Willby, children's ice cream. You know when fluoridation first began?Nineteen hundred and forty-six. 1946, Willby. How does that coincide with your post-war Commie conspiracy, huh? It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hard-core Commie works. I, uh... I... I... first became aware of it, Willby, during the physical act of love. Yes, a uh, a profound sense of fatigue... a feeling of emptiness followed. Luckily I... I was able to interpret these feelings correctly. Loss of essence. I can assure you it has not recurred, Wibbly. Women uh... women sense my power and they seek the life essence. I, uh... I do not avoid women, Willby.But I... I do deny them my essence.

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  • Vehicle
    OK I read through the thread and I don't have much to add.

    I officially think WIllby is full of shit. Sure he lost his vote power but as scarlet rightly points out this is basically an anti-town role regardless. If we knew someone was scum, we would vote for them. There'd be no need for you to play tiddly-winks with them overnight.

    While it is clear that Willby lost his vote, that in no way clears him as town. I also thing his back-and-forth with Kassius has him coming out looking worse than Kassius.

    With a lack of better evidence (ie: voting field for the way he speaks to people, or PF because of his lack of activity), I'm:
    Voting WIllby

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  • scarlet
    What an odd role. Outside of edge cases for mylo, it seems like all it really does is add something inconvenient for kassius/wildcards to roll.
    Anyway, if it's a 2shot role and it can only delete votes, what are you doing using it on anything that's not confirmed scum (i.e. ever)?
    As far as I'm concerned, you've more or less claimed vanilla town. It's been partially confirmed by the mod now, but the point is that you're claiming and demonstrating that you're not e.g. the cop (or doctor, or jailkeeper).
    What was your thinking in doing this? I wouldn't have said you were in any danger of lynch coming into this phase.

    IMO exalt's case on willby has at some point diverged totally from what's going on in the thread. Either he has some secret reason for doing this that he doesn't feel like sharing with the class, possibly due to quote related (below), or it's bullshit. The fact that he's yet to either: substantiate his claim that he had reason to think willby was scum D1, or justify why he didn't post it before D2 and still hasn't posted it, is always going to make me doubt the legitimacy of his until it's resolved. I'm back to reading willby as town, anyway, so I don't mind that exalt's pet lynch is probably going to stall.
    Quote for context. Feels like exalt is playing the game outside the thread, which can be a scumread or a PR read, but that's neither here nor there. He claims to have a way to convince me to vote with him that he refuses to post, so until I see that he can eat shit.
    Originally posted by Exalt View Post
    No, it doesn't, because again, I have a strong reason to believe multiple people in this game have voting modifiers of some kind, possibly ones that could trade the ability to vote the following day with the ability to do something else.

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  • WillBy
    Originally posted by scarlet View Post
    They do where I'm from. I think someone did bring it up though because I was thinking of asking about it.
    On a total aside, you're wrong about Tiger Mafia's ascetic cult leader being kill immune while ascetic Exalt; asectic is nonkill actions

    Anyway, mod confirmation that willby has no vote today.
    WillBy what happens if you win the flip? You get two votes, but does your target lose theirs? If yes, since you targeted PF, does that mean you thought they were scum?
    Your role is strictly bad for town if you're not targeting scum, since it destroys more votes than it creates.
    I think I mentioned the ascetic thing, mb then. I've never used that modifier before.

    Whoever loses gets no vote. Nothing changes for the winner. My role is only 2 shot, I elected to use it N1 against someone I suspected (hoping to town clear me- claiming a role but saying I havent used it at all is begging for town credit but not offering any proof). The damage from a N1 failure would be minimal compared to other nights. I am suspicious of PF, she has a reason for afkness but that doesnt town clear her. I know she can be dangerous as scum, and shes relatively under the radar at the moment. If shes town, I wouldnt feel as bad as she hasnt been exceptionally active so far. In short, PF was a high value low risk target in my eyes. FWIW I was planning on abstaining, then jessup broke the flavor rule, so I planned on saving us all from jessup votes this phase. But i do trust her role claim to a degree, so I didnt want to play against someone I do believe to be townie.

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  • scarlet
    Willby did vote exalt. He moved it to m_leo on my request because he'd said that he agreed that leo was scummy.

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  • Jessup
    Originally posted by WillBy View Post

    There was no reason for me to have lied about it, but fwiw I didnt. Otherwise we would have seen a line for
    m_leo(1) - WillBy
    Noted.. I thought u voted exalt tho this phase.. u aren't on the list either way which does help ur cause some for sure willby

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  • scarlet
    Originally posted by WillBy View Post
    Nobody is going to mention that jailkeepers dont normally prevent their target from being targeted?
    They do where I'm from. I think someone did bring it up though because I was thinking of asking about it.
    On a total aside, you're wrong about Tiger Mafia's ascetic cult leader being kill immune while ascetic Exalt; asectic is nonkill actions

    Anyway, mod confirmation that willby has no vote today.
    WillBy what happens if you win the flip? You get two votes, but does your target lose theirs? If yes, since you targeted PF, does that mean you thought they were scum?
    Your role is strictly bad for town if you're not targeting scum, since it destroys more votes than it creates.

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  • Jessup
    Seeing as Shawshank had many scenes revolving around suicide by hanging I find it less likely bad meat means T_P died by his own hands.I assume mafia got T_P. In think scum jailed or roleblocked me to improve chances of making a kill on T_P. I suspect scum wants town to believe they were stopped making a kill and those pushing this theory early should be looked at with caution.

    Also something seems off on our understanding of what a wildcard is.

    It appears to me kass may have either done a roleblock/jail or in fact did get a cop pick. But I am unsure why kass feels so certain a jail or roleblock was used.. I hope kass can explain this more. So you got the cop wildcard draw and your result was fail or roleblocked or? please explain EXACTLY without copy and pasting what happened kass.

    Wildcard in MAfia Universe is as follows-


    Role Description:
    The Wildcard may target someone each night and use a random power on them still left in the game, randomly selected from any other power role in the game. If there are no other power roles left in the game, then the Wildcard's action does nothing.

    I.e. the Wildcard might target Player A and unknowingly roleblock them, because the randomization caused the Wildcard to replicate a Roleblocker. The Wildcard will not know what ability was used, unless the ability is one that returns a feedback message (a Cop investigation, for example). The Wildcard will also never know which player's ability was used. Note that the Wildcard is not stealing or blocking whoever's ability is used - they are merely replicating it. This role is in some ways similar to a Schizophrenic, except this role has the potential to be informative about the remaining power roles in the game.

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  • WillBy
    Originally posted by kthx View Post
    The current phase will last until 7pm central Wednesday, June 17th

    Vote count:

    Willby(2) - Exalt, Kassius
    Halp(2) - Voth, Scarlet
    Kassius(1) - Field
    Field(1) - Jessup
    Beast(1) - Halp

    No Votes (which is why I am slightly extending the phase) - Vehicle, Zeebu, PartyFalcon, Beast, M_Leon
    There was no reason for me to have lied about it, but fwiw I didnt. Otherwise we would have seen a line for
    m_leo(1) - WillBy

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