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Forum Mafia - Shawshank Redemption - Salvation lies within

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  • Voth
    I know horrendous idiots like Jessup will vote me regardless because he can't separate a game from personal feelings, but this whole thing seems pretty easy.

    Under absolutely zero pressure or duress, I revealed my role (minus one part) and my results. That sounds like a really scummy thing to do. Oh wait, no it doesn't. And you're a moron if you think that I just decided to throw myself out there for no reason when I didn't have to. Halp knows the game is over for him here and of course he moves to cut off the serpents head, but he could have at least acted like he gave a fuck when he did it. Guy bitches and moans about it being boring every time he is town but can't even put in solid work when he pulls a scum role. Just fuck off already - I see why you hate being VT - you're just bad at this game and without power or a team around you, you just blow.

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  • Voth
    This is a pretty simple equation.

    I'm town. If you don't agree, then lynch me. Otherwise, lynch Halp, who should have been lynched last Day phase, but was saved by his own scum team and inactive players who couldn't or wouldn't pull the trigger.

    I am not going to sit here all night and jerk everyone off trying to convince anyone. If you have been active and paying attention and you're town, this should be so fucking obvious. Halp is a bad scum player. Like really bad.

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  • Halp
    I investigated Voth because he was my strongest scum read. I revealed because him having a gun makes no sense if he is a librarian who already used his 1 shot investigation.

    Nobody seems to think it’s suspicious that Field is clearing Voth and Voth is clearing field? They both conveniently targeted one another on N1? Possible I guess.

    Willby, at the end of D2 I asked if we can lynch Voth Vehicle flips town. You replied “obviously” or something like that. What happened to that? And now that there’s at least an 80% chance Voth is scum based on my results, and the fact that he’s aggressively advocated the lynching of both dead townies, you’re still not convinced?

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  • field
    Originally posted by Kassius View Post
    So there it is, I think scum team is Willby, Voth, Field, Scarlet. Anyone not on that list disagree? Exalt would appreciate your comments now Halp has full claimed.

    Alignment 'Prison' is opposite to alignment is 'prisoner', btw.

    The 3-pronged crusade against Halp isn't smart either. Willby, what on earth are you talking about with 'why investigate Voth n2', he lead the train on vehicle and then vehicle flipped Town. What more reason do you need to target him.

    Unvote Scarlet
    Voth Voth
    "Alignment 'Prison' is opposite to alignment is 'prisoner', btw."

    How would you know what the scum alignment is...?

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  • field
    Originally posted by WillBy View Post
    Here's what stood out to me

    unedited because forums suck and crashed when I tried.
    Zeebu third paragraph in the first post WillBy posted.

    Sorry I'm at work and don't have a lot of time to respond. I'll be going back and responding to anything I may have missed. Right now I just read and if something pops up I comment on.

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  • WillBy
    Originally posted by Kassius View Post

    Very lazy Willby. For the benefit of anyone else like Willby that doesn't bother to read posts:

    Btw, did you use an action last night? Yes - I have already posted this.
    I think you said you jailed scarlet?Just read the damn thread it's pretty much only 2 pages after phase change that this is covered
    Why did you choose scarlet and not Voth? I've already answered this.
    And did you say that your power randomly chose from remaining townies? I've never said this
    What's your take on it being jailing twice in a row? It isn't

    Misdirection, discreditation and now revisionism appears to the name of the game for scum this game, rather than scumhunt themselves.
    Do you really think saying "I already answered this" is a better response than just reposting the information? It's more work than saying yes or no, and fails to get the information back out there I play on mobile, it is difficult to go back and read old pages while typing a post. You gotta stop taking everything as an attack dude.

    If you are town, and the information you are providing is reliable, then you shouldnt be against having it out there.

    Oh and I did look back because you made me think I honestly misremembered. The CODE function is super shitty on mobile, so I honestly missed 90% of what you said there. It was the role description on mafia universe that said it was a random power. Yours is something different?

    Since it doesnt do any good buried a few pages ago- Kassius did jail scarlet. This is his explanation for there not being a night kill- scarlet's action failed. The rest of the questions are still kinda up in the air for me

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  • Kassius
    Originally posted by WillBy View Post

    I'm just curious and it doesnt really help me here, but... how would Voth sway you here? Is that even possible at this point, neglecting some new, super verified info?

    Btw, did you use an action last night? I think you said you jailed scarlet? Why did you choose scarlet and not Voth? And did you say that your power randomly chose from remaining townies? What's your take on it being jailing twice in a row?
    Very lazy Willby. For the benefit of anyone else like Willby that doesn't bother to read posts:

    Btw, did you use an action last night? Yes - I have already posted this.
    I think you said you jailed scarlet?Just read the damn thread it's pretty much only 2 pages after phase change that this is covered
    Why did you choose scarlet and not Voth? I've already answered this.
    And did you say that your power randomly chose from remaining townies? I've never said this
    What's your take on it being jailing twice in a row? It isn't

    Misdirection, discreditation and now revisionism appears to the name of the game for scum this game, rather than scumhunt themselves.

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  • WillBy
    Originally posted by Kassius View Post
    Yeah, being abusive isn't really going to help sway me here.
    I'm just curious and it doesnt really help me here, but... how would Voth sway you here? Is that even possible at this point, neglecting some new, super verified info?

    Btw, did you use an action last night? I think you said you jailed scarlet? Why did you choose scarlet and not Voth? And did you say that your power randomly chose from remaining townies? What's your take on it being jailing twice in a row?

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  • WillBy
    Originally posted by Kassius View Post
    So there it is, I think scum team is Willby, Voth, Field, Scarlet. Anyone not on that list disagree? Exalt would appreciate your comments now Halp has full claimed.

