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Forum Mafia - Shawshank Redemption - Salvation lies within

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  • scarlet
    Originally posted by Jessup View Post
    why halp? Can someone explain how this changes a thing? I didn't want to wrongfully protect a scum for one..
    Are there no players in the game that you think are very likely town?
    Do you believe the majority of kills in the game are owned by relatively well informed town?

    The chance of protecting a scum from a kill is way lower because, as a general rule, it's scum doing the kills.

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  • scarlet
    Originally posted by Halp View Post
    arguably the most advanced player here
    Now THIS is reaching

    Originally posted by Halp View Post
    the only time a coordinated scum claim like the type scarlet is suggesting of kassius and exalt happens here on D2 is in theory, and it never ends up being more than that. Maybe we’re witnessing the evolution of TW forum mafia unravel before our eyes, but I’m more inclined to believe both of them and use said information to find scum.
    What coordinated scum claim?
    I'm saying kassius could have just said there was a cop offhand, because who would challenge that? The cop?
    Watch this: There is a cop in this setup.
    I haven't even commented on the vote manipulation shit, beyond the fact that willby's claim is super weird. Well, if PF has two votes and Willby has none, that's in his (willby's) favor I guess.

    Originally posted by Halp View Post
    Exalt and Kassius are now my strongest town reads, and it’s hard to not get scum vibes from anyone throwing shade in their direction.

    ill leave my vote on beast for now, but Willby is also not making a lot of sense under pressure, and I’d definitely move in that direction if/when appropriate.
    So why hasn't exalt told us anything about why he thought willby was scummy D1 and never said anything about it?
    Why post
    Originally posted by Exalt View Post
    WillBy is sketch because it's WillBy, but his defense of people like Jessup doesnt make a ton of sense as scum. He couldve just not say anything and let Jessup get yeeted. Town for now
    At the end of D1, risk dying N1 with whatever secret he's kept, and now refuse to tell me (part of) why I should vote the person he thinks is scum?

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  • Jessup
    Originally posted by Halp View Post
    Ok wait I’m a little behind. Did the town claimed doctor say she didn’t use her action last night? That changes things..
    why halp? Can someone explain how this changes a thing? I didn't want to wrongfully protect a scum for one..

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  • Halp
    Ok wait I’m a little behind. Did the town claimed doctor say she didn’t use her action last night? That changes things..

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  • Halp
    And if what kassius and exalt are claiming is true, Jessups claim is no longer suspect in my eyes.

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  • Halp
    It seems fairly obvious to me what the situation with kassius and exalt is. I’m not sure why scarlet, arguably the most advanced player here, is using shitlogic to throw shade. This is TW forum mafia, the only time a coordinated scum claim like the type scarlet is suggesting of kassius and exalt happens here on D2 is in theory, and it never ends up being more than that. Maybe we’re witnessing the evolution of TW forum mafia unravel before our eyes, but I’m more inclined to believe both of them and use said information to find scum.

    Exalt and Kassius are now my strongest town reads, and it’s hard to not get scum vibes from anyone throwing shade in their direction.

    ill leave my vote on beast for now, but Willby is also not making a lot of sense under pressure, and I’d definitely move in that direction if/when appropriate.

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  • scarlet
    I call him my second highest D1 TR.
    I've called him scummy more times on D2 than any other player.
    I'm holding off on voting him because I think that if I do I'll get to see whatever mysterious pearls of wisdom you have to offer about D1 willby being scum
    I might even get to learn why you decided it would be appropriate to wait until D2 (not N1) to reveal them.

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  • Exalt
    Originally posted by scarlet View Post
    Still gotta explain this. If willby is scum, he was scum D1. If you gave him a pass, that means there was something you could have gone after that you didn't.
    What have I missed that makes willby such scum?
    I dont have to do anything, since WillBy flat out refused to give a reads list when asked and nobody else gives a shit, while you still call him your top TR for some inexplicable reason. You're not changing your mind, and I'm not lynching you today, so there's not much else to talk about yet.

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  • Jessup
    Originally posted by scarlet View Post
    I really don't tbh

    What is there even to say about it?
    I can't think of a situation (which isn't extremely contrived and involving some multiple rare third parties) where doctor should ever not act, especially N1. It follows that nobody claiming doctor should claim unprovoked they didn't act, unless maybe they're trying to preempt someone who tracked them and saw that they didn't act.
    It stands against the doctor claim, which if fake probably puts jessup back on the chopping block, except I don't have a problem with e.g. a vanilla townie claiming doc D1 to prevent a mislynch. If this were a reasonable player, I'd be sympathetic to a narrative where it's an attempt to softclaim a non-acting role and walk it back.
    It's jessup though, so I'm open to the possibility that it's entirely without irony. That it was done out of fear that they were tracked I am open to, but I'm not going to read too much into it.
    I've been 100 percent truthful and have nothing to hide anymore. Anyone still trying to allude I'm still scum is either scum themselves or being a dum dum and working against town. Not using an action last night made perfect sense. Because of Kass we have intel now that I was likely targeted and protected it seems too. I need to know who to protect before I start protecting too obviously. I'm not gonna protect some mafia scum. Imagine if I shot in the dark and protected the_paul lol. not a good move.

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  • scarlet
    Originally posted by WillBy View Post
    Anyone want a piece of this?
    I really don't tbh

    What is there even to say about it?
    I can't think of a situation (which isn't extremely contrived and involving some multiple rare third parties) where doctor should ever not act, especially N1. It follows that nobody claiming doctor should claim unprovoked they didn't act, unless maybe they're trying to preempt someone who tracked them and saw that they didn't act.
    It stands against the doctor claim, which if fake probably puts jessup back on the chopping block, except I don't have a problem with e.g. a vanilla townie claiming doc D1 to prevent a mislynch. If this were a reasonable player, I'd be sympathetic to a narrative where it's an attempt to softclaim a non-acting role and walk it back.
    It's jessup though, so I'm open to the possibility that it's entirely without irony. That it was done out of fear that they were tracked I am open to, but I'm not going to read too much into it.

    Exalt bruh
    Originally posted by Exalt View Post
    I gave him a pass D1, but that was for tactical reasons. He's scum friends.
    Still gotta explain this. If willby is scum, he was scum D1. If you gave him a pass, that means there was something you could have gone after that you didn't.
    What have I missed that makes willby such scum?

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  • Exalt
    Maybe scum team is WillBy, Halp, and Field. Not sure if there's 4. Maybe mleo or something if so.

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  • Exalt
    PartyFalcon I'm interested to see your take on everything so far.

    Also Voth

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  • WillBy
    Originally posted by Jessup View Post
    To be clear I did NO action last night so. I wasn't about to protect someone who could be mafia.
    Anyone want a piece of this?

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  • kthx
    Tomorrow morning I will post a countdown and a vote count.

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  • Vehicle
    Originally posted by WillBy View Post
    It's not a kill. Either I lose my vote or the other person loses theirs. I never said it killed. If that was implied somewhere then mb. I wouldnt vig shot N1, especially at someone other than beast.
    Nope I misread your post to be honest. That role sounds about as useless as mine and we can verify it at the end of phase, at least that part of it.

    Unvote Willby

    I really have no idea who to vote for now. My brain is obviously not functioning at 100 percent. Also, I don't know why, but I still think Jessup is scum.

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