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Forum Mafia - Shawshank Redemption - Salvation lies within

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  • Originally posted by field View Post
    @WillBy: did you receive confirmation from the mod that zeebu is town aligned? (This is what the role zesbu linked does)

    @PartyFalcon: clearly Halp sent her a text message telling her to log on and vote voth, because he's gunna claim he has a guilty investigation on him. Hasn't bothered to log on since.

    I mentioned it before but, the note didnt necessarily confirm him town. All it said was that he was a prisoner. However, given the context and the role claim, he is 99% confirmed townie. (The 1% lingering doubt is just me not trusting you all. I wouldnt 100% trust a cop who had guilty investigation confirmed via lynch. Zeebu is definitely town).


    • PartyFalcon Voth WillBy Zeebu Beast m_leonhard

      ​​​​​​​I need you to tell me who you targeted last night and whether your action succeeded (i.e. did what it was supposed to do) or failed (i.e. did not do what it was supposed to do).
      Trench Wars Player

      “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” ― Oscar Wilde


      • so i'm planning to go to norway by the end of the year, and go learn how to be a guard and get polar bear survival training, going to be so awesome!
        2018 TWDT Champion 2019 TWLD Final 4 2019 TWDTJ Semi finalist 2019 2x TWDTD Finalist 2020 TW Forum Mafia Game champion


        • I abstained. Probably going to use my action next phase. There are some people in this town who dont deserve a vote.


          • Originally posted by Beast View Post
            so i'm planning to go to norway by the end of the year, and go learn how to be a guard and get polar bear survival training, going to be so awesome!
            Don't get eaten, I hear they're more aggressive than grizzlies.

            That aside, who did you use your action on last night and didn't succeed or fail? I don't need to know what your action was, just whether you used it.

            Also, do you agree halp is scum?
            Trench Wars Player

            “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” ― Oscar Wilde


            • Did it* not didn't
              Trench Wars Player

              “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” ― Oscar Wilde


              • Originally posted by WillBy View Post

                I mentioned it before but, the note didnt necessarily confirm him town. All it said was that he was a prisoner. However, given the context and the role claim, he is 99% confirmed townie. (The 1% lingering doubt is just me not trusting you all. I wouldnt 100% trust a cop who had guilty investigation confirmed via lynch. Zeebu is definitely town).
                Yeah his role is probably a variation of the one he linked.

                It's funny this game is about to boil down to entirety of scum team voting for a single person just because they managed to utilize Jessup's hate for voth to their benefit. They don't even need to try.
                Trench Wars Player

                “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” ― Oscar Wilde


                • Anyone wants to bet m_leonhard is gunna log on and vote voth?
                  Trench Wars Player

                  “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” ― Oscar Wilde


                  • it was unsuccessful, i'll try again tonight and see if it works, who should I target?
                    2018 TWDT Champion 2019 TWLD Final 4 2019 TWDTJ Semi finalist 2019 2x TWDTD Finalist 2020 TW Forum Mafia Game champion


                    • Originally posted by Beast View Post
                      it was unsuccessful, i'll try again tonight and see if it works, who should I target?
                      Who did you target?
                      Trench Wars Player

                      “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” ― Oscar Wilde


                      • I would literally rather get lynched than argue with no-logic Field, dude you’re so wrong on so many levels I can’t even begin. If you’re town you should be fucking embarrassed. I haven’t talked to PF since Tuesday. I told her kthx was talking about modkilling ppl. If I were scum I wouldn’t exploit my friend’s inactivity to get a free vote. That’s fucking insulting.

                        I don’t know for certain that Voth is scum, but I remember when mafia best practice was to lynch the person most likely to be scum, and right now it’s Voth. This isn’t just a hunch. Voth is playing the exact same scum game he always plays, throwing shade at everyone who questions him, leading Townie lynches then saying “whoops”, and that is why I chose to investigate him. Now I’ve revealed my role and actions and you all can do what you want with that information. I’m not a stupid player and I didn’t need to claim anything at all, but I’m STILL being called a useless lurker and being painted scum for it by the same people who have no legitimate reason to suspect I’m anything but town, and have been saying the same shit since D1. So yes, I am getting scum reads off of those people, because I’ve literally been defending myself for a fucking week. If I were going to fakeclaim I could do a lot better than this, and it wouldn’t be at the beginning of a day phase. Why am I the “lurker” but Zeebu is cool? He’s active? Useful? He’s literally posted 10 times and at least twice this game said that he “doesn’t care anymore”, but I’m a useless lurker? And Beast is on nobodies radar but mine? What in the actual fuck is going on. It’s hard not to think this is a scum plot.

                        Maybe Voth is town, but mathematically he is more likely scum than not based on several factors.