    Alignment 'Prison' is opposite to alignment is 'prisoner', btw.

    The 3-pronged crusade against Halp isn't smart either. Willby, what on earth are you talking about with 'why investigate Voth n2', he lead the train on vehicle and then vehicle flipped Town. What more reason do you need to target him.

    Unvote Scarlet
    Voth Voth
    Voth had claimed a role, and I wanted to know what halps plan was. By analyzing peoples thinking, and forcing them to analyze it themselves, at worst can catch a mafia member, and as best we can improve the level of play here. High Hope's I suppose.

    Do you understand what role Halp claimed? It doesnt give you crystal clear results. It just tells you if someone has "a gun", which includes investigative roles like the one Voth has claimed to have. The exact details of Voths role are still unclear, and Halp brings up a good point about his gun being "gone". I'm not sure quite how that resolves, and I'm definitely hoping for more information there. That is why I have been asking questions and trying to determine motivations.

    Speaking of motivations or a lack thereof, we have several players who arent exactly playing anymore. What are the odds, do you think, of one of them having a gun?

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  • WillBy
    Originally posted by Zeebu View Post

    This was directed to you, field
    Here's what stood out to me
    Originally posted by field View Post

    Kassius Is the underlined portion of the following statement "I received 'no clues' because she was locked up in solitary" an analysis by you, or the mod-given result of your action? In my experience as a player and host, the mod never expands on why you get the result you did. So, if you did got "no clues" then that should've been the end of it.

    For now at least, I'm willing to entertain your role claim and unvote: Kassius. Though I will note that a jailkeeper doesn't prevent all actions from failing -- only kills. Something's missing here.

    Voth wow why don't you write a book while you're at it? Don't you know that the more you talk the more scummy in Jessup's eyes you are? Unfortunately that post wasn't enough for me to form a read on Voth.

    Why does Exalt think a role that provides random results "could potentially" solve the game?
    "It may be possible for some roles to put themselves in solitary" -- That's a bold claim and it's too OP for town to have such possibility. I think it's bullshit. I don't think taking votes away from some (town) players balances making town players unkillable at night. Jailkeeper is more believable but need to explain why Kassius got "no clues" when a jailkeeper only blocks kills. Also, this is the second time I catch Exalt "making shit up" about what others have said or done.

    I think Vehicle is scum -- gut feeling I got after reading his post #438. WillBy is too easy a target to go after and the reasoning is a reach at best. WillBy has no control over what role he got so if he got an "anti-town role" as town it's not enough to lynch him, at the very least not for this role. He can abstain the rest of the game, rendering him a vanilla townie. Why do you want to lynch him for this and what evidence are you looking for, anyways? This is not to mention that we already have mod confirmation that WillBy was not lying about his role and action (could still be about alignment, but to me it's unlikely at this point).

    I agree with Scarlet that WillBy using his action and claiming so early is detrimental to town, but I'm not sure there's a better way to play that role. If WillBy comes out any other phase and shares that info, he'll get lynched. Who's going to believe him? It only gets worse as game progresses.

    I read m_leonard as scum on D1 because of a couple of posts he made, and I am now reading him as scum again on D2 because of this post:

    He's just repeating what others have said and pretending to contribute.
    Besides, all the questions he's asking make it seem like he believes WillBy's role, yet he thinks it's not town. What is it, scum role that potentially takes away votes from town? A bit OP don't you think? Scum losing a vote isn't as bad as town losing a vote. I'm going to vote: m_leonard
    Originally posted by field View Post
    Voth I haven't commented on your roleclaim and result on me because I've been sleeping. I believe you are the Librarian. Did you read the post I tagged you in? If not, go back and read. The post was prior to your roleclaim.

    On D1 I had a scum read on you despite a very town play, because it is not unlike you to pull that kind of play as scum. While I did not contribute the rest of D1, I made sure to read it and analyze it before submitting a night action. At beginning of D2, my view of you changed. Note the timeline I'm giving you and read my previous post.

    Exalt I posted my reasons for reading m_leo as scum. Most of note -- I caught him at best misconstruing what I and others have said and at worst deliberately lying about it. I will be very, very surprised if he flips town. I read you as town.
    unedited because forums suck and crashed when I tried.

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  • Kassius
    Yeah, being abusive isn't really going to help sway me here.

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  • Voth
    Originally posted by Kassius View Post
    So there it is, I think scum team is Willby, Voth, Field, Scarlet. Anyone not on that list disagree? Exalt would appreciate your comments now Halp has full claimed.

    Alignment 'Prison' is opposite to alignment is 'prisoner', btw.

    The 3-pronged crusade against Halp isn't smart either. Willby, what on earth are you talking about with 'why investigate Voth n2', he lead the train on vehicle and then vehicle flipped Town. What more reason do you need to target him.

    Unvote Scarlet
    Voth Voth
    You are a close second behind Jessup in terms of playing just brutal. If you're town, I can't even wrap my head around why you are so fucking stupid. But then, there's a pretty solid chance that you just aren't town.

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  • Zeebu
    Originally posted by Zeebu View Post

    do you mind quoting or linking to your initial crumb on this?
    This was directed to you, field

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  • Kassius
    So there it is, I think scum team is Willby, Voth, Field, Scarlet. Anyone not on that list disagree? Exalt would appreciate your comments now Halp has full claimed.

    Alignment 'Prison' is opposite to alignment is 'prisoner', btw.

    The 3-pronged crusade against Halp isn't smart either. Willby, what on earth are you talking about with 'why investigate Voth n2', he lead the train on vehicle and then vehicle flipped Town. What more reason do you need to target him.

    Unvote Scarlet
    Voth Voth

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  • kthx
    This phase will end tomorrow morning at around 11AM central. I will have a VC for you guys in a bit.

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