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Forum Mafia - Shawshank Redemption - Salvation lies within

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  • field
    Halp is lying about his investigation.

    Voth is 100% town.

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  • WillBy
    Guess what? I've got a vote this phase and so does everyone else, to my knowledge.

    So I've kind of forgotten what people have claimed, I'm hoping to do a brief recap, someone please correct me if I've got this wrong:

    WillBy- prison gambler
    Zeebu- Note passer
    voth- various powers, including an investigation
    jessup- doctor
    Kassius- wildcard
    exalt- pseudo-governor
    Halp- investigative role

    Information we have claimed that can be verified:
    Voth claims an innocent investigation on field
    Halp claims a guilty investigation on Voth

    Missing claims:
    A bunch of lurkers

    Does that about sum it up?

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  • Zeebu
    jessup could be on to something with that warden accusation

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  • Kassius
    Originally posted by Jessup View Post
    Halp filled in the blank though .. therefore a non full claim is good enough.. plus the threat of being mod killed makes every1 so damn tepod this game. I was almost modkilled for a one word name. Kassius was dancing around like a ballerina when claiming wildcard and trying to explain the actions results they got. You acting like its some big deal is silly to me and already threatening town to cause a mislynch? rofl.. makes no sense.
    Hah, if you saw the state of me, that analogy would be the last thing to come to mind. I'm basically Tormund Giantsbane, but with a bigger beard.

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  • Jessup
    Halp filled in the blank though .. therefore a non full claim is good enough.. plus the threat of being mod killed makes every1 so damn tepod this game. I was almost modkilled for a one word name. Kassius was dancing around like a ballerina when claiming wildcard and trying to explain the actions results they got. You acting like its some big deal is silly to me and already threatening town to cause a mislynch? rofl.. makes no sense.

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  • Exalt
    Originally posted by Jessup View Post

    what? you can check me out? please share Mr Governor
    I checked everyone last night, guess what?

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  • Exalt
    Originally posted by Jessup View Post
    So let's get this right exalt. You rather protect Voth who has trained on every townie lynched than believe a investigative role that comes back forcing that investigator to vote on voth after they did the investigating? Now as town governor you plan on stopping this lynch too? lol .. You sound like the damn scum WARDEN right now lol..:thumbsdown::shout::thumbsdown:
    What investigative role? Halp didn't claim one. He didnt claim anything. He just said he 'checked voth last night, guess what?' Yeah, great, that's meaningless. That's not a role. That's not real info. There's no reason whatsoever for a townie to not claim there with full results, not this bullshit Halp just pulled. That's scummy as fuck. It's a scum move to claim some kind of 'result'(guess what isnt one either) while refusing to claim a role of any kind to avoid a counterclaim. Common sense Jessup. Why would Halp refuse to do that? Has he done anything pro-town at any other part of this game? Also, once he posted that, all of a sudden lurkers like PF show up to vote with him. I'm calling bullshit.

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  • Jessup
    Originally posted by Exalt View Post

    Btw Jessup, I checked you last night. Guess what?
    what? you can check me out? please share Mr Governor

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  • Jessup
    So let's get this right exalt. You rather protect Voth who has trained on every townie lynched than believe a investigative role that comes back forcing that investigator to vote on voth after they did the investigating? Now as town governor you plan on stopping this lynch too? lol .. You sound like the damn scum WARDEN right now lol..:thumbsdown::shout::thumbsdown:

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  • Exalt
    Originally posted by Jessup View Post

    Are you dense? lol comeon exalt. stop strengthening my reason to suspect you as scum please Mr governor
    Btw Jessup, I checked you last night. Guess what?

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  • Exalt
    Originally posted by Jessup View Post

    Are you dense? lol comeon exalt. stop strengthening my reason to suspect you as scum please Mr governor
    I dont care what you do. I'll stop the lynch today if Halp doesnt give more info than that. I dont believe him.

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  • Exalt
    At this point, I'll legit stop a Voth lynch if Halp doesnt do something more than this. I dont care. Any moron can say 'I checked this person last night, guess what?' without giving any real info. Voth may be scum for all I know, but Halp can get fucked for being so dumb, as can everyone else for not holding this shit accountable. Otherwise, I'm going to claim an ambiguous investigation on anyone I want lynched in every game forever from now on, since nobody with a brain decided that evidence needs scrutiny. If you give some kind of night action results, you need to give the full info, not this half assed bullshit.

    By the way, I checked Halp last night. Guess what?

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  • Jessup
    Originally posted by Exalt View Post

    All you said was you visited Voth last night and 'guess what'. That's it. Sorry, but fuck off with that shit. Provide a real role like any decent player with common sense would, or get lynched. You've been overly combative while being 100% useless this entire game. Give something real or get fucked. The only one not grasping reality has been you. Who the fuck cares about post count when all of yours have been useless?

    Vote: Halp

    PartyFalcon has provided as much help to town as you have so far, and they havent posted at all. Fix it or don't, but dont expect me to give a fuck about your 'claim' when you're not even claiming anything to begin with.
    Well I investigated Voth last night, guess what?

    Vote Voth
    Are you dense? lol comeon exalt. stop strengthening my reason to suspect you as scum please Mr governor

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  • Exalt
    Originally posted by Halp View Post

    With all of your experience playing varsity level mafia, are you of the opinion that townies should immediately dismiss an investigative claim while simultaneously demanding a full reveal from the person providing it? Are you here because you got exiled from MU for being terrible at this game?

    I’ve provided info, believe it or don’t, I’m playing to my wincon and I’m not going to reveal all of the details of my role right now. If anyone here that isn’t scum thinks I have the balls/stupidity to fakeclaim this at the beginning of D3, then we honestly deserve to lose because you have lost touch with reality.
    All you said was you visited Voth last night and 'guess what'. That's it. Sorry, but fuck off with that shit. Provide a real role like any decent player with common sense would, or get lynched. You've been overly combative while being 100% useless this entire game. Give something real or get fucked. The only one not grasping reality has been you. Who the fuck cares about post count when all of yours have been useless?

    Vote: Halp

    PartyFalcon has provided as much help to town as you have so far, and they havent posted at all. Fix it or don't, but dont expect me to give a fuck about your 'claim' when you're not even claiming anything to begin with.

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  • Exalt
    This game still going on?

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