                        Field if you were town, I don’t think you would be this narrow minded. You are clearly foregoing all reasonable thought and being guided purely by confirmation bias, or you’re scum. If you are town, take a step back and consider how my claim could possibly benefit me or my team if I’m scum and I get Voth lynched. If I know he’s town, then I also know this is a short sided gambit and I get lynched next day phase. Do I have a reputation for being stupid?


                        • I don't expect the halp case to go anywhere because that would require halp to actually understand the concept that townies have more than one person that they think is scum at a given time. Other than not dropping exalt's case on beast, I don't think he has anything going on other than the Voth fakeclaim drama.
                          Halp can you give a definitive summary of your case against beast? Is there something I've missed that you can say about beast that you can't say about e.g. PartyFalcon?
                          It's really annoying to see kassius act like such a moron, because he is a moron and I can't infer that he's scum from it. Why did we have to go from posts like #861 to the shit in #934?
                          Originally posted by Kassius View Post
                          Why did you choose scarlet and not Voth? I've already answered this.
                          You actually never did. You said I was your top scumpick, so you targeted me with a power which out of the claimed night actions in the game at that time would have been one of (jail/abduction, protect, vote gamble, good neighbor), and now that there's no scumkill, you're claiming that I was blocked. This narrative is convenient as fuck, but why were you targeting me with a (RNG) protect in the first place? Didn't you say you thought I was scum?
                          Jessup If you can self-target, why did you target nobody N1 and not yourself?


                          • I targeted you scarlet because it makes no sense to target people I believe are town aligned when I could potentially kill them with the godfather action. It makes much more sense to investigate/block/jail/kill or whatever I roll my suspects rather than people I think are town in my view.

                            I explained I targeted you as my top scum read after Willby. I believed me targeting Willby would be seen as obvious, and didn't take this action as a result, as scum would then not use Willby to carry out an important night action, like a kill.

                            As an aside, I think the inactivity of 2 keys players are unfortunately going to decide this game. PartyFalcon m_leonhard where you guys at?


                            • I can't be swayed from Voth sadly. I'd seriously tried to allow Voth EVERY benefit I could this game but literally from Day 1 onwards Voth has been my biggest scum read. Slaying all our townies for awful reasons, making no sense, deflection and insults. It is a TERRIBLE town environment honestly he makes even if he is a townie but.. he isn't in ALL probability I can reason with. It is super unpleasant lol. I dunno what is going on in this game though. We got some really weird claims.

                              Gambler (5-/50 vote stripper willby)
                              Wildcard (random powergrabber who got jail 2 times in a row/kassius)
                              Librarian (1shot cop/1shot solitary confinement maker who has a gun/voth..insults everyone besides scarlet, field exalt, willby and zeebu)
                              Doctor (none of this weird crap and straight forward/jessup)
                              Governor (who can STOP day Votes/Exalt..threatens to stop lynch on voth today)
                              1 shot prison briber (says voth is librarian/field)
                              friend neighbor 2 shot (1 note to willby/zeebu)
                              Gunsmith (1 shot gun gifter/x shit gun checker (voth has a gun)
                              Beast Lurker (unknown but sends out special code about guard training and polar bears in Norway who field then responds back to in return code mentioning grizzly bears..???)
                              M_Leo lurker 0 help/unclaimed
                              PF Lurker who believe halp initially when checking voth and guess what vote voth is said/unclaimed
                              Scarlet/ unclaimed been hanging with voth who started as mortal enemy and suddenly they got on same side/unclaimed ..also hangs with exalt and field

                              Jessups current thinking who is scum.

                              Exalt (Warden Scum)
                              Voth Goon Scum)
                              Field (Goon Scum)
                              Scarlet (Goon)
                              Beast (Mafia Traitor after that jailor/polar bear comment and field responds with grizzly bear)???

                              This game is frustrating though because Town really should be less combative to gain trust. I dislike how field and voth have been playing going after lurkers and killing town and so much dumb stuff is being spewed.. it just seems word diarrhea. Exalt has been involved and so has scarlet.

                              Rambling I know but I just woke up.

                              TWDT-J CHAMPION POWER 2018
                              TWDT-B CHAMPION POWER 2018
                              TWDT TRIPLE CROWN MEMBER POWER 2018
                              TSL TRIPLE CROWN FINALIST 2018
                              TSLD CHAMPION 2018
                              TSLB CHAMPION 2018


                              • Current Vote Count-

                                Voth - 4 (Halp, PF, Kass, Jessup)

                                Halp - 4 (Field, Exalt, Willby, Voth)

                                M_Leo - 1 (Scarlet)

                                No Vote- beast, m_leo, zeebu
                                TWDT-J CHAMPION POWER 2018
                                TWDT-B CHAMPION POWER 2018
                                TWDT TRIPLE CROWN MEMBER POWER 2018
                                TSL TRIPLE CROWN FINALIST 2018
                                TSLD CHAMPION 2018
                                TSLB CHAMPION 2018